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!"# Kolleg:in gesucht (Deutschlandweit)

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26.05.23 //// Seite 10 WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH WHY DO I CARE? § DevOps § Cloud § Docker/Containerization/Virtualization § It’s the 20ies—Even Microsoft <3 Linux § Op: § Servers are typically Linux + Java + (Tomcat) + DB § Start and stop Daemons § Dev: § Tools that help in your developer day

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@hschwentner History

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@hschwentner UNIX Foto: Dennis Hamilton/flickr/CC BY 2.0 Ken Thompson Dennis Ritchie 1969 Bell Labs

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@hschwentner GNU Richard Stallman Free Software Foundation

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@hschwentner UNIX—Diversity Xenix

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@hschwentner Linux Linus Thorvalds 1991

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@hschwentner Linux—Distributions

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@hschwentner Today: Unix Everywhere Windows Terminal WSL is Unix BSD-based

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26.05.23 //// Seite 20 WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH § FHS § Static/ and Shared/Local Files § First Hierarchy § / § /bin, /sbin § /etc § /root, /home § /proc, /dev, /sys?, /mnt § Second Hierarchy § /usr, /var § /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/X11/bin § /var/tmp § /var/log § Local Hierarchy § /usr/local § Non-packaged tools vs. non-OS tools § Other tools § /opt THE FILESYSTEM TREE

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26.05.23 //// Seite 21 WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH § root § groups § user § Rights: § user § group § world ROLES AND RIGHTS

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@hschwentner Terminal/ Console/ TTY/Shell

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@hschwentner In the old days mainframe (a.k.a. host) terminal terminal

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@hschwentner Terminal terminal (noun): a piece of hardware to interact with a computer

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@hschwentner Kinds of terminals console teleprinter, a.k.a teletype(writer), a.k.a. TTY video terminal (here: VT 100) for admins for users

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@hschwentner Terminal emulator terminal emulator (noun): a piece of software that emulates a terminal

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@hschwentner Terminal emulators Windows Terminal macOS Terminal Windows Console (conhost.exe) iTerm2 XTerm Alacritty

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@hschwentner Terminal emulators II

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@hschwentner Shell shell (noun): A piece of software to interact with the kernel. Runs typically in a terminal. There are command-line shells and graphical shells.

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@hschwentner CLI shells C shell KornShell Bourne shell Command prompt PowerShell Fish

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@hschwentner Graphical shells

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@hschwentner UNIX on Windows

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@hschwentner On Windows

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@hschwentner Terminal/ Console/ TTY/Shell

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@hschwentner /home Command line $ -l ls prompt command

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@hschwentner /home Command = argument[] $ -l ls argument 0 arg. 1 arg. 2

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@hschwentner /home Anatomy of a command $ -l ls command option parameter

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@hschwentner Important commands • pwd • cd/pushd/popd • ls • mkdir/touch • rm • cat/tail/less • man • & bg/fg • . and .. • ls -la

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@hschwentner Typical options • - and -- • -v --version • -h --help option (noun): An argument that starts with a dash. Several options can be put into one argument.

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@hschwentner Getting help • -h –help • man

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@hschwentner Path

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@hschwentner Tab completion

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@hschwentner PIPELINING • Unix commands are generally working on strings of characters • STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR • Pipes allow to connect the output of one command to connect to the input of another echo "Hello world" > hallo.txt 2> < echo "Hallo world" | wc

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@hschwentner Installers • Debian family • Apt, apt-get, aptitude • deb/dpkg • snap • Redhat family • yum • rpm • Zypper • Alpine • apk • OS X • Homebrew, (MacPorts, Fink) • Windows • Cygwin • Chocolatey • Winget

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@hschwentner SED and GREP

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@hschwentner SCRIPTING • Shell scripts • Perl/Python & co. • Reg Ex • Scripting in Dockerfiles • Shebang: • #!/bin/sh • #!/usr/bin/env perl

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@hschwentner Command Line Java • java/javac • jshell • mvn/gradle

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We can do it, too!

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@hschwentner EXERCISE • On Windows 10: install Windows Terminal/Git Bash/Cygwin • Create directory learning-unix • Change into that directory • Create a file hello.txt • Change ownership and access of hello.txt • Make it executable

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Bibliography Nemeth, Evi, Garth Snyder, Trent R. Hein, Ben Whaley, and Dan Mackin. UNIX and Linux System Administrators Handbook. 5th ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2017. Raymond, Eric S. The Art of UNIX Programming. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2004. Hofer, Stefan and Henning Schwentner. Domain Storytelling: a Collaborative, Visual, and Agile Way to Develop Domain- Driven Software. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2022.

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Henning Schwentner ⌂ @hschwentner