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Management, motivation, and leadership flickr photo by whatsthatpicture shared under a CC (BY-NC) license

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Why are you here today?

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Motivation • Intrinsic • Extrinsic

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Scientific Management • time-motion studies • principles of motion economy

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No content

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Image courtesy

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Image courtesy of

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Image courtesy Morton College Hawthorne Museum

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flickr photo by BetterWorks under a CC (BY) license

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By David Shankbone; cropped by Beyond My Ken (talk) 10:09, 28 February 2015 (UTC) - David Shankbone, CC BY-SA 3.0, .php?curid=38643076

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©1931, Lewis W. Hines

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No content

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cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo by Salim Virji:

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cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo by andrew d miller:

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Theory X and Theory Y (MacGregor’s Management Styles) Theory X • people dislike work & will avoid it when possible • workers must be threatened with punishment to work • workers prefer to be directed, avoid responsibility, have little ambition & want security • motivators are fear & money Theory Y • people naturally like work • people work toward goals • commitment depends on rewards • people seek responsibility • people use imagination, cleverness & creativity to solve problems • the average person’ s intellectual potential is only partially realized • people are motivated by a variety of rewards

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Herzberg’s Motivating Factors (job content) Hygiene • company policy & administration • supervision • working conditions • interpersonal relations • salary, status, job security Motivators • work itself • achievement • recognition • responsibility • growth & advancement

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Equity theory • Employees expect fair return for work: “equity norm” • Equity norm relative to coworkers: "comparison other" • If employees feel they are treated unfairly (outputs unequal to inputs)? – Cognitive distortion – Alter inputs/outputs – Leave organization

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Equity Theory • People compare total inputs to outputs • Different people value inputs & outputs differently • OK for senior employees to earn more, but too much inequality is demotivating • Perceptions of inputs/outputs may be inaccurate

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Equity Theory • Underpaid? • Overpaid?