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Rosemary Wang | January 31, 2024 Can You Test Your Infrastructure as Code? Infrastructure & Ops Superstream

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(But I don’t want to write tests.)

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What’s worth testing?

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Rosemary Wang @joatmon08

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👩💻 $ git commit -m “Deploy a virtual machine” $ git push dry run

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👩💻 🔄 requested changes Rather than hard-code the image version, let’s move it to a variable. 👩💻 $ git commit -m "Deploy a virtual machine" $ git push dry run 👩💻 🔄 requested changes Do we deploy this virtual machine to a private or public subnet? The configuration deploys it with a public IP address, we should only deploy it in a private network.

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👩💻 🔄 requested changes Rather than hard-code the image version, let’s move it to a variable. 👩💻 $ git commit -m "Deploy a virtual machine" $ git push 👩💻 $ git commit -m "Refactor after code review" $ git push dry run dry run 👩💻 🔄 requested changes Do we deploy this virtual machine to a private or public subnet? The configuration deploys it with a public IP address, we should only deploy it in a private network.

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👩💻 🔄 requested changes Rather than hard-code the image version, let’s move it to a variable. 👩💻 $ git commit -m "Deploy a virtual machine" $ git push 👩💻 $ git commit -m "Refactor after code review" $ git push 👩💻 ✅ approved changes LGTM! dry run dry run deploy 👩💻 🔄 requested changes Do we deploy this virtual machine to a private or public subnet? The configuration deploys it with a public IP address, we should only deploy it in a private network.

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👩💻 🔄 requested changes Rather than hard-code the image version, let’s move it to a variable. 👩💻 $ curl 503 Server Unavailable 👩💻 $ git commit -m "Deploy a virtual machine" $ git push 👩💻 $ git commit -m "Refactor after code review" $ git push 👩💻 ✅ approved changes LGTM! dry run dry run deploy 👩💻 🔄 requested changes Do we deploy this virtual machine to a private or public subnet? The configuration deploys it with a public IP address, we should only deploy it in a private network.

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👩💻 🔄 requested changes Rather than hard-code the image version, let’s move it to a variable. 👩💻 $ curl 503 Server Unavailable 👩💻 $ git commit -m “Deploy a virtual machine” $ git push 👩💻 $ git commit -m “Refactor after code review” $ git push 👩💻 ✅ approved changes LGTM! dry run dry run deploy Test for variables Test this API call Test for network requirements 👩💻 🔄 requested changes Do we deploy this virtual machine to a private or public subnet? The configuration deploys it with a public IP address, we should only deploy it in a private network. Test VM status

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When are tests worth writing? • Turn unknown knowns (siloed knowledge) into known knowns • Communicate expectations for infrastructure • Standardize infrastructure as code • Automate checks for system function after changes

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Manual Tests Integration Tests Contract Tests Unit Tests Cost Increases (Time & Money) End-to-End Tests

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Some notes… • Pyramid is guideline, not rule • Choose a programming / domain-speci fi c language • You will have multiple testing frameworks • Infrastructure will have fl aky tests

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Unit Tests Check attributes without con fi guring active resources

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Example resource "aws_db_instance" "database" { engine = "postgres" ## omitted for clarity } run "database" { command = plan assert { condition = aws_db_instance.database.engine == "postgres" error_message = "Database engine should use postgres" } } Database engine should use PostgreSQL.

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Example locals { subnets = cidrsubnets("", 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8) } module "vpc" { ## omitted for clarity private_subnets = slice(local.subnets, 0, 3) public_subnets = slice(local.subnets, 3, 6) } def test_vpc_subnets_have_correct_netmask(vpc_subnets): wrong_subnets = [subnet['values'].get('id') for subnet in vpc_subnets if not subnet['values'].get('cidr_block').endswith('/24')] assert len(wrong_subnets) == 0, "subnets {} should have /24 CIDR block".format(wrong_subnets) This function should create subnets with a /24 subnet mask.

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Con fi guration Unit Test

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Con fi guration Dry Run Unit Test

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Con fi guration Dry Run Unit Test Mocks Infrastructure API

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Unit Tests • Check attributes • Result of iterative logic / functions • Dependencies between resources • Any expected values, variables, or outputs

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Contract Tests Check inputs match what is expected for a “module”

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module collection of resources via infrastructure as code that are distributed for other people to use

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Example variable “peering_requester_vpc_cidr_block” { type = string description = "CIDR Block for VPC requesting to peer" } variable “peering_accepter_vpc_cidr_block” { type = string description = "CIDR block for VPC accepting peering connection" } Check that two CIDR blocks do not overlap for network peering def test_peered_networks_do_not_overlap(vpcs): assert vpcs['prod_us_east_1'].get('cidr_block') == vpcs['prod_us_east_2'].get('cidr_block')

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Example resource "hcp_hvn" "main" { hvn_id = cloud_provider = "aws" region = local.hcp_region cidr_block = var.hcp_cidr_block } Check that two CIDR blocks do not overlap for network peering lifecycle { precondition { condition = var.hcp_cidr_block != var.vpc_cidr_block error_message = "Peered VPCs cannot have overlapping CIDR blocks" } }

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How does someone know how to use the module?

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Con fi guration Dry Run Unit Test Deploy Contract Test Mocks Infrastructure API

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Con fi guration Dry Run Unit Test Deploy Catch the mistake here! Contract Test Mocks Infrastructure API

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Con fi guration Dry Run Unit Test Deploy Catch the mistake here! Rather than deploying and waiting for an error. Contract Test Mocks Infrastructure API

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Contract Tests • Validate input variables • Check identi fi er, password, or naming standards • Verify dependency metadata (e.g., passing in private networks)

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Integration Tests Check attributes on active resources

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Example Check that a database is available after creation run "database" { command = apply assert { condition = aws_db_instance.database.status == "available" error_message = "Database in module should be available" } }

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Example Check that a Kubernetes cluster is not latest version def test_kubernetes_cluster_version_should_not_be_latest(kubernetes_cluster): kubernetes_release_details = requests.get( 
 '', headers={ 
 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json', 
 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' }) kubernetes_latest = version.parse( kubernetes_release_details.json().get(‘tag_name')) cluster_version = version.parse( kubernetes_cluster[‘change']['after'].get('version')) assert cluster_version < kubernetes_latest

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Example Check that a Kubernetes cluster is not latest version data "http" "kubernetes_version" { url = "" request_headers = { Accept = "application/vnd.github+json" X-GitHub-Api-Version = "2022-11-28" } lifecycle { postcondition { condition = tonumber(module.eks.cluster_version) < tonumber(regex("[0-9]+.[0-9]+", jsondecode(self.response_body).0.tag_name)) error_message = "Kubernetes cluster version should not be latest" } } }

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Con fi guration Dry Run Deploy Unit Test Contract Test Integration Test Mocks Infrastructure API

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Integration Tests • Requires active resources • Check resource status • Verify default attributes supplied by infrastructure API (e.g., versions, encryption key identi fi ers)

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End-to-End Tests Check the system works as expected

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Example Check that a sample application endpoint is still healthy @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def url(servers): return f"http://{servers[0]['networkInterfaces'][0]['accessConfigs'][0] ['natIP']}" def test_url_for_service_returns_running_page(url): response = requests.get(url) assert "Welcome" in response.text

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Con fi guration Dry Run Deploy Unit Test Contract Test Integration Test Mocks Infrastructure API End-to-End Test

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End-to-End Tests • Requires a full set of active resources • Run on live environment • Verify end-to-end connectivity and functionality (e.g., network peering, application deployment work fl ow)

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Manual Tests End-to-End Tests Integration Tests Contract Tests Unit Tests Modules Modules Modules Con fi guration Con fi guration Con fi guration

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In conclusion… • Use tests as a form of education • Evolve tests for additional functionality, remove fl aky ones • Shorten feedback loop from IaC to deployment • Assess cost of testing environment versus testing in production • Infrastructure mocks? Test coverage?

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Thank you! @joatmon08