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Why Developers Quit Jeff Casimir / @j3 /
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Great Teams are Built Jeff Casimir / @j3 /
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Developing Mastery Jeff Casimir / @j3 /
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Just Be Fucking Awesome Jeff Casimir / @j3 /
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Take a Moment
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The Long Game
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Most valuable asset?
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Is it thename?
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Is it theproduct?
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Is it thecustomers?
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Delete them all.
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It’s the people.
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Why be a one hit wonder?
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Developer Happiness
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Why do you have a beer fridge?
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Why churn out t-shirts?
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Abraham Maslow
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Physiological Safety
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Physiological Safety Belonging
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Physiological Safety Belonging Esteem
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Physiological Safety Belonging Esteem Self Actualization
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Food, Beer, Couches Physiological
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Food, Beer, Couches Great Paychecks Safety
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Food, Beer, Couches Great Paychecks T-Shirts Belonging
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? Food, Beer, Couches Great Paychecks T-Shirts ? Esteem Actualization
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Building Esteem
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Esteem is built backwards.
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How do you reflect?
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Continual improvement does not mean only focusing on the problems.
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Esteem dies
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Esteem dies fromfocusing on blame.
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Esteem dies fromweak management.
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Esteem dies from assholes.
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Esteem thrives
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Esteem thrives in communities.
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Esteem thrives in celebration.
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Esteem comes from shipping.
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Make sure there aren’t bugs/issues before going to production. code reviews Explore the story of code.
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Developers do what they’re good at. cross-pollination Collaboration is promiscuous.
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Figure out what went wrong so it doesn’t happen again. retrospectives Amplify what went right.
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Who do you want to be when you grow up?
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Dreams versus goals
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You need a trajectory.
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Becoming a Developer
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I loved video games.
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I really loved hardware.
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I knew hardware was made by nerds like me.
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If they could do it, I could do it.
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Step one of becoming the person I wanted to be.
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• Ignition • Deep Practice • Master Coaching
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What’s possible
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Someone you can identify with
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Someone you can aspire to become
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This is why diverse voices matter.
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Ignition is about belief
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Imitate then innovate
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Deep Practice
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“Five Years Experience”
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Deep practice is not busy.
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Deep practice is not hard.
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Deep practice is difficult.
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Deep practice pushes limits.
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You tell your friends about it.
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Deep practice builds scar tissue.
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Your day-to-day is not difficult.
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• Algorithms • Data Structures • User Experience • Performance Optimization • Code Under Constraint
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• Code Katas • Refactoring • Open Source • New Languages • Teaching / Mentoring
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Deep practice needs constant feedback.
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Getting Feedback
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The computer gives unrelenting feedback.
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Your career is built on luck & error messages.
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That’s not predictable.
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That’s not sustainable.
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That’s not enough.
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Sustained growth necessitates master coaching.
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Master Coaching I: Feedback
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75% Instructive
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Feedback is purposeful.
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Your variables are poorly named. specific Your variables should be snake_cased.
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The ad needs more “pop”. measurable The ad needs to be readable at 1000 feet when printed 12’x12’.
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This class mixes multiple concerns. actionable Responsibilities need to be extracted into child classes.
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Your Backbone app is slow. Rewrite it with Angular. realistic Your app is slow. Add monitoring to find out why.
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The app you wrote last year is bogging down in production. timely Your latest feature is slowing down in CI.
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• Specific • Measurable • Actionable • Realistic • Timely
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Master Coaching II: Guidance
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What ideals do you strive for?
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Ideals can never be fully achieved.
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I keep all lines of code shorter than 80 characters. ideals Code is read more than written, so I value readability over cleverness.
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Exemplars help measure progress.
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Code should be well written. exemplars Well written code stays under 80 columns per line.
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Ideals set your direction, Exemplars show growth.
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Coaches help turn ideals into action plans.
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You want to become
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• JavaScript • Evented Programming • Documentation • Taking Criticism • Extreme Running
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A coach helps define ideals, and a pathway of exemplars.
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Feedback corrects course.
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Growth plans change, the goal remains.
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Master Coach
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You need a dedicated coach.
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You need a
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A person whose only responsibility is making you better.
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• Empathy • Expertise • Experience • Organization • Passion
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Great coaching builds dynasties.
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This is your whole life.
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Just Be Fucking Awesome Jeff Casimir / @j3 / Jumpstart Lab Ignition Practice Coaching
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And one more thing...
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“The best junior developer I’ve ever interviewed.”
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Just Be Fucking Awesome Jeff Casimir / @j3 / Ignition Practice Coaching
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