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Vladimir Agafonkin ⚡fast by default: algorithmic optimization in practice

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⚡fast or GTFO

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Leaflet earcut pixelmatch delaunator rbush flatbush kdbush geokdbush geoflatbush geojson-vt potpack supercluster martini delatin cheap-ruler polylabel icomesh concaveman dobbyscan linematch lineclip simplify-js robust-predicates tinyqueue flatqueue which-polygon quickselect webgl-wind suncalc flamebearer tiny-sdf simpleheat …

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mapbox/earcut (JS) mapbox/earcut.hpp (C++)

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mapbox/pixelmatch (JS) mapbox/pixelmatch-cpp (C++)

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delaunay: 150s delaunay-fast: 117s faster-delaunay: 5s delaunator: 1s delaunator-cpp: 0.9s delaunator-rs: 0.9s Delaunay triangulation of 1 million points in JavaScript:

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1. find a bottleneck 2. find out why it’s slow 3. make it faster optimization:

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1. find a bottleneck 2. find out why it’s slow 3. make it faster optimization: algorithm s!

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slow code: code that does unnecessary work

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rollup/rollup#2062 rollup: map = magicString.generateMap() obj = decode(map) ";;;;EAEEA,EAAE,EAAC,CAAE;ECQY,UACC…"

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rollup/rollup#2062 rollup: map = magicString.generateMap() magic-string: ... map = encode(obj) rollup: obj = decode(map)

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map = encode(obj) obj = decode(map)

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rollup/rollup#2062 rollup: map = magicString.generateDecodedMap() magic-string: map = encode(obj) rollup: obj = decode(map) source maps got 40% faster

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algorithmic complexity: a measure of how performance scales with input size

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O(1) O(log n) O(n) O(n log n) O(n2) O(n3)

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array[0] + array[1]; O(1) — instant

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for (const item of array) { sum += item; } O(n) — suspicious

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O(n2) — ridiculously slow for (let i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) { for (let j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { sum += array[i] + array[j]; } }

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function foo(array) { for (const item of array) { array[array.indexOf(item)] = item + 10; } } O(n2) — ridiculously slow

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function foo(array) { for (const item of array) { bar(array, item); } } function bar(array, item) { array[array.indexOf(item)] = item + 10; } O(n2) — ridiculously slow

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O(n3) — rewrite from scratch for (let i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) { for (let j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { for (let k = j + 1; k < n; k++) { sum += array[i] + array[j]; } } }

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if (j < 0) { if (triangles.length === 0) triangles.push([i]); return; } for (let n = triangles.length, a = 0; a < n; ++a) { let sa = triangles[a]; if (sa[0] === j) { for (let b = a + 1; b < n; ++b) { let sb = triangles[b]; if (sb[sb.length - 1] === i) { triangles.splice(b, 1); triangles[a] = sa = sb.concat(sa); return; } } sa.unshift(i); return; } d3/d3-delaunay#23

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array.indexOf array.lastIndexOf array.splice array.includes array.reverse array.every Object.values array.find array.some array.findIndex array.reduce array.reduceRight array.some Object.keys O(n) — suspicious

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array.slice array.concat array.filter str.split suspicious allocations

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a.slice().concat(b).map(foo) .filter(bar).reduce(bla, 0); allocate memory and throw it out immediately (4 times)

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function foo() { ... return [x, y]; } const [x, y] = foo();

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const lines = input.split(';'); for (const line of lines) { const segments = line.split(','); for (const segment of segments) { const decoded = decode(segment); for (const i of decoded) { ... } } } Rich-Harris/sourcemap-codec#71

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for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { const c = input.charCodeAt(i); if (c === 44) { // "," ... } else if (c === 59) { // ";" ... Rich-Harris/sourcemap-codec#71 3 times faster

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O(log n) logarithmic complexity

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O(log n) O(1) O(n) O(log n) — blazing fast

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1 1,000,000 20 O(log n) — blazing fast

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binary search o(log n)

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rollup/rollup#2228 … 40x faster

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1. O(n) → O(log n) 2. O(n log n) → O(n) 3. O(n2) → O(n log n) 4. O(n3) — throw out algorithmic optimization

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slow slow slow algorithmic optimization

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organize data algorithmic optimization

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algorithmic optimization: do more at the beginning to do less every next time

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• hash map • hash set • binary search tree • priority heap • linked list • interval tree • r-tree • quadtree • kd-tree • … data structures

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sorted array o(n log n) ❤ favorite data structure

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HashTable Array [10, 20, 30]; { '1': 10, '2': 20, '3': 30 }; { '0': 10, '1': 20, ‘2': 30 };

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istanbuljs/istanbul-lib-instrument#22 { '1': 10, '2': 20, '3': 30 }; 15 times faster { '0': 10, '1': 20, ‘2': 30 };

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people take established code for granted

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established !== best there is always room for improvement

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1. learn how things work under the hood 2. don’t be afraid to reinvent the wheel 3. simplify your code constantly 4. practice optimization, and you’ll learn how to write fast code by default

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