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R E T R O S P E C T I V E S I N S P E C T. R E F L E C T. C O R R E C T.

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@mad_typist H E L L O I ’ M J E S S I E L I N K ! Director of Engineering, Twitter Former LivingSocial’er Former US Air Force Officer Certified Scrum Master

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@mad_typist W H AT I H O P E Y O U TA K E A WAY T O D AY • 5 different types of retros you can immediately start using with your team • When to use each type of retrospective • Why to use each type of retrospective

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@mad_typist • They get stale • People do them but don’t understand how to get the most of out of them • They are poorly facilitated • Things don’t change/improve T R O U B L E W I T H R E T R O S

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@mad_typist C O M M O N M I S TA K E S • Facilitator goes in with an agenda or a pre-determined answer they want to hear • We collect feedback, but don’t identify action items • We introduce bias into the sticky note process • People read the stickies one by one • People stop doing retros, or only do them when it’s all going wrong

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W H Y S H O U L D I D O R E T R O S ?

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@mad_typist B E C A U S E F E E L I N G S A R E … . • Icky! • Hard to talk about! • Difficult to understand • Scary

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@mad_typist R E T R O S C A N D O A L O T O F T H I N G S • Diagnose hidden problems and blockers • Determine root causes of a problem • Build team morale • Improve processes • Get employee buy in • Set goals

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@mad_typist I T ’ S A L L A B O U T T H E C L U S T E R S • Have your team take turns creating and summarizing the clusters for each category • Why are clusters are powerful? • What about the outliers? What if there are no clusters?

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R E T R O # 1 The 4 Ls

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@mad_typist I N S T R U C T I O N S Team fills out cards for the following categories: Lacked Longed For Learned Liked

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@mad_typist W H Y I L I K E T H E 4 L S • Removes the word “wrong” from the conversation • These are evocative words • First person perspective on events during the sprint • Helps focus on outcomes (actual and desired) Lacked Longed For Learned Liked

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@mad_typist H O W / W H E N T O U S E T H E 4 L S • Use the 4 Ls for a normal sprint (2 weeks), or release • Use this to diagnose root cause • “Lacked” is a particularly ripe category to find process improvements • Also useful for conferences, training, events

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R E T R O # 2 Draw how the sprint went

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@mad_typist I N S T R U C T I O N S • Hand out blank sheets of paper and pens • “Draw the sprint” • That’s it! • Intentionally broad direction - I usually tell the team “Whatever that means to you, go ahead and start drawing” • What happened, how did you feel about it? • Afterwards, take turns describing what’s happening in your picture

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@mad_typist W H Y I L I K E D R A W T H E S P R I N T • Picture really is worth a thousand words. And these are words you won’t get folks to say out loud normally. • It’s fun! • Learn a lot about your team and how they think

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@mad_typist H O W / W H E N T O U S E D R A W T H E S P R I N T • Use this to break up the monotony, when things feel “boring” • Useful when people have been disengaged and/or not writing down much at retro • This is a retro that should be used sparingly • I recommend once a quarter

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R E T R O # 3 Timeline retro

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@mad_typist I N S T R U C T I O N S • Draw a timeline, with an arrow at the right end • Stickies represent events: • Good events • Problematic/bad events • Significant event • Once all the stickies are written, place them along the timeline approximately where they happened

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@mad_typist I N S T R U C T I O N S • Use colored stickies to represent the good (green), bad (red), and significant (yellow) events • If you don’t have enough colors, as an alternative, use the above the line for good events, below the line for bad, and then on the line for significant events

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@mad_typist W H Y I L I K E T H E T I M E L I N E • Easy to respond to - nice structure • Because it’s time based, it may catch things other retros won’t • Clusters happen by default • Tells a really crisp story about what happened

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@mad_typist H O W / W H E N T O U S E T H E T I M E L I N E • Great for sprint retrospectives • Can be used fairly frequently • Works really well for root cause analysis of issues • Helps draw out disconnects on your team - did we perceive the same event differently? Why?

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R E T R O # 4 Gratitude Retro

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@mad_typist I N S T R U C T I O N S • Each person writes down 2-3 thank you notes for other people on the team • No clustering required! Just go around the room and read out the notes

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@mad_typist W H Y I L I K E T H E G R AT I T U D E R E T R O • Helps build team chemistry • It feels nice to be nice to someone else • It’s okay to take a break from being critical and trying to fix things all the time! • Sometimes we take for granted that our teammates know we appreciate them

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@mad_typist H O W / W H E N T O U S E T H E G R AT I T U D E R E T R O • Great for sprint retrospectives • Should be used as a change of pace retro. • You want the sentiments to be sincere, so beware of overuse • Use this if the team has been low energy, non-communicative • Be careful using this if the team has open conflict

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R E T R O # 5 The Sailboat exercise

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@mad_typist I N S T R U C T I O N S • Draw a sailboat - this represents our team • 4 key metaphors here: • Wind in your sails - what drives us • Anchors - what’s holding us back • Hidden dangers - what’s lurking that will crash us • Promised land - where are we trying to go

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@mad_typist I N S T R U C T I O N S ( C O N T. ) • You’ll want a large piece of paper to draw your sailboat on (or a large whiteboard space) • Practice drawing these ahead of time, if you want your picture to be less ugly than mine

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@mad_typist W H Y I L I K E T H E S A I L B O AT E X E R C I S E • Identifies “big” things that are impacting your team • Helps re-center the team on the things that really matter • Can be used to root out long-running issues that have plagued your team • Powerful way to surface fears

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@mad_typist H O W / W H E N T O U S E T H E S A I L B O AT E X E R C I S E • It can be used for sprint retrospectives, but it is more useful when deployed strategically • Roadmap planning • When you want to “reset” a team • When you feel like there are large issues affecting your team that aren’t getting addressed in the more tactical sprint retros

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@mad_typist R E M E M B E R : • Retros only work if you do them, and do them regularly • Insights drawn out of retros have a cumulative effect • Don’t wait until things are going badly! • Identify 2-3 things max to address each week • Follow up on your action items - commit but don’t be afraid to change/ rollback if the action item doesn’t work

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@mad_typist T H E S E W E R E J U S T A F E W E X A M P L E S • There are dozens of variants on these, plus other formats for you to use. • • Think carefully about what you’re trying to draw out, and then choose a retro geared towards surfacing those particular bits of feedback/reaction

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@mad_typist B U T W H AT A B O U T… . • Remote teams? • Teams that are extra large? • Cross-functional teams? • Etc etc etc?

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A N D N O W, A R I N G I N G E N D O R S E M E N T F R O M M Y O L D T E A M M E M B E R … …

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Kenny H. “You know, I came in thinking this was going to be lame, but it was actually pretty good!”

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T H A N K Y O U !