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Network Voyager As Easy as Web Surfing The IpsilonTM Network Voyager from Ipsilon Networks makes network man- agement as easy as surfing the Web. Using graphical displays, hyperlinked text and icons, contextual help, and point-and-click technology, the Network Voyager’s Web-based interface provides easy-to-navigate, easy-to-understand access, configuration, and control to IP Switched networks. Instead of tedious command-line interfaces, the Network Voyager lets network managers config- ure devices through intuitive, user-friendly forms. Managers can check device status, monitor switched IP traffic, troubleshoot the network with the guidance of the Ipsilon Technical Assistance Center, or consult the user documentation for any Ipsilon product—all with a simple mouse click. Ubiquitous Network Control The Ipsilon Network Voyager derives both its power and its simplicity from today’s most widely available graphical user interface, the Web browser. Every IP Switch and IP Switch Gateway incorporates a Web server. Using the Network Voyager, network managers can control and monitor the IP Switched network from any host equipped with Netscape or a similar Web browser—no specialized management consoles are required. Managers can choose local intranet access or remote Internet access depending on the firewall require- ments of their network. Point-and-Click Network Navigation Network Voyager’s dynamic interface provides point-and-click access to every device on the IP Switch network. Using the Voyager’s graphical capability, managers can create custom maps showing a system-wide view of all IP Switches, IP Switch Gateways, and active data routes. Hot links dynamically connect mapped devices to their appropriate configuration, monitoring, and documentation sites. To simplify network navigation, easy-to-access buttons move users hop-by-hop among neighboring devices. Key Attributes * Graphical, Easy-to- Understand Web-Based Interface * Comprehensive IP Switch Network Configuration, Monitoring, and Management * Ubiquitous Control, No Specialized Management Consoles Needed * Point-and-Click Device Access * Context-Sensitive Help at your Fingertips * Technical Support Just a Click Away * Complementary to SNMP Management Tools Web browser- based management software for IP Switched networks.

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At the device level, the Watchman Node Monitor provides graphical navigation of IP Switch and IP Switch Gateway ports. By clicking on a port of interest, managers can zoom in to check current port configuration parameters and status. Port statistics include input and output errors, collisions, and discards at the byte, packet, multicast packet, and cell levels. An event log keeps track of overall device activity. Dynamic Access to Information and Support Hot links to Ipsilon product documentation add context-sensitive help to the Network Voyager management interface. By simply clicking on a particular configuration parameter or monitoring statistic, users can call up the relevant product documentation on that topic. Casual readers can locate the entire documentation suite from the Ipsilon Network Voyager home page. The Network Voyager also provides dynamic access to Ipsilon’s Technical Assistance Center. There users can check application and release notes, consult Ipsilon’s online troubleshooting guide, chat with Ipsilon service engineers, file a trouble report, and download software updates. Complementary to SNMP Management Tools All Ipsilon products integrate naturally into the network views provided by SNMP-compatible platforms, including HP OpenView®, SunNet™ Manager, IBM NetView® 6000, Microsoft Windows™ and Windows NT. Using plug-in Ipsilon management modules, network managers can launch the Network Voyager Web interface directly from SNMP platforms and gain access to the configuration, status, and diagnostic informa- tion for any Ipsilon device. IPSILON NETWORK VOYAGER SPECIFICAT I O N S Top-Level Dynamic Links Configuration Tool Watchman Node Monitor Ipsilon Technical Assistance Center Ipsilon product documentation Configuration Capabilities IP addresses and subnet masks Routing protocols per port Global routing parameters Static and aggregate routes DVMRP Tunnels Monitoring Capabilities Physical view Port-by-port configuration and status Cell and packet counts—input, output, and discarded per port IP Switch Network map Security Password protection System Requirements Client Browser Netscape Navigator 1.1 or later recommended RAM 16 MB Monitor Color recommended © Ipsilon Networks 1996. Ipsilon is a trademark of Ipsilon Networks, Inc. 3/96 Ipsilon Networks Inc. 2191 East Bayshore Road, Suite 100 Palo Alto, California 94303 tel_415.846.4600 fax_415.855.1414