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Reflections of a Core Contributor After Teaching Self-Publishing to University Students Toru Miki @toru @waviaei

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1. Introduction

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Toru Miki • WordPress: 13+ years • WordCamp Tokyo 2011 lead organizer • WordCamps, Meetups, translations, Core • Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ): 7 years • Junior Webmaster

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At WordCamp Tokyo 2017 Shinya B Watanabe: 
 Art Professor at TUJ “Would you be interested in teaching? There is an art class which involves WordPress …”

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Art2605 - Internet Imaging • “This class explores the internet as a tool for artistic expression. Students learn how to utilize internet within the context of an exploration of the uses of the internet as an art medium.” • Learn “What” and “How” of online self-publication • Promotion of their art work, and beyond • Learn technical aspects of using digital images on the web

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2. My Experiences and Findings from Teaching

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Students were… • Comfortable with the “Web” • OK with HTML/CSS, semantics, and web technology basics • But CSS layout was difficult • “Reasonably aware” of security risks • Found programming to be difficult

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Customizer is Great! • Easy to use • “Widgets” — self-explanatory • In the “community”, often overlooked how helpful this feature is

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–David Bisset. Gutenberg And Youth (“Generation Z”). “Those especially new to WordPress (young or old) or those younger even with a little bit of experience with WordPress tend to favor Gutenberg in a positive light. When I say younger I am counting Generation X and Y (anyone younger than 30, let’s say).”

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University is Internationally Diverse • 7 students, 5+ languages • “Can I translate from Japanese to Taiwanese?” • Language classes — always looking for opportunities to put their language skills to practice • Tap into your local university! Translation contribution day at local WordPress Meetup

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Inspire, Inspire, and Inspire! • WordPress community has many life changing “personal” stories • Four guest lecturers • How self-publishing changed their life and career • How self-publishing has helped output of creative works • How self-publishing has help with self- branding, and leading to extra earnings

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3. Reflections to Contribution

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Is it really the suitable choice of publishing platform, for teaching online self-publishing?

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No content

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Crossroads of web technologies & cultures

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If use of WordPress has a role in education — for students to be introduced, study, and to get inspired about self-publishing — then isn’t this “Democratize publishing” as well? *Regardless of whether students continue to use WordPress or not

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Thank You! Toru Miki @toru @waviaei