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Cloud Native Migration INTO THE CLOUD, YOU BETTER FLY BY SIGHT Dr. Josef Adersberger

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1. Overrun of costs, efforts, timelines 2. Unexpected severe portability issues 3. Wrong technology decisions 4. Lack of security, privacy & compliance 5. ... Things can go terribly wrong on a cloud native journey

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3 A successful cloud migration ❏ In time: All 600+ web applications migrated to public cloud and in production within 4 years ❏ In budget: no overrun & strong business case generated ❏ Full advantage: All applications security-hardened and modernized to containerized 12-factor-apps, higher availability, more agile teams

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4 #1 LESSON LEARNED: No blind flight into the cloud

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It’s all about visibility

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It’s all about visibility Source Application Landscape Migration Process Target Application Landscape Cloud Native Readiness Check Effort Estimation Cartography (Applications, Dependencies, Technologies) Cloud Cost Optimization Compliance Sign-off Hypercare Observation Migration Controlling Production Readiness Monitoring

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Migration Data Warehouse SONARQUBE EAM TOOL OWASP Scanner jQAssistant Establish a single source of truth QUESTIONNAIRES STATIC ANALYSIS DYNAMIC ANALYSIS LEANIX Iteraplan XLS JEE Migration Tool Monitoring Tools Inventory Infrastructure 1

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8 Provide rich data analysis and visualization capabilities 2 Migration Data Warehouse Business Intelligence Graph Search & Analysis Dashboards & Reports Issue Tracking

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9 Business Intelligence (Tableau) ❏ What technologies are used? ❏ What libraries are integrated in which version? ❏ What protocols are used? ❏ How much code? ❏ How much over-complex code? ❏ How many code anomalies per LOC? ❏ ...

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10 Graph Search & Analysis (neo4j) ❏ Which deployment units contain a specific class? ❏ What deployment units have a transitive dependency to a specific class or library? ❏ What are all code-level dependencies between our applications? ❏ ...

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MATCH (app:WebApp) -[:CONSISTS_OF_JAVA_CLASS]->(class:JavaClass) -[:IMPORTS]->(dependency:JavaClass) WHERE =~ '.*security.*' OPTIONAL MATCH (dependency) -[:PROVIDED_BY_JAR]-> (jar:JarOrModule) RETURN app, dependency, jar class LIMIT 50; 11 Graph Search & Analysis (neo4j) Which security packages are used? Interactive exploration Refactoring automation with Spoon

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12 Dashboards & Reports Migration status Health status Quality status Information radiator Incentives :-)

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13 Issue Tracking

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15 HOLOWARE: Collaborative visualization, exploration, and analysis of software landscapes in XR Research project by QAware and University of Erlangen-Nuremberg funded by BMWi / ZIM

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QAware GmbH Aschauer Straße 32 81549 München Tel.: +49 89 232315-0 E-Mail: |

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21 Slicing & dicing multi-dimensional time series data with the Software ECG ❏ Nodes: Compute nodes ❏ Namespaces: Application namespaces ❏ Pods & Services: Containerized Applications ❏ Processes: Application processes ❏ Metrics: e.g. runtime metrics, cloud costs Dimensions: ❏ Tool for analyzing multi-dimensional time series as collected from system behaviour monitoring ❏ Capable of analyzing trillions of data points in seconds ❏ Internally used in QAware projects at BMW, Deutsche Telekom, Allianz etc,