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Here's what we can do for you Selena Deckelmann @selenamarie Data Architect, Mozilla

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Good Morning! 2

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 I am a beginner teacher 3

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 We’ll come to you. 4

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Julie Horvath’s blog post 5

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 “I didn’t grow up thinking I could do anything I wanted to.” 6

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 I see this every day teaching adults.

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 People don’t know what’s possible.

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 9 The scope of what’s possible

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 10 •Awareness •Encouragement possibility engineering:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 When PyLadies succeeds 15

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 19 Computer Science is a way of thinking and solving problems. Not a company or a product.

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Open source groups like PyLadies work to spread knowledge and help people explore. 20

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 21 • Games • Anti-social boys • Inappropriate, animated ASCII art What I knew about computers in high school:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Reliance on ad-hoc, self- education about what’s possible doesn’t scale. 22 My lesson:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Tip of the jobs iceberg 23 • Computer scientist • CS Teacher • Python developer • Systems Analyst • Systems Administrator • Linux Kernel Hacker • Postgres Consultant • Data Architect • Project Manager • Program Manager • Embedded System Engineer • Front-end developer • Back-end developer • Javascript developer • Application architect • API designer • Graphic Designer • User Experience designer • User Experience researcher • Startup co-founder • CS Professor • Distributed systems engineer • Data scientist • Feminist activist • Developer advocate • Developer evangelist

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Go from: what might be possible, to impacting our world 24

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 My first patch 25|a1061193

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 I changed the source code of a tool I used every day. And other people used it. 27

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Teachers + open source == crazy awesome 28

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Teaching at scale (I don’t mean MOOCs) 29

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 • Minimal resources • Teach anyone who shows up • Change the world by sharing ideas What teachers + open source community have in common:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 31 Effective CS education for everyone

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Finding the minimal set of concepts to feel empowered. 32

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 You didn’t sign up for that, but I did. 33

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 CyberSeniors 34

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 35 • Find medical information • How to use email • Online dating What they wanted to learn:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 36 • Parts of a computer • How to use a mouse • How to create accounts on websites • Where to type in URLs vs searches • How to ask for help What I taught:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 PyLadies Get women who code together Last September, I joined...

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 PyLadiesPDX 140 women 1-2 meetings per week 38

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 7 jobs 39

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 pyladiespdx-classes 40

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 41 • New skills • Peer support • Structure and routine • Confidence What PyLadies say they get:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 “best year of my life” 42

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 43 • Distributed revision control • Pair programming • Testing • Documentation • Automation Concepts and skills:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 44 • Distributed revision control Github: • Pair programming iPython Notebook, Skype • Testing Python unittest and nose • Documentation Examples, platform: • Automation

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 45 • Peer mentoring • Tolerance and respect • Distributed, asynchronous communication • Persistence • Bug reporting and asking for help Concepts and skills:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 46 It could all be so much better if we worked together.

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Organizations teaching beginners 47 PyLadies Open Hatch Software Carpentry Year Up RailsBridge GirlDevelopIT Black Girls Code CoderDojo Ops School Many more...

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 What open source community offers teachers 48

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 1. We’re pretty good at following directions 49

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 2. Great with distributed, async communication 50

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 3. Tirelessly evangelize online 51

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 53 • Invite us to speak in your classrooms • Apply for scholarships to attend our many summer conferences, Libre Planet, DebConf, SCaLE • Attend inexpensive Linux/FOSS conferences in your area • Share your lessons online using Creative Commons licenses Things to do:

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 54 Tell me what else we can do.

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 55 Awareness + Encouragement == Possibility

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 Ward Cunningham 56

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 We’re drawing doors, not just opening them. 57

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Email me to find open source folks to speak in your classrooms. Thanks! Selena Deckelmann @selenamarie Data Architect, Mozilla

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CSTA - July 16, 2013 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. All photos are © by owners. PyLadies photos shared with permission. 59