The Nature of Lisp
Adapted from
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“Unfortunately, nobody can
be told what the matrix is. You
have to see it for yourself.”
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XML Reloaded
Clean the house.
Wash the dishes.
Buy more soap.
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XML = Tree structure
• need a graphic
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What else is a tree?
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Source code is a tree
int add(int arg1, int arg2)
return arg1 + arg2;
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This is universal
• We can do this with any language!
• Source code -> XML -> other source code
• Ruby -> XML -> Javascript?!
• Ever heard of emscripten?
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So what?
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Code = Data
• If code is data, does that also mean data is
• Head ‘splode
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Why XML?
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Why XML?
• FAR more flexible than writing java (or Ruby, or
pick a language)
• How would we represent that “copy” task in
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XML -> Java
CopyTask copy = new CopyTask();
Fileset fileset = new Fileset();
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Extending Ant
• Add a Java class, and then your XML can
include that Element type
• Ant really just matches Element tag names in
XML with Java classes, and executes what it
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Interesting Question
• Can we extend Ant in Ant?
• Consider a general purpose “Task” Element
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Improving upon XML
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• Another format for arbitrary hierarchical data
• Less verbose than XML
• Much better suited to typing source code
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Copy revisited
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Copy revisited
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Back to s-expressions
(todir "../new/dir")
(fileset (dir "src_dir")))
Prefix Notation
• In Java, Ruby and every other languages,
functions are invoked like this:
• add(1,2)
• add(1,multiply(2,3))
• In Lisp, functions are invoked using prefix
notation, like this:
• (add 1 (multiply 2 3))
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• Name used to access a variable
• Like identifiers in other languages, except more liberal: not limited to
alphanumeric + underscore
• Examples:
• +
• =
• hello-world
• *
• currentCity
• You can assign symbols to any data type
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Symbols (Examples)
• (set test 5)
• (set = 5)
• (set test “hello”)
• (set * “hello”)
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• Just like any other data type, like an integer,
string, or symbol
• Doesn’t have the notion of a name, like in other
• You give a function a name by assigning it to a
symbol, just like an integer or string
• There is a special function for building functions. It
is appropriately called fn.
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• (fn (a) (* a 2))
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• (fn (a) (* a 2))
• (set times-two (fn (a) (* a 2)))
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• (fn (a) (* a 2))
• (set times-two (fn (a) (* a 2)))
• (times-two 2) ; evaluates to 4
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• Pieces of XML written in s-expression form
• Surrounded by parenthesis, separated by
spaces, contains lisp data types
How Lisp Works
• First element of the list is treated as a function
• the rest of the elements are treated as
• If one of the elements is another list, it is
executed in exactly the same manner and the
result is passed to the original function
• That’s it.
Lists as data
• (set test ‘(1 2)) ; correct
• (set test (1 2)) ; error
• (set test ‘(* 3 4)) ; correct
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More Lisp
• head returns the first element in a list
• (head ‘(* 3 4)) ; returns * symbol
• tail returns the rest of the list
• (tail ‘(* 3 4)) ; returns (3 4)
• (head (tail ‘(* 3 4))) ; ????
• (set test ‘(1 2 3))
• (head test) ; ?????
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Lisp Macros
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Remember our todo list?
Clean the house.
Wash the dishes.
Buy more soap.
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Remember our todo list?
(todo "housework"
(item (priority high) "Clean the house.")
(item (priority medium) "Wash the dishes.")
(item (priority medium) "Buy more soap."))
A macro is the same as a
function, except its
arguments are not evaluated.
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(macro-name (+ 4 5))
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Uh, what?
• Macros are little bits of code that generate code (using list
• We could create macros to-do and item that replace our data
with whatever code we like
• for instance, code that displays the item to the user
• The benefit: we don’t have to walk the list!
• The compiler will do it for us, invoking the appropriate macros.
• All we need to do is create the macros that convert the data to
appropriate code
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An Example Macro
(defmacro triple (x)
'(+ ~x ~x ~x))
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Every time (triple 4) is
encountered in the code, it will
be replaced with (+ 4 4 4)
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Back to our todo list
(todo "housework"
(item (priority high) "Clean the house.")
(item (priority medium) "Wash the dishes.")
(item (priority medium) "Buy more soap."))