Interesting Things
About JavaScript
Zac Gordon @zgordon
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These Are APIS
NOT JavaScript:
AJAX (XMLHttpRequest, fetch)
the DOM, Shadow DOM, Events,
JSON, Canvas, Console
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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WordCamp Miami 2017
JavaScript is not a hard language.
Almost everything you do in JavaScript
involves an API. That makes things
more complicated.
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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WordCamp Miami 2017
However, JavaScript does work
differently than other languages.
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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JavaScript is a compiled language
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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‘use strict’;
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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‘use strict’ // Applied to entire file
function render( post ) {
‘use strict’ // Applied to function scope
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‘use strict’
// Need var, let or const
postIds = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]; // Error
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Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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The cool kids don’t use semicolons,
but sometimes they are necessary.
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var string = 'This works';
var another = 'So does this'
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var ids = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// Semicolon needed in for loop
for ( let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++ ) {
console.log( ids[ i ] )
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3 Types of Scope:
Global, Function, Block
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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// Global Scope: postId
var postIds = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
// Global Scope: render
function render( postId ) {
// Function Scope: postId
console.log( postId );
for( let postId of postIds ) {
// Block Scope: postId
console.log( postId );
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// var is NOT Block Scoped
var post1 = 1;
console.log( post1 ); // Logs 1
// let IS Block Scoped
let post2 = 2;
console.log( post2 ); // Returns error
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function hoisting
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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Why can we call a function
before we declare it?
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// Why can we call render before declaring it?
render( "Hello World!" );
function render( title ) {
console.log( title );
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var testUI = new UI(); // Reference Error
class UI {
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ES6 Classes are
NOT Hoisted
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var, let, const
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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keyword var let const
global scope YES YES YES
function scope YES YES YES
block scope NO YES YES
can be
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
Class: Content
- id
- title
- render
Sub Class: Post
- tag
- category
Sub Class: Page
- template
Class: User
- id
- render
Sub Class: Admin
- category
- template
Class Inheritance
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Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
Class: Content
- id
- title
- render
Sub Class: Post
- tag
- category
Sub Class: Page
- template
Class: User
- id
- render
Sub Class: Admin
- category
- template
Class Inheritance
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Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
Content: {}, id, title, render
Post: Content, tag, category
Page: Content, template
User: {}, id, render
Admin: User, template
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Template Strings
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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function render( post ) {
var container = document.getElementById( 'main' ),
article = document.createElement('article'),
markup = '';
markup += `
WordCamp Miami 2017
Event Propagation
el.addEventListener( 'click', sayHi, false );
el.addEventListener( 'click', sayHi, true );
Stopping Propagation
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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webpack & HTTP/2
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
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WordCamp Miami 2017
Interesting Things About JavaScript w @zgordon
Learn JavaScript Deeply with Zac Gordon