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Postmortem for switching Lyft's iOS app to Bazel

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Lyft - 70+ iOS engineers - 2 iOS tooling engineers - 800k+ lines of Swift, 0 lines of Objective-C - 5500+ bazel targets

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Why switch?

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Standard iOS tooling

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Scalable, flexible, open source

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Shared tooling

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Remote caching / execution

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How we migrated

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1. Lyft.xcodeproj

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2. Reign in your build

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3. Monorepo

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4. Ramp up with bazel

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5. Prototype your build

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6. Build it for real

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7. Some IDE integration

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8. Documentation

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10. Iterate

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What went well

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Iterating with starlark

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Simple project means simpler migration

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No forks

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Staying up to date

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Keeping up with the community

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What could have gone better

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Disclaimer: bazel is great

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Adoption cost is very high

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Google's defaults aren't always right for the iOS community

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Transitive dependency management

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Stay up to date!

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Hermiticity is hard.

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iOS is second class

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❤ Bazel iOS

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IDE Integration

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Xcode Bazel Integration ● Tulsi – Google ● XCHammer – Pinterest

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Like Google and Pinterest, we made our own

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Generating Projects

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Generating Projects gen_project(b: Bazel) -> XcodeProject

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Generating Projects gen_project(b: Bazel) -> XcodeProject

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Exporting Bazel Projects ● bazel build --nobuild --aspects ● bazel query --output=xml ● bazel cquery --output=proto

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Exporting Bazel Projects ● bazel build --nobuild --aspects ● bazel query --output=xml ● bazel cquery --output=proto

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Generating Projects gen_project(Bazel) -> XcodeProject

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Generating Projects XcodeProject[XcodeBuild] XcodeProject[BazelBuild]

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Generating Projects XcodeProject[XcodeBuild] XcodeProject[BazelBuild]

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Incremental Migration 1A. Convert to Bazel as the build source of truth and build on CI 1B. Generate Xcode projects from Bazel, and build with Xcode

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Generating Projects XcodeProject[XcodeBuild] XcodeProject[BazelBuild]

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This is two operations: add Bazel, also remove xcodebuild

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Integrating bazel

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Integrating bazel in Xcode ● "External Build System" target

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Integrating bazel in Xcode ● "External Build System" target ● "Run Script" phase

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Running & Testing

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Running & Testing ● Copy .app or .xctest to Xcode DerivedData (ie "bazel-out") ● Xcode does the rest, which helps preserves many IDE features

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More to Integrating bazel in Xcode ● Installing apps and tests ● Appease the Xcode build, by copying build artifacts ● Supporting the IDE by importing build outputs ● Generating debugger settings

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Basically, an ad-hoc, informally specified, installer

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Hyrum's Law "With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody." - Hyrum Wright, Googler

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Decoupling xcodebuild

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Decoupling xcodebuild ● CC=/usr/bin/true ● LD=/usr/bin/true ● LIBTOOL=/usr/bin/true ● SWIFT_EXEC=/usr/bin/true

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Decoupling xcodebuild ● CC=/usr/bin/true ● LD=/usr/bin/true ● LIBTOOL=/usr/bin/true ● SWIFT_EXEC=./tools/

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Indexing Facts of Life ● Backbone of important IDE features ● Common developer slowdown ● Usually proprietary ● Out of band

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Indexing Integration ● swiftc & clang can produce indexes while building ● Indexes embed some absolute paths ● swiftc & clang and their component libraries are open source ● index-import: Purpose built tool for installing indexes into Xcode ●

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Debugging, with lldb ● Paths have been at the core of every challenge ● Source paths, binary paths, absolute paths, relative paths, project paths, build paths ● Fix by removing paths, or making them relative

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Debugging, with lldb ● Compiler flags, with the help of Bazel wrapped clang, rules_swift worker ● Linking locally to ensure the binary has local paths ● Empty swift module, locally compiled and bearing embedded debugging options ● Generating lldb settings and wiring them into developer's global settings

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Finally, everything works

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Stepping Back

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Stepping Back 1. Build with Bazel 2. Customizable project generation 3. Taken the build away from Xcode

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Focused Subprojects

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Pick any targets, dependencies not required

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Focused Subprojects ● Generating projects is faster ● Launching Xcode and time to usability is faster ● Provide natural scopes for teams/projects ● Performance scales by developer scope, not repo

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IDE Finer Details

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IDE Finer Details ● Native Xcode test experience ● Augmented project search ● Compiler fixits ● Full index, not focused index ● Refactoring ● Remote cache!

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Unresolved ● Progress bar is useless, build log looks different ● No background indexing ● bazel×swiftc parallelism mismatch ● Code coverage features don't work

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Questions! @SmileyKeith, @kastiglione