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KOTLIN CONF `23 An Overview

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66% Android 20% Server-side 14% Other Kotlin 
 By Numbers 86% ☺

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KEY HIGHLIGHTS • K2 Compiler ~> Kotlin 2.0 • Features after 2.0 Release • Static Extensions • Collection Literals • Name-base destrcturing • Context Receivers • Explicit fi lelds

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KEY HIGHLIGHTS • Kotlin Notebooks • Kotlin at Google is big • Kotlin + WebAssembly EXPERIMENTAL • Compose Mutliplatform • Desktop STABLE • iOS ALPHA

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KOTLIN FOUNDATION Protect, promote & advance the development of the Koltin Programming language.

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TAKE AWAYS • Kenyan community space is on the global map. • KMM is growing and has a big & supportive OS community. • Level up on KMM, Showkase, Redwood & Circuit Libraries • Kotlin at Google Scale, Compiler Crash course, Layouts Animation show, Publishing KMM Libraries

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TAKE AWAYS • Kenyan community space is on the global map. • KMM is growing and has a big & supportive OS community. • Keep pushing. • Event organization. • Slides & slides

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Much 💚 to the Community, Family & Friends for the Support for my First Session at Kotlin Conference! Tranforming Farmer’s Lives Using Android in Kenya KotlinConf’23

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