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Spring Data Couchbase - a Coming of Age - Simon Baslé @simonbasle

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No content

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Who Knows Couchbase? or memcached maybe?

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Who Knows Spring Data? just joking :)

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A Bit Of History

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No content

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Query Derivation

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but also more Crafted queries

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Spring I/O 2016 DEMO

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GeoSpatial Views

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GeoSpatial Views

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Multi Dimensional Views 2D and above

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Spring I/O 2016 DEMO

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Spring Boot integration 1.3 1.4.0

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Spring Boot integration 1.3 1.4.0

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Spring I/O 2016 DEMO

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but also Spring Cache

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"Geocaching" but also Spring Cache

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* haha * but also Spring Cache "Geocaching"

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but also Spring Cache

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Spring I/O 2016 DEMO

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access the raw SDK

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eg. Subdocument API Document Sub Document

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Spring I/O 2016 DEMO

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an Open Source story

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an Open Source story "sharing is caring" The gift of PR

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You Can Contribute Too!

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THANK YOU! Spring Data Couchbase - a Coming of Age - Simon Baslé @simonbasle

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Raised Hand - CC-By - USDA ( Children Raising Hands - CC-By - S Watanabe ( Old Books - CC-By-SA - Tom Murphy VII ( Searching - CC-By-SA - Edith Soto ( Factory Line - CC-By-SA - Roger W ( Clocksmith - CC-By - Jukka Kervinen ( Earth at Night - CC-By - Michael Coté ( Earth from Space - CC-By-NC - NASA ( Two Pairs of Boots - CC-By-SA - Pavel Ševela ( File:Two_pairs_of_rubber_boots.jpg) Geocaching - CC-By - Travis Wise ( Raw Steak - CC-By - Naotake Murayama ( Clockwork - CC-By - NatiousW ( OpenSource Penguin - CC-By-SA - Scott Ellis ( Uncle Sam - Public Domain - US Gov. End Credits