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Getting Started with Time Series Data Sebastian Cohnen, @tisba, @StormForgerApp
 NoSQL Matters 2014, Dublin, Sep. 2014 with InfluxDB

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About me • Sebastian Cohnen, M. Sc. • Developer & Founder from Cologne, Germany • (Web-) Architectures, Performance & Scalability • Founder of; load test HTTP-based systems

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Time Series Data • Data, which has an inherent relation to time, e.g… • Sensor Data, Log Data • Stock Prices • "Events" in general

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Use Cases • (statistical) Analysis • Summaries and Aggregations • Visualization • Dashboards,
 Monitoring & Alerting

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Time Series Database (TSDB) • Make use of the inherent relation to time • (almost) everything builds around “ORDER BY time” • Examples: RRDTool, carbon (Graphite), OpenTSDB, … and InfluxDB

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Wish List for TSDBs • Flexible Query Language; e.g. SQL-like • Stream Processing • Full control over Downsampling & Retention Policies

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No content

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No content

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InfluxDB • written in Go, Open Source since 04/2013 • HTTP (binary protocol planned) • SQL-like Query Language • Clustering Support

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Data Model • Databases • Time Series (“Tables”) • Points/Events (“Rows”): schema-less, key-value pairs

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Let's take a look…

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Example Data time host value mount 1409665622000 42 /mnt 1409137873000 23 /mnt

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Writing Data [{ "name" : "hd_used", ! "columns" : ["time", "value", "host", "mount"], "points" : [ [1409665622000, 42, "", "/mnt"], [1409137873000, 23, "", "/mnt"] ] ! }] POST "http://localhost:8086/db/matters-dub-2014/series" database time series points

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[{ "name": "hd_used", "columns": [ "time", "sequence_number", "value", "host", "mount" ], "points": [ [ 1409137878266, 10001, 42, "", "/mnt" ], … ] }] GET "http://localhost:8086/db/ matters-dub-2014/series?q=$QUERY" Querying Data SELECT * FROM hd_used

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InfluxDB Query Language

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SQL-like SELECT status, duration, path FROM production.web.server01.requests WHERE time > now() - 1h

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Aggregation SELECT COUNT(duration) AS request_count, MEDIAN(duration) AS median, PERCENTILE(duration, 95.0) AS p95, PERCENTILE(duration, 99.0) AS p99 FROM production.web.server01.requests WHERE time > "2014-09-03 00:00:00.000" AND time < "2014-09-05" GROUP BY time(1m)

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Regular Expressions SELECT COUNT(duration) AS request_count FROM production.web.server01.requests WHERE time > "2014-09-03 00:00:00.000" AND time < "2014-09-05" ! AND user_agent =~ /.*Chrome.*/ ! GROUP BY time(1m)

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Selecting Multiple Series SELECT COUNT(duration) AS request_count ! FROM production.web.server01.requests, production.web.server02.requests ! WHERE time > "2014-09-03 00:00:00.000" AND time < "2014-09-05"

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…or via Regular Expressions SELECT COUNT(duration) AS request_count ! FROM /production\.web\.server\d{2}\.requests/ ! ! WHERE time > "2014-09-03 00:00:00.000" AND time < "2014-09-05"

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Join SELECT errors_per_minute.value /
 page_views_per_minute.value ! FROM errors_per_minute INNER JOIN page_views_per_minute a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 a3 a1 b2 a2 b1 b3 a3 t1 t2 t3 t4

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Merge SELECT COUNT(duration) FROM production.web.server01.requests MERGE production.web.server02.requests a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 a3 a1 b2 a2 b1 b3 a3

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Continuous Queries “Stream Processing”

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Continuous Queries • Idea: Process data as it arrives, not (only) at query time • Continuous Queries can be defined via "SQL" and run continuously • Support for backfilling (e.g. when creating new queries on existing data)

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Continuous Queries: Use Cases • Organizing, Fanout • Downsampling & Aggregation

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Organizing Data

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time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 SELECT path, duration FROM http_requests GROUP BY http_status response_times.500 … response_times.200 Input Events http_requests INTO response_times.[http_status]

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SELECT Across Series SELECT PERCENTILE(duration, 95.0) FROM /response_times\..*/ { "response_times.200": [{ "percentile": 5.058, "time": 0 }], "response_times.500": [{ "percentile": 63.761, "time": 0 }] }

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Downsample & Aggregate Data

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Goals • group by status code • keep 1 data point per minute • calculate 95th percentile & mean duration • put results into response_times.1m.$status_code

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time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 time: 1409137878266 path: /example.html duration: 0.23 status: 200 SELECT MEAN(duration) AS mean, PERCENTILE(duration, 95.0) AS p95 FROM http_requests GROUP BY time(1m), http_status INTO response_times.1m.[http_status] http_requests response_times.1m.500 … response_times.1m.200 1min 1min 1min

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SELECT time, p95, mean FROM /response_times\.1m\..*/ SELECT time, p95, mean FROM response_times.1m.200 WHERE time > "2014-09-03 00:00:00.000" AND time < "2014-09-05"

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InfluxDB UIs • build-in (Simple Management) • • hakobera/influga

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Q&A Sebastian Cohnen, @tisba, @StormForgerApp
 NoSQL Matters 2014, Dublin, Sep. 2014