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Opening Ceremony @ Tokyo

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຋༁ - Translation Mautic is used all over the globe. It’s because of partners all over the world who believe in what we’re trying to accomplish. Do you speak English and your native language? Your country’s businesses are depending on you to open them up to a whole new world of connecting with their customers. • Skill: Translating Mautic codebase: 1,000 points • • Skill: Translating Mautic website: 1,000 points • Menus • All Pages • *Excluding Blog Posts • Skill: Translating Mautic blog articles: 50 points/article

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։ൃ/ίʔσΟϯά - Development/Coding Do you speak in 1’s and 0’s? Do you know more about pull requests and databases than you do about relationships? Put your knowledge to work as we seek the best of the best to develop more powerful integrations, functions and features. • Skill: Writing Code • 250-1,000 points/issue • Skill: Testing functionality • 50-100 points/test • Skill: Integration Development • 1,000 points

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ΨΠμϯε/αϙʔτ - Guidance/Support Everyone knows that no person is an island. It takes a team to be successful. Are you a seasoned digital marketer? Have you thought about sharing your experience with the next generation? • Skill: Troubleshooting & idea generation: 25 points/answer • Slack – must be acknowledged by asker as answer to challenge • Forums – must be acknowledged by asker as answer to challenge • Skill: Support articles: 500 points • Skill: How-To videos: 500 points

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γΣΞ - Sharing This isn’t as easy as it seems. We’re not talking about tweets pointing your followers to (although we would appreciate it). Do you have a large following? Bonus points. What do you share? We’re talking about blog posts and videos, real marketing. • Skill: Social media sharing (@Mautic mention): 10 points • Skill: Hosting a new Mautic meetup (setup on 500 points • Skill: Marketing articles: 500 points • Skill: Marketing videos: 500 points

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σβΠϯ - Designing Marketing without design is like peanut butter without the jelly. Do you have what it takes to design the most engaging email or landing page? Put your skills to the test and let’s see if your designs meet the challenge. • Skill: Email & landing page design: 500-1,000 points • Skill: Infographic: 500 points • Skill: Promotional Pieces: 100-500 points

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຋༁΁ͷࢀՃํ๏ • Transifex ্ͷ Mautic ϓϩδΣΫτʹࢀՃ

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No content

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஫ҙ • %foo% ͷΑ͏ʹ % ه߸Ͱғ·Εͨ෦෼͸ɺϓϩάϥ ϜͰࠩ͠ସ͑ΔͷͰ຋༁͠ͳ͍ • %added% addons were added, %updated% updated, and %disabled% disabled.
 %added% ΞυΦϯͷ௥Ճɺ %updated% ͷΞοϓσ ʔτɺ %disabled% ͷແޮԽΛߦ͍·ͨ͠ɻ

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ΑΓΫΦϦςΟͷߴ͍຋༁ͷͨΊʹ • ϚΠΫϩιϑτελΠϧΨΠυ • JTCA ֎དྷޠʢΧλΧφʣදهΨΠυϥΠϯ • WordPress ຋༁ΨΠυϥΠϯ %BB%E8%A8%B3/%E7%BF%BB %E8%A8%B3%E3%82%AC %E3%82%A4%E3%83%89%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3% 83%B3

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υΩϡϝϯτͷ຋༁ • GitBook ݪߘ͸ GitHub ্ʹ • ϓϧϦΫΤετͰߩݙ

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Symphony • Symfony2.8ϕʔεͷιϑτ΢ΣΞ • Symfony ͷ஌ࣝ͸΄΅ͦͷ··࢖͑Δ

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։ൃϞʔυ • index_dev.phpʹΞΫηεɻσόοάόʔ͕࢖͑Δ ը໘ͷະ຋༁΋͙͢Θ͔Δ

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ϓϥάΠϯ • ≒ Symfony Bundle • υΩϡϝϯτʹৄ͘͠ղઆ͋Γ

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ςʔϚ • Twig ςϯϓϨʔτΤϯδϯΛ࢖༻ • εϩοτͷఆٛΛຒΊࠐΉ • text, image, button ͷ̏छྨ
@JaneDoe has invited you to join Awesome inc!

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جຊతͳςʔϚͷߏ੒ themes/blank/ - - - config.json - - - thumbnail.png - - - html/ - - - - - - base.html.twig - - - - - - email.html.twig - - - - - - form.html.twig - - - - - - message.html.twig - - - - - - page.html.twig

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REST API & Webhooks& MauticJS API • REST API : ֎෦γεςϜͱMauticͷσʔλ࿈ܞ • Webhooks: ϖʔδϏϡʔ΍ϑΥʔϜೖྗΛ֎෦γες Ϝʹ௨஌ • MauticJS API : mtc.js Λ௨ͯ͠ Mautic ͔Β΢ΣϒαΠ τΛίϯτϩʔϧ • ޙ೔ूதతʹऔΓ্͛Α͏͔ͱɻɻ