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High performance HTAP with Postgres & Hyperscale (Citus) Claire Giordano Principal PM Manager, Postgres team at Microsoft | Marco Slot Principal Engineer & Lead, Citus open source project @clairegiordano / @marcoslot @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Agenda for today’s Interview with Marco Slot Postgres database Citus open source extension to Postgres What is HTAP, followed by Demo Interview throughout & Q&A at the end @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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What will you take away from this talk?

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#1 – What an HTAP database is

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#1 – What an HTAP database is #2 – Why Hyperscale (Citus) is so good for HTAP

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Claire Giordano at FOSDEM 2020

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Marco Slot

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Postgres team at Microsoft

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Back in the beginning of 2019… @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Microsoft Azure Welcomes PostgreSQL Committers

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Marco during COVID quarantine

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Based in the Netherlands

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Citus open source team, some of Amsterdam crew

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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam— Masters degree in Distributed Systems source: Facebook, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. a.352972296481/10156489650536482/

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Trinity College Dublin

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ARE YOU READY TO SCALE OUT POSTGRES? BUT DON’T HAVE A PHD IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS? Is your Django/Rails/Spring app using Postgres? Re-architecting database infrastructure to support growth can be painful. Which is why we created a database that extends Postgres and enables you to scale out—while continuing to use your familiar SQL toolset and leverage your existing Postgres expertise. Is your Postgres database bigger than 50 GB+? Many SaaS apps outgrow a single-node database at 50 GB, 100 GB, or 500 GB. At some point, single-node Postgres may no longer give you the performance you need. So we designed a Postgres database that scales out. analytics for billions of events? f events per day tell us the es, and

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Source: GitHub. citusdata/citus repo. Jan 31, 2016 – May 8, 2020.

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Postgres is more popular than ever 30 years of data integrity & robustness built in Ranked 2017 & 2018 DBMS of the Year by DB-Engines One of most loved & wanted databases in Stack Overflow 2019 Developer Survey

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One of world’s most popular extensions to Postgres— PostGIS. Yes, for geospatial use cases.

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We are still dining out on the radical design decision by Michael Stonebraker in the design of Postgres—to have run-time extensions.” —Paul Ramsey, PGConfEU 2018 “

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Citus extension to Postgres

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Not a fork

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Citus transforms Postgres into a distributed database

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Distributing your data & your queries

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Parallelism, and All the cpu cores, memory, & disk of database cluster

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Hyperscale (Citus) now available as part of Azure Database for PostgreSQL

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Drumroll please…… Welcome Marco Slot

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Why do you think Postgres is so popular among developers? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Postgres is there for you at every stage of your application lifecycle.” —Marco Slot “

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Download Linux MacOS Windows FreeBSD

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Download Tooling

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Download Experiment Tooling

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Download Production Experiment Tooling

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Download Production Scale Experiment Tooling

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Partitioning Partial indexes Scaling out with Hyperscale (Citus)

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Download Production Scale Experiment Tooling

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How does the Citus extension to Postgres work? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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APPLICATION COORDINATOR NODE WORKER NODES W1 W2 W3 … Wn A Citus cluster consists of multiple PostgreSQL servers with the Citus extension.

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SELECT create_distributed_table( 'table_name', 'distribution_column'); @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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APPLICATION CREATE TABLE campaigns (…); SELECT create_distributed_table( 'campaigns','company_id'); METADATA COORDINATOR NODE WORKER NODES W1 W2 W3 … Wn CREATE TABLE campaigns_102 CREATE TABLE campaigns_105 CREATE TABLE campaigns_101 CREATE TABLE campaigns_104 CREATE TABLE campaigns_103 CREATE TABLE campaigns_106 How Citus distributes tables across the database cluster

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APPLICATION SELECT FROM GROUP BY company_id, avg(spend) AS avg_campaign_spend campaigns company_id; METADATA COORDINATOR NODE WORKER NODES W1 W2 W3 … Wn SELECT company_id sum(spend), count(spend) … FROM campaigns_2009 … SELECT company_id sum(spend), count(spend) … FROM campaigns_2001 … SELECT company_id sum(spend), count(spend) … FROM campaigns_2017 … How Citus distributes queries across the database cluster

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• JSONB • Joins • Functions • Constraints • Indexes: B-tree, GIN, BRIN, & GiST • Partial Indexes • Other extensions • PostGIS • Rich datatypes • Foreign data wrappers • Window functions • CTEs • Full text search • pg_stat_statements All the functions of Postgres available to Citus cluster

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How Citus handles transactions in a multi-node cluster BEGIN; UPDATE SET WHERE COMMIT; campaigns start_date = '2018-03-17' company_id = 'Pat Co'; METADATA W1 W2 W3 … Wn BEGIN; UPDATE Campaigns_2012 SET …; COMMIT; APPLICATION COORDINATOR NODE WORKER NODES

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What does HTAP stand for? Why are we even talking about HTAP databases today? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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OLTP = Online Transactional Processing @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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OLAP = Online Analytical Processing @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Data sources Storage Transactional database Batch processing Queue Stream processing Analytical data store Cache Analytics and reporting

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Headaches managing separate databases Operational costs (!!!) Glue code Lag between events & analytics Updates & deletes @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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The promise of HTAP is that there is finally a database that can do both transactions & analytics—at scale.” —Marco Slot “

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Can you tell us a bit about what you will demo today? What’s the anatomy of the demo? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Order Processing System for Warehouses

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What you will see in today’s HTAP database demo All running on Azure Side-by-side performance compare: Hyperscale (Citus) vs. single node Millisecond analytics queries with rollups Retail: Order processing system for warehouses (using HammerDB)

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What you will see in today’s HTAP database demo All running on Azure Side-by-side performance compare: Hyperscale (Citus) vs. single node Millisecond analytics queries with rollups Retail: Order processing system for warehouses (using HammerDB)

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A bit about HammerDB (it’s NOT a database)

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What you will see in today’s HTAP database demo All running on Azure Side-by-side performance compare: Hyperscale (Citus) vs. single node Millisecond analytics queries with rollups Retail: Order processing system for warehouses (using HammerDB)

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What you will see in today’s HTAP database demo All running on Azure Side-by-side performance compare: Hyperscale (Citus) vs. single node Millisecond analytics queries with rollups Retail: Order processing system for warehouses (using HammerDB)

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What you will see in today’s HTAP database demo All running on Azure Side-by-side performance compare: Hyperscale (Citus) vs. single node Millisecond analytics queries with rollups Retail: Order processing system for warehouses (using HammerDB)

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What you will see in today’s HTAP database demo All running on Azure Side-by-side performance compare: Hyperscale (Citus) v. single node Millisecond analytics queries with rollups Retail: Order processing system for warehouses (using HammerDB)

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Demo: HTAP Database with Hyperscale (Citus) Marco Slot @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Will all apps see the performance increase you just showed us? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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It’s important to find a good distribution column, something that is common to all large tables SELECT create_distributed_table( 'table_name', 'distribution_column'); @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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At the end of the demo, you called Citus an “almost anything” database. What did you mean? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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As an extensible, relational database, Postgres is capable of so many things on a single server…

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By transforming Postgres into a distributed database, Hyperscale (Citus) makes Postgres capable of almost anything

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How best to get started with Hyperscale (Citus)? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Download Citus open source packages

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Multi-tenant (SaaS) tutorial

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Tutorial: Real-time analytics dashboard

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Do you have a favorite blog post? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Architecting petabyte-scale analytics by scaling out Postgres on Azure with the Citus extension

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@clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata Petabyte-scale service architecture used by Windows

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Min Wei, Principal Engineer at Microsoft Distributed PostgreSQL is a game changer." source:

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Please don’t forget the Citus newsletter @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Citus Newsletter

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So what should we take away from your HTAP demo? @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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HTAP database H·tap da·ta·base /eɪtʃ tæp ˈdeɪtəˌbeɪs/ noun 1. A database that can handle both transactions and analytics— at scale—obviating the need to manage and use multiple platforms to handle different aspects of your application. 2. A database that saves you time, reduces operational costs, and gets rid of many headaches. @clairegiordano / @marcoslot / @azuredbpostgres / @citusdata

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Hyperscale (Citus) enables you to parallelize both your queries and your transactions across a cluster, while still keeping all the powerful Postgres features and rich ecosystem.

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© Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. thank you merci grazie ध"यवाद ευχαριστώ gracias ధన#$ా&'ల) 谢谢 dank u merci danke schön thank you ευχαριστώ grazie gracias tack teşekkür ederim Claire Giordano & @clairegiordano @AzureDBPostgres @marcoslot @citusdata Marco Slot

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Any questions?