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Jordan Terry — Senior Android Engineer at Marks & Spencer - @jordanterry Developer Productivity On a Budget Adam Ahmed - Senior Android Engineer at TravelPerk — @oheyadam

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Background •We both work on Platform/Foundations teams

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Background •We both work on Platform/Foundations teams •Mid-sized mobile orgs (30+ Engineers)

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Background •We both work on Platform/Foundations teams •Mid-sized mobile orgs (30+ Engineers) •Our teams’ focus is improving developer productivity

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Background •We both work on Platform/Foundations teams •Mid-sized mobile orgs (30+ Engineers) •Our teams’ focus is improving developer productivity •The things we’ll talk about were born of necessity to our organizations

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What We’ll Cover

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What We’ll Cover •Automating bug reporting and triaging

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What We’ll Cover •Automating bug reporting and triaging •Rolling out convention plugins

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What We’ll Cover •Automating bug reporting and triaging •Rolling out convention plugins •Automating our release trains

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What We’ll Cover •Automating bug reporting and triaging •Rolling out convention plugins •Automating our release trains •Reporting build times

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What We’ll Cover •Automating bug reporting and triaging •Rolling out convention plugins •Automating our release trains •Reporting build times •Improving our CI workflows

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What We’ll Cover •Automating bug reporting and triaging •Rolling out convention plugins •Automating our release trains •Reporting build times •Improving our CI workflows •Linting!

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Automating bug reporting and triaging @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? •Different squads own different parts of the code-base @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? •Different squads own different parts of the code-base •We wanted a way to immediately find out when a crash happens @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? •Different squads own different parts of the code-base •We wanted a way to immediately find out when a crash happens •Each squad has their own Jira board @oheyadam

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What did we try? @oheyadam

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What did we try? •Crashlytics Jira integration @oheyadam

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What did we try? •Crashlytics Jira integration •Slack notifications @oheyadam

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What did we try? •Crashlytics Jira integration •Slack notifications •Assigning fire-fighters @oheyadam

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What did we try? •Crashlytics Jira integration •Slack notifications •Assigning fire-fighters •Rolling out our own tool! @oheyadam

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What does it do? @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Runs as a cron job @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Runs as a cron job •Checks if there are any new crashes @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Runs as a cron job •Checks if there are any new crashes •Parses stack-traces and figures out who the owner is @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Runs as a cron job •Checks if there are any new crashes •Parses stack-traces and figures out who the owner is •Talks to OpenAI to try to suggest a solution @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Runs as a cron job •Checks if there are any new crashes •Parses stack-traces and figures out who the owner is •Talks to OpenAI to try to suggest a solution •Opens a detailed Jira ticket on their board @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Sends them a Slack notification @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Sends them a Slack notification •Allows us to customize bug reporting logic for teams @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Sends them a Slack notification •Allows us to customize bug reporting logic for teams •Allows us to do the same for other tools like Datadog @oheyadam

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What does it do? •Sends them a Slack notification •Allows us to customize bug reporting logic for teams •Allows us to do the same for other tools like Datadog •Works for both platforms @oheyadam

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Convention plugins @jordanterry

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Problem Build configuration contained large amounts of copy and pasted duplication. As we modularised more, this would become a maintenance problem. @jordanterry

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Solution The platform team wanted to ensure we could scale our build configuration to achieve our modularisation goals. To achieve this, we adopted Gradle convention plugins. @jordanterry

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State of the build files @jordanterry

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State of the build files @jordanterry compileOptions { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 }

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State of the build files @jordanterry compileOptions { sourceCompatibility '1.8' targetCompatibility '1.8' }

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State of the build files @jordanterry plugins { id '' id '' }

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State of the build files @jordanterry android { compileSdkVersion rootProject.compileSdkVersion defaultConfig { minSdkVersion rootProject.minSdkVersion targetSdkVersion rootProject.targetSdkVersion } }

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State of the build files @jordanterry • Duplications

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State of the build files @jordanterry • Duplications • Inconsistencies

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State of the build files @jordanterry • Duplications • Inconsistencies • Crucial applied scripts

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State of the build files @jordanterry • Duplications • Inconsistencies • Crucial applied scripts • Maintenance headaches

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The Goal plugins { alias( } @jordanterry

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The Goal plugins { alias( } android { namespace = “com.mns.some.module” } @jordanterry

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The Goal plugins { alias( } android { namespace = “com.mns.some.module” } dependencies { implementation(libs.some.dependency) } @jordanterry

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The two types of convention - Script import plugins { id("") kotlin("android") } // Configure Android configuration, including extensions.getByType().apply { compileSdk = 33 defaultConfig { setMinSdkVersion(23) setTargetSdkVersion("33") testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" } compileOptions { targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8.toString() } } @jordanterry

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The two types of convention - A plugin class KotlinAndroidLibraryPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(target: Project) { with(target) { pluginManager.apply("") pluginManager.apply("") // Configure Android configuration. extensions.getByType().apply { compileSdk = ANDROID_COMPILE_SDK lint { @Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") baseline = file("baseline-lint.xml") } configureAndroidExtension(ANDROID_MIN_SDK, ANDROID_TARGET_SDK) } configureJavaJvm(JAVA_LANGUAGE_VERSION) configureKotlinJvm(JAVA_LANGUAGE_VERSION) configureJunit() configureSpotless() configureJacocoAndroid(extensions.getByType()) } } } @jordanterry

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What were the benefits? @jordanterry

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What were the benefits? • Removed 1,000s of lines of build configuration from the project @jordanterry

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What were the benefits? @jordanterry

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What were the benefits? • Removed 1,000s of lines of build configuration from the project • We can roll out new build features with low effort @jordanterry

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What were the benefits? @jordanterry

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What were the benefits? • Removed 1,000s of lines of build configuration from the project • We can roll out new build features with low effort • We have unit tests, functional and integration tests for our builds

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What were the benefits? @jordanterry

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State of a build file now plugins { alias( } android { namespace = "com.marksandspencer.androidfeatureflaglib" testOptions { unitTests { isReturnDefaultValues = true } } } dependencies { implementation(project(":data:logging:api")) implementation(libs.coroutines) implementation(libs.lifecycle.common.java8) testImplementation(project(":testutils")) testImplementation(libs.bundles.junit5.kotlin) testImplementation(libs.arch.core.testing) testImplementation(libs.mockk) testImplementation(libs.truth) testImplementation(libs.coroutines.test) testRuntimeOnly(libs.bundles.junit5.runtime) }

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Step by step? - Move to a script import plugins { id("") kotlin("android") } // Configure Android configuration, including extensions.getByType().apply { compileSdk = 33 defaultConfig { setMinSdkVersion(23) setTargetSdkVersion("33") testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" } compileOptions { targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8.toString() } } @jordanterry

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Step by step? - Move to a script import plugins { id("") kotlin("android") } // Configure Android configuration, including extensions.getByType().apply { compileSdk = 33 defaultConfig { setMinSdkVersion(23) setTargetSdkVersion("33") testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" } compileOptions { targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8.toString() } } @jordanterry

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Lessons learned @jordanterry

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Lessons learned • Evangelise for idiomatic Gradle concepts @jordanterry

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Lessons learned • Evangelise for idiomatic Gradle concepts • Don’t keep your conventions in the build-logic module forever @jordanterry

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Lessons learned • Evangelise for idiomatic Gradle concepts • Don’t keep your conventions in the build-logic module forever • Think carefully about what you include in your conventions @jordanterry

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Who and why would benefit? @jordanterry

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Who and why would benefit? @jordanterry •The smaller development team • Ease modularisation growing pains

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Who and why would benefit? @jordanterry •The medium sized development team • More devs can do their work without worrying about build configuration • Helps the devs help the business

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Who and why would benefit? @jordanterry •The larger team • Why don’t you have a platform team?

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Other resources

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Other resources •Herding Elephants - https:// elephants/

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Other resources •Herding Elephants - https:// elephants/ •Stampeding Elephants - https:// elephants/

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Other resources •Herding Elephants - https:// elephants/ •Stampeding Elephants - https:// elephants/ •Now in Android - android/nowinandroid

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Other resources •Herding Elephants - https:// •Stampeding Elephants - https:// •Now in Android - nowinandroid •Idiomatic Android - idiomatic-gradle

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Other resources •Herding Elephants - herding-elephants/ •Stampeding Elephants - blog/stampeding-elephants/ •Now in Android - •Idiomatic Android - idiomatic-gradle •Gradle Docs - userguide.html

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Automating our release trains @oheyadam

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What was the problem? @oheyadam

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What was the problem? Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process @oheyadam

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Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process • Announce a code freeze @oheyadam

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Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process • Announce a code freeze • Find and notify the release captain @oheyadam

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Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process • Announce a code freeze • Find and notify the release captain • Notify everyone else in the mobile org @oheyadam

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Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process • Announce a code freeze • Find and notify the release captain • Notify everyone else in the mobile org • Create a release branch, update version codes, download latest strings @oheyadam

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Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process • Create a release branch, update version codes, download latest strings • Document the release version and notes somewhere @oheyadam

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Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process • Create a release branch, update version codes, download latest strings • Document the release version and notes somewhere • Ensure tests pass and QA is done @oheyadam

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Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process • Ensure tests pass and QA is done • Upload to Play Store @oheyadam

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Preparing for a new release is a lengthy manual process • Ensure tests pass and QA is done • Upload to Play Store • Potentially have to repeat some of these steps if someone pushes to the release branch again, or wants to create a hot-fix @oheyadam

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What did we do? @oheyadam

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What did we do? Automate it! @oheyadam

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Automate it! We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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We drive the release stages using Calendar events, Zapier, Fastlane, and our CI provider @oheyadam

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Reporting build times @jordanterry

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Problem How long do our builds take? @jordanterry

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Problem How long do our builds take? ..err, I don’t know @jordanterry

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Solution Build a plugin to report build data to our data engine. This data can now be used to build dashboards, or be directly used in our OKRs. @jordanterry

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How? @jordanterry

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How? @jordanterry

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How? @jordanterry

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How? - Gluing it together class ObservabilityPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(target: Project) { val plugin = TalaiotBasePlugin() plugin.apply(target) target.extensions.configure( { publishers { customPublishers(NewRelicBuildPublisher(…)) } } } } @jordanterry

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Dashboarding! - Total build time @jordanterry

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Dashboarding! - Time Spent @jordanterry

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Dashboarding! - Successful Builds @jordanterry

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Does this help developer productivity? @jordanterry

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Does this help developer productivity? • Not directly @jordanterry

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Does this help developer productivity? • Not directly • Dashboarding and alerting can act as a canary for bad changes, or celebrations for good changes @jordanterry

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Does this help developer productivity? • Not directly • Dashboarding and alerting can act as a canary for bad changes, or celebrations for good changes • Data helps build a case for contributing time towards platform initiatives @jordanterry

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The elephant in the room @jordanterry

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The elephant in the room • Gradle Enterprise (Devlocity) is the best tool for this @jordanterry

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The elephant in the room • Gradle Enterprise (Devlocity) is the best tool for this • Incredible insights into your builds @jordanterry

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The elephant in the room • Gradle Enterprise (Devlocity) is the best tool for this • Incredible insights into your builds • @jordanterry

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Improving our CI workflows @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? •CI builds take too long @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? •CI builds take too long •PRs stay up for a long time @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? •CI builds take too long •PRs stay up for a long time •Product iterations are slow @oheyadam

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What was the problem here? •CI builds take too long •PRs stay up for a long time •Product iterations are slow •Mobile org doesn’t use the same CI provider as the rest of the company @oheyadam

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What did we do? @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Investigated our current CI setup @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Investigated our current CI setup •Migrated to a different provider @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Investigated our current CI setup •Migrated to a different provider @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Investigated our current CI setup •Migrated to a different provider •CCI allowed us to tap into existing knowledge and infrastructure @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Investigated our current CI setup •Migrated to a different provider •CCI allowed us to tap into existing knowledge and infrastructure •Utilized remote build cache on our CI @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Utilized remote build cache on our CI @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Utilized remote build cache on our CI •Utilized CI parallelism @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Utilized CI parallelism @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Utilized CI parallelism •Fan-out @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Fan-out @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Utilized CI parallelism •Fan-out •Removed any unnecessary steps / downloads @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Utilized CI parallelism •Fan-out •Removed any unnecessary steps / downloads •Reduced the execution time of our PR checks by up to 80% @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Reduced the execution time of our PR checks by up to 80% •Reduced the execution time of our nightly / E2E tests / release jobs by up to 60% @oheyadam

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What did we do? •Reduced the execution time of our PR checks by up to 80% •Reduced the execution time of our nightly / E2E tests / release jobs by up to 60% •Happy, productive developers! @oheyadam

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Linting! @jordanterry

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Problem How can we make our code consistent? Whilst keeping the developer experience consistent? @jordanterry

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Solution Lint everything! Adopt Spotless + KtLint, Android Linter, other tooling. @jordanterry

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The goal @jordanterry

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The goal • Reduce bike shedding in pull requests @jordanterry

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The goal • Reduce bike shedding in pull requests • Keep the feedback loop as low as possible @jordanterry

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The goal • Reduce bike shedding in pull requests • Keep the feedback loop as low as possible •Pick up as many issues as early as possible @jordanterry

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Spotless + KtLint ff plug/spotless/tree/main/plugin-gradle • Adopt Spotless Gradle plugin • Adopt KtLint • Highlights issues • Autofixes issues @jordanterry

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Spotless + KtLint ff plug/spotless/tree/main/plugin-gradle • Adopt Spotless Gradle plugin @jordanterry

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Spotless + KtLint ff plug/spotless/tree/main/plugin-gradle • Adopt Spotless Gradle plugin • Adopt KtLint • Highlights issues • Autofixes issues @jordanterry

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How we rolled it out @jordanterry

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How we rolled it out • Integrate Spotless into our conventions plugins @jordanterry

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How we rolled it out • Integrate Spotless into our conventions plugins • Write some tests! @jordanterry

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How we rolled it out • Integrate Spotless into our conventions plugins • Write some tests! • Roll out throughout codebase with a version bump @jordanterry

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Android Linting @jordanterry

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Android Linting • Baseline your project @jordanterry

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Android Linting • Baseline your project • Upload the lint reports to the CI @jordanterry

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Android Linting • Baseline your project • Upload the lint reports to the CI • Write your own lint rules @jordanterry

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Linting Gradle? @jordanterry

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Linting Gradle? • Lint your dependencies • Removing unused dependencies helps your project • Be aware of dependency changes @jordanterry

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Linting Gradle? • Lint your dependencies • Removing unused dependencies helps your project • Be aware of dependency changes • Lint your Gradle plugins @jordanterry

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Move to the IDE! @jordanterry

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Move to the IDE! • Use IntelliJ’s built in functionality @jordanterry

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Move to the IDE! • Use IntelliJ’s built in functionality • Find tooling that provides plugins @jordanterry

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Move to the IDE! • Use IntelliJ’s built in functionality • Find tooling that provides plugins • IDEs have the quickest feedback loop @jordanterry

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Move to the IDE! • Use IntelliJ’s built in functionality • Find tooling that provides plugins • IDEs have the quickest feedback loop • Change your CI to a validation tool @jordanterry

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Why should you do this? @jordanterry

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Who should do this? Everyone @jordanterry

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We’re Hiring!

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Thank you!