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~ @gianarb - ~ Debug like a pro on Kubernetes ScaleConf - Cape Town - 2019

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~ @gianarb - ~ Gianluca Arbezzano Site Reliability Engineer @InfluxData ● ● @gianarb What I like: ● I make dirty hacks that look awesome ● I grow my vegetables ● Travel for fun and work

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1. Yo n ! Your team knows and use Docker for local development and testing 2. Kub te ! Everyone speaks about kubernetes. 3. Hir ! You don’t know why but you hired a DevOps that kind of know k8s. 3. Ex i m ! You are moving everything and everyone to kubernetes

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Inspired by a true story

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You need a good book 1. Short 2. Driven by experiences 3. Practical 4. Easy

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We need to make our hands dirty

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Spin up a cluster that you can break Bring developers in the loop

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Deploy CI on Kubernetes Bring developers in the loop

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Run your code in prod Bring developers in the loop

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Don’t be scared and write your own tools!

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K8s as code: From YAML to code (golang) 1. You have the ability to use Golang autocomplete as documentation, reference for every kubernetes resources 2. You feel less a YAML engineer (great feeling btw) 3. Code is better than YAML! You can reuse it, compile it, embed it in other projects.

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K8s as code: From YAML to code (golang) Tiny cli to make the migration to golang Some manual refactoring

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K8s as code: From YAML to code (golang) Tiny cli to make the migration to golang Some manual refactoring ● Continue to improve our CI to validate that YAML and Go file are the same, and the resources in Kubernetes are like the Go file. ● Maybe we will be able to remove the YAML at some point.

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GitOps Your Git repository is the entrypoint for all your code changes. Infrastructure is ‘as code’, so the place where you make it happen should be Git.

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Examples ● Everything has an API because you should USE it TO make something good! (cURL is good but you can make something better) ● Some of our tools: ○ Backup and Restore Operator for Persistent Volumes ○ We have a service to create runtime isolated environment to allow devs to test or product people to have a safe environment to demo, try. We also use it for the integration and smoke tests. ○ We have a tool to replicate environment locally on minikube to install and configure all the dependencies

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Instrumentation and Observability

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We need to have processes and tools that give us the ability to take a real time picture of our system

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Observability Events, metrics, logs and traces

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Observability It is all about how we collect and aggregate the data

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Normal state vs Current state

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Bring developers in the loop You need knowledgeable devs to drive the team

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Instrumentation code is a first citizen in your codebase: OpenCensus ● Open Source project sponsored by Google ● It is a SPEC plus a set of libraries in different languages to instrument your application ● To collect metrics, traces and events.

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OpenCensus Common Interface to collect stats and traces from your app Different exporters to persist your data

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Slide 25 text ~ @gianarb # HELP http_requests_total The total number of HTTP requests. # TYPE http_requests_total counter http_requests_total{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000 http_requests_total{method="post",code="400"} 3 1395066363000 # Escaping in label values: msdos_file_access_time_seconds{path="C:\\DIR\\FILE.TXT",error="Cannot find file:\n\"FILE.TXT\""} 1.458255915e9 # Minimalistic line: metric_without_timestamp_and_labels 12.47 # A weird metric from before the epoch: something_weird{problem="division by zero"} +Inf -3982045 # A histogram, which has a pretty complex representation in the text format: # HELP http_request_duration_seconds A histogram of the request duration. # TYPE http_request_duration_seconds histogram http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="0.05"} 24054 http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="0.1"} 33444 http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="0.2"} 100392 http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="0.5"} 129389 http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="1"} 133988 http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="+Inf"} 144320 http_request_duration_seconds_sum 53423 http_request_duration_seconds_count 144320

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OpenMetrics v2 Prometheus exposition format

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Slide 28 text ~ @gianarb func FetchMetricFamilies(url string, ch chan<- *dto.MetricFamily, certificate string, key string, skipServerCertCheck bool) error { defer close(ch) var transport *http.Transport if certificate != "" && key != "" { cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certificate, key) if err != nil { return err } tlsConfig := &tls.Config{ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}, InsecureSkipVerify: skipServerCertCheck, } tlsConfig.BuildNameToCertificate() transport = &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig} } else { transport = &http.Transport{ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: skipServerCertCheck}, } } client := &http.Client{Transport: transport} return decodeContent(client, url, ch) }

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Slide 29 text ~ @gianarb More to read ● OpenMetrics: ● OpenMetrics mailing list:\protect\kern-. 1667em\relaxforum/openmetrics ● WIP branch for Python library ● Thanks RICHARD for your work! I got some slides from here: eus-exposition-format-into-a-global-standard.pdf

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@gianarb - [email protected]

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@gianarb - [email protected]

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How do you “tell stories” about concurrent systems?

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I was just waiting for a new standard! cit. Troll

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© 2017 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 37 Typical problems with logs ¨ Which library do I need to use? ¨ Every library has a different format ¨ Every languages exposes a different format

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© 2017 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 38 Tracing is not something new ¨ There are vendors ¨ Every vendor has their own format

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© 2017 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 39 log log log log log log Parent Span Span Context / Baggage Child Child Child Span ¨ Spans - Basic unit of timing and causality. Can be tagged with key/value pairs. ¨ Logs - Structured data recorded on a span. ¨ Span Context - serializable format for linking spans across network boundaries. Carries baggage, such as a request and client IDs. ¨ Tracers - Anything that plugs into the OpenTracing API to record information. ¨ ZipKin, Jaeger, LightStep, others ¨ Also metrics (Prometheus) and logging

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© 2017 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 40 OpenTracing API application logic µ-service frameworks Lambda functions RPC & control-flow frameworks existing instrumentation tracing infrastructure main() I N S T A N A J a e g e r microservice process

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© 2017 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 41 import "" import ".../some_tracing_impl" func main() { opentracing.SetGlobalTracer( // tracing impl specific: some_tracing_impl.New(...), ) ... } Opentracing: Configure the GlobalTracer

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© 2017 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 42 func xyz(ctx context.Context, ...) { ... span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "op_name") defer span.Finish() span.LogFields( log.String("event", "soft error"), log.String("type", "cache timeout"), log.Int("waited.millis", 1500)) ... } Opentracing: Create a Span from the Context

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© 2017 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 43 func xyz(parentSpan opentracing.Span, ...) { ... sp := opentracing.StartSpan( "operation_name", opentracing.ChildOf(parentSpan.Context())) defer sp.Finish() ... } Opentracing: Create a Child Span

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Golang and Kubernetes: pprof ● It is the Golang native profiler ● You can use it via the `go pprof` command ● `import "runtime/pprof"` writes runtime profiling data ● `import "net/http/pprof"` serves via HTTP server runtime profiling data

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Golang and Kubernetes: pprof package main import ( "log" "net/http" _ "net/http/pprof" ) func main() { log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil)) }

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$ go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap Saved profile in /home/gianarb/pprof/pprof.main.alloc_objects.alloc_space.inuse_objects.inuse_space.00 9.pb.gz File: main Type: inuse_space Time: Oct 15, 2018 at 4:22pm (CEST) Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options) (pprof) png Generating report in profile001.png

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Golang and Kubernetes: pprof // handleProfiles determines which profile to return to the requester. func (h *Handler) handleProfiles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { switch r.URL.Path { case "/debug/pprof/cmdline": httppprof.Cmdline(w, r) case "/debug/pprof/profile": httppprof.Profile(w, r) case "/debug/pprof/symbol": httppprof.Symbol(w, r) case "/debug/pprof/all": h.archiveProfilesAndQueries(w, r) default: httppprof.Index(w, r) } }

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Golang and Kubernetes: pprof // archiveProfilesAndQueries collects the following profiles: // - goroutine profile // - heap profile // - blocking profile // - mutex profile // - (optionally) CPU profile // // It also collects the following query results: // // - SHOW SHARDS // - SHOW STATS // - SHOW DIAGNOSTICS // // All information is added to a tar archive and then compressed, before being // returned to the requester as an archive file.

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Golang and Kubernetes: pprof var allProfs = []*prof{ {Name: "goroutine", Debug: 1}, {Name: "block", Debug: 1}, {Name: "mutex", Debug: 1}, {Name: "heap", Debug: 1}, }

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gz := gzip.NewWriter(&resp) tw := tar.NewWriter(gz) // Collect and write out profiles. for _, profile := range allProfs { if profile.Name == "cpu" { if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(&buf); err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } sleep(w, time.Duration(profile.Debug)*time.Second) pprof.StopCPUProfile() } else { prof := pprof.Lookup(profile.Name) if prof == nil { http.Error(w, "unable to find profile "+profile.Name, 500) return } if err := prof.WriteTo(&buf, int(profile.Debug)); err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } } }

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Golang and Kubernetes: pprof // Collect and write out the queries. var allQueries = []struct { name string fn func() ([]*models.Row, error) }{ {"shards", h.showShards}, {"stats", h.showStats}, {"diagnostics", h.showDiagnostics}, } tabW := tabwriter.NewWriter(&buf, 8, 8, 1, '\t', 0) for _, query := range allQueries { rows, err := query.fn() if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) }

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func (h *Handler) showDiagnostics() ([]*models.Row, error) { diags, err := h.Monitor.Diagnostics() if err != nil { return nil, err } // Get a sorted list of diagnostics keys. sortedKeys := make([]string, 0, len(diags)) for k := range diags { sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, k) } sort.Strings(sortedKeys) rows := make([]*models.Row, 0, len(diags)) for _, k := range sortedKeys { row := &models.Row{Name: k} row.Columns = diags[k].Columns row.Values = diags[k].Rows rows = append(rows, row) } return rows, nil }

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Back to tracing - the cost of a retry

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Distributed Tracing - the cost of a retry

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Tracing is a debugging tool

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Remote Debugging in Kubernetes Delve, GDB

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Remote Debugging In Kubernetes DOESN’T APPLY!

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That’s not totally true. You can expose the debugger endpoint. It works. It doesn’t apply for production workload.

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Summarize ● Make your hands dirty ● Bring developers in the ops loop ● Write tools! ● Observability events, Metrics, Logs, Traces ● Instrumentation code is a first citizen code in our app ● Tracing

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Credits and articles to read ● ● ● ●

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~ @gianarb - ~ Thanks @gianarb