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human perception the speed of An Afternoon with Shopify and Friends Berlin - November 2014

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for better animations knowing your audience

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Breaking Borders / Reading, UK /

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ConfConf 30.01.15 / BIRMINGHAM, UK / CONF-CONF.COM

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Ben MacGowan @benmacgowan

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@benmacgowan gratuitous animations the era of

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@benmacgowan “ ” I believe we can do more with motion than purely entertain. We can use motion graphics to teach, to engage, and illustrate our conclusions. - Sarah Allen

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@benmacgowan People designed by Naomi Atkinson from the Noun Project demographic

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@benmacgowan Watching designed by Creatorid'immagine from the Noun Project how do we see speed?

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@benmacgowan Bathroom designed by Thomas Hirter from the Noun Project gender

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“ ” @benmacgowan female brains are highly connected across the left & right hemispheres. male brains are typically stronger between the front and back.

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@benmacgowan In the UK, men are cited 1.75 times more for speeding than women

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@benmacgowan Eyes designed by SuperAtic LABS from the Noun Project

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@benmacgowan “ ” compared with women, the male volunteers were better able to identify the more rapidly changing images

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@benmacgowan Getting scientific • these elements of vision are linked to 
 sets of thalamic neurons in the brain’s 
 primary visual cortex • development of which are controlled by
 male sex organs - androgens • testosterone plays a major part

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@benmacgowan Elderly Woman designed by Anushay Qureshi from the Noun Project age

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@benmacgowan Cognitive aging 1. the mechanism of cognitive decline with advancing age

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@benmacgowan a reduction in: • processing speed • sensory abilities • working memory

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@benmacgowan getting scientific • P300 wave is an event related potential
 (ERP) component linked to the process
 of decision making • This is thought to reflect processes 
 involved in stimulus evaluation and 

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@benmacgowan the connection of seeing and recognising motion becomes slower

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@benmacgowan Metronome designed by Philip Hogeboom from the Noun Project timing of fast & slow repetitive movements

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@benmacgowan “ ” given the ubiquity of age-related slowing in cognitive and motor processes, slow movements seem like a natural real for older adults

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@benmacgowan “ ” In musicians, youth is frequently associated with breathtaking tempo and dramatic efforts, whereas deep expression and musicality remain privileges of matured artists and composers

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@benmacgowan so how does this apply to us?

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@benmacgowan Timer designed by Zhenya Kiverin from the Noun Project timing of interactions and animations

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@benmacgowan People designed by Naomi Atkinson from the Noun Project demographic

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@benmacgowan Duration

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@benmacgowan .element { animation-duration: 2.6s; } .element { animation: keyframes 2.5s; } .element { transition: width 2.5s; } $('.element').animate({ 'width': '200px' }, 2500);

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@benmacgowan easing

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@benmacgowan .element { animation-duration: 2.6s; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } .element { animation: keyframes 2.5s ease-in-out; } .element { transition: width 2.5s cubic-bezier(0.220, 0.505, 0.875, 0.625); } $('.element').animate({ 'width': '200px' }, 2500, 'easein'); $ = function(x, t, b, c, d) { ts=(t/=d)*t; tc=ts*t; return b+c*(25.8*tc*ts + -78.5*ts*ts + 89.6*tc + -47.4*ts + 11.50*t); } $('.element').animate({ 'width': '200px' }, 2500, 'bw');

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@benmacgowan prototype it test it

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@benmacgowan ask your friends ask your family ask your audience

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thank you @benmacgowan