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 Carol Willing JupyterHub Team Workshop Oct 05, 2018 @WillingCarol The Littlest JupyterHub AWS

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TLJH @WillingCarol

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Why TLJH? Simplify @WillingCarol

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Set up a Development System A small class < 100 users Single server deployment User group meetings and meetups A short term workshop @WillingCarol When to use TLJH

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Documentation @WillingCarol

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 Digital Ocean Jetstream Google Cloud AWS Your Ubuntu 18.04 server @WillingCarol

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) @WillingCarol

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Let's begin @WillingCarol

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Create an AWS account @WillingCarol

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Create an AWS account @WillingCarol

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Log in to AWS account @WillingCarol

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Create an EC2 instance @WillingCarol

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AWS dashboard @WillingCarol

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AWS dashboard @WillingCarol

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Create Instance @WillingCarol

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AWS dashboard @WillingCarol

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Configure instance @WillingCarol

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Choose Ubuntu 18.04 LTS @WillingCarol

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Let's start with a small instance @WillingCarol

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Configure TLJH command and admin @WillingCarol

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Configure TLJH command and admin @WillingCarol

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Configure storage @WillingCarol

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Add tag @WillingCarol

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Configure security group and networking @WillingCarol

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Review and launch @WillingCarol

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Create SSH key pair (or use existing*) @WillingCarol

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Select SSH key pair and launch @WillingCarol

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Monitor launch status @WillingCarol

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Launch progress @WillingCarol

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Go to IP address in a browser @WillingCarol

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JupyterHub @WillingCarol

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JupyterHub Sign In page @WillingCarol

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Log in as an admin user @WillingCarol

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JupyterHub and Notebook Browser UI @WillingCarol

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JupyterHub Control Panel @WillingCarol

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JupyterHub Admin Tab @WillingCarol

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Congrats @WillingCarol