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Open Source Chatbots Atendimento automatizado para grandes desafios

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Diego Dorgam Sales Engineer @diego.dorgam

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Tipos de bots Como distinguir

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Also known as RPA, this is a kind of robot made for automate tasks made by humans in a way where the robot interacts with a user interface This kind of approach is gaining scale at services integration where a API is not possible. Those are screen scraping robots, that can easily assume a human position in tasks like inputting data into system forms, collecting data from reports and internet, and all kinds of repetitive tasks made by humans. Robotic Process Automation

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Productivity Those are bots created to integrate process and application into your chat environment. By giving a fast approach to productivity systems, like git repositories, trello, twitter, or even mass internal communication tools, these bots make life easier and much more agile. One branch of this discussion is the ChatOps culture, one of the DevOps abilities that organizations must develop.

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Chatbots Most booming technology on the market! Chatbots combine natural language understanding with service integration technologies (APIs) to deliver services and information. Chatbots are getting the attention of the big players, and offering a new paradigm on how customers interact with brands.

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Virtual Assistant Those are very specialized Artificial Intelligence bots, that are designed to help humans with some personal tasks. Organize your schedules, find a restaurant nearby, playing a list of your favorite music, those are some tasks that Virtual Assistants can do. They are intended to help users with the daily tasks, by making them easier to access through voice commands, for example.

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An estimative from Business Insider, chatbot industry grew up to 229% between 2015 and 2016. The industry expects to replace the equivalent to US$ 23 bi in human position salary, just in 2018. the-upswing-2017-3 ChatBots Market growing

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The chatbot magazine conducted a survey on the matter. When asked about on which platform companies prefer to launch their chatbots, they have chosen Facebook and Company Website for the two first positions. Those are channels that can be easily reached with Rocket.Chat tbots-survey-2017-chatbot-market-resea rch-report Chatbot Survey 2017

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About the functions that can be affect by chatbots, Customer Services and Sales/Marketing automation are the most expected to receive significant benefits. tbots-survey-2017-chatbot-market-resea rch-report Chatbot Survey 2017

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Most of the companies expect to have improvements on the matter of intelligence and Conversational Language skills of their chatbots. tbots-survey-2017- chatbot-market-research-report Chatbot Survey 2017

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HubotNatural Os primeiros passos…

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O Que É? • Hubot Framework + NaturalNode • Javascript • OnPremisesInstallation • OpenSource NLP Tools • Expansible Actions • YAML Corpus

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YAML Corpus Extendable Action Classes Security Based on Roles LiveChat Integration Error Handling Principais Funcionalidades

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YAML Corpus Extendable Action Classes Security Based on Roles LiveChat Integration Error Handling Principais Funcionalidades

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YAML Corpus Extendable Action Classes Security Based on Roles LiveChat Integration Error Handling Principais Funcionalidades

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YAML Corpus Extendable Action Classes Security Based on Roles LiveChat Integration Error Handling Principais Funcionalidades

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YAML Corpus Extendable Action Classes Security Based on Roles LiveChat Integration Error Handling Principais Funcionalidades

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YAML Corpus Extendable Action Classes Security Based on Roles LiveChat Integration Error Handling Principais Funcionalidades

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Escopo e Limitações Pra que serve: - Fluxos simples de conversação - Chatbots de desenvolvimento rápido - Interações limitadas Exemplos: - Atendimento de 1º nível Hubot Natural Pra que NÃO SERVE: - Fluxos Complexos - Possibilidades infinitas de interações - Substituir pessoal de Helpdesk - Testes de Turing - Ser seu amigo..

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How chatbots work Opções Dialog Engine NLP API Chat msg Intenção 1 Ação 1 Resposta Opção 1 Intenção 2 Resposta Opção2

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we wanted more…

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BotPress productivity chatbot virtual assist Roda Localmente Oferece interface de configuração de módulos Conecta com Vários canais Usa RASA NLU

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BotPress productivity chatbot virtual assist BotPress X Flow Builder

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PrincipaisCaracterísticas BotPress productivity chatbot virtual assist POSITIVE - Ecosistema modular - Analytics - OMNI Channel - Command line tools - Centro de Notificações - Built-in API - Canvas pra desenhar fluxos NEGATIVE - Duas Licenças (community / comercial)

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Uma das maiores comunidades, o Botkit é uma das opções favoritas dos programadores de bots. Pode rodar onPremises, e também disponibiliza algumas funcionalidades pagas na nuvem, como interface de design de fluxos e analytics. Integra com o Glitch para deploy. BotKit

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Métricas simples Recolhe métricas de instâncias locais Edição de código online BotKit Botkit Dashboard

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Integra com o registro de dominios .Bot da Amazon Controle de uso de cota feito pelo painel BotKit Botkit Dashboard

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All power of bleeding edge deep learning technologies to build clever bots &

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Pra não dar ruim Conheça seu processo Comece com Fluxos Simples Mantenha o Escopo pequeno Personalidade não é tudo Ciclo contínuo de melhoria

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● Reduzir Custos de Atendimento ● Multiplos Canais e ● Multiplos Bots ● Transferência de Atendimento ● Analytics Livechat Atendimento automatizado

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Analytics na v0.70.0

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Futuro ● Integração BlockChain ● MarketPlace ● Protocolo de Federação

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Obrigado! @diego.dorgam