Slide 64
Slide 64 text
111 Words, 4977 Lines of Code.
Four lines, stark as dead pixels on a blazing white OLED screen, dissolves into
view. Orthogonal to each other, they intersect at sixteen nodal points, their
vector dance playing out in every direction – ahead of, behind, and through
Mort. A grey volume precipitates from these lines, sweeping across space to
connect the dark axes. This precision-crafted mirage skews, rotates then
A different set of four lines appear. Again, a grey volume materializes, only to
vanish after a scale and tilt. This sequence repeats, hypnotic – lines shifting, grey
form cohering, size changing, dissolving – an infinite recursion of ephemeral
functions. Then, sudden stillness: the grey volume suffusing space, stark lines
permeating every dimension.