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Successful App Localisation Or: Safely navigating the pitfalls Felix Bartz, Linguist, Co-founder, CTO

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• Is localizing worth the effort? • Fundamentals, such as: work with volunteers or professionals? • How do I internationalize my app? What I am not going to talk about

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• Pitfall 1: Concepts • Pitfall 2: Time constraints • Pitfall 3: Organizational skills • Pitfall 4: Tools & Platforms What I am going to talk about

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Concepts Or: how can I provide the basis for good localization?

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The User Interface Concepts > User Interface

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The User Interface Concepts > User Interface Tabs DON’T DO THIS

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The User Interface Concepts > User Interface Buttons Calendar App #1 Calendar App #2

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The User Interface Concepts > User Interface Buttons Calendar App #1 In German

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The User Interface Concepts > User Interface Buttons Calendar App #2 In German

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The User Interface Concepts > User Interface • Provide sufficient space: other languages are up to 20% longer • Look for ways to shorten space-constrained strings • Custom font? Does it do special characters? What did we learn?

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String Design Concepts > String Design Placeholders and their pains

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String Design Concepts > String Design Placeholders and their pains /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "server_down" = "We are working on it and expect to restore service by %s."; Day of the week? am Dienstag Date? am 24.12.2014 Time? um 23:00 Uhr What could %s be?

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String Design Concepts > String Design Placeholders and their pains /* %s will be replaced by local time, e.g. 3:00 AM. */ "server_down" = "We are working on it and expect to restore service by %s."; What could %s be? ✓ /* %s e.g. 3:00 AM. */ "server_down" = "We are working on it and expect to restore service by %s."; or

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String Design Concepts > String Design Placeholders and their pains Articles in front of placeholders… "notification" = "%1$@ sent you a %2$@"; "text_message" = "text message"; "video" = "video";

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String Design Concepts > String Design Placeholders and their pains Yes, it works in English…

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String Design Concepts > String Design Placeholders and their pains But not in German, for example…

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String Design Concepts > String Design Placeholders and their pains Solution? "notification" = "%1$@ sent you a %2$@"; "text_message" = "text message"; "video" = "video"; "notification" = "%1$@ sent you %2$@"; "text_message" = "a text message"; "video" = "a video"; Add articles and prepositions to the placeholder content.

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String Design Concepts > String Design Placeholders and their pains - what did we learn? • Use the comment for vital information • Communicate what type of data the placeholder represents • Just because something works in English, this does not necessarily apply to other languages

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String Design Concepts > String Design Multiple Use of Strings

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String Design Concepts > String Design Multiple Use of Strings /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "me" = "Me"; In this chat group: Me Chat group created by: Me Gruppenteilnehmer: Ich Gruppe erstellt von: Mir

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String Design Concepts > String Design Use of Generic Terms and Phrases (to make them re-usable)

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String Design Concepts > String Design Use of Generic Terms and Phrases /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "success" = "Success"; YouTube copy link: Geschafft

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String Design Concepts > String Design Use of Generic Terms and Phrases Copy link: Geschafft?

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String Design Concepts > String Design Use of Generic Terms and Phrases DON’T DO THIS /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "success" = "Success"; AT LEAST ADD A COMMENT

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_local_vol" = "the volume %@"; "desc_network_vol" = "the network volume %@"; "desc_folder_network_vol" = "the folder %1$@ on the network volume %2$@"; "desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "desc_local_vol" = "the volume %@";

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_local_vol" = "the volume %@"; In German?

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_local_vol" = "the volume %@"; "desc_backup_everything" = ""; "desc_local_vol" = ""; "desc_local_vol" = "das Volume %@"; "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB kopiert auf .";

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BBB kopiert das Volume X auf das Volume Y. String Design Concatenated Strings Concepts > String Design

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_network_vol" = "the network volume %@"; "desc_folder_network_vol" = "the folder %1$@ on the network volume %2$@"; "desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "desc_local_vol" = "the volume %@"; ✓ "desc_network_vol" = "the network volume %@"; ✓ "desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; ?

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB kopiert auf ."; "desc_local_vol" = "the volume %@"; "desc_local_vol" = ""; "desc_local_vol" = "das Volume %@"; "desc_folder_local" = ""; "desc_folder_local" = „den Ordner %1$@ auf dem Volume %2$@";

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings BBB kopiert das Volume A auf den Ordner B auf dem Volume C.

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BBB kopiert das Volume A in den Ordner B auf dem Volume C. String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings String Design

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_folder_network_vol" = "the folder %1$@ on the network volume %2$@"; "desc_local_vol" = "the volume %@"; ✓ "desc_network_vol" = "the network volume %@"; ✓ "desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; ✗ ✗ "desc_folder_network_vol" = "the folder %1$@ on the network volume %2$@";

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; Why do we fail here? "desc_local_vol" = "the volume %@"; "desc_network_vol" = "the network volume %@"; "desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "desc_folder_network_vol" = "the folder %1$@ on the network volume %2$@";

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings BBB will clone to the folder %1$@ on network volume %2$@. CCC clonerà sulla cartella %1$@ sul volume di rete %2$@. BBB will clone to the network volume %@. CCC clonerà sul volume di rete %@.

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; How do we succeed? "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; & use the same pool of strings

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings Solution - Step 1 "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; "source_desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "source_desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "dest_desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; Separate strings pools for &

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone to ."; Solution - Step 2 "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB will clone ."; Move the preposition “to” into the ‘Destination’ string. "source_desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "dest_desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "source_desc_folder_local" = "the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@"; "dest_desc_folder_local" = "to the folder %1$@ on the volume %2$@";

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings In German "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB kopiert ."; "source_desc_folder_local" = "den Ordner %1$@ auf dem Volume %2$@"; "dest_desc_folder_local" = "in den Ordner %1$@ auf dem Volume %2$@";

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BBB kopiert den Ordner A auf dem Volume B in den Ordner C auf dem Volume D.

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings In German "desc_backup_everything" = "BBB kopiert ."; "source_desc_local_vol" = "das Volume %@"; "dest_desc_local_vol" = "auf das Volume %@";

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BBB kopiert das Volume A auf das Volume B.

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String Design Concepts > String Design Concatenated Strings – what did we learn? • Works in one language ≠ works in other languages • Move mean little fellas such as prepositions or articles into the placeholder strings • Provide for order changes by using %1$@

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural - often underestimated

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String Design Concepts > String Design "%tu matches found" = "%tu matches found"; The Plural - enemy of the state Most languages only have one plural.

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String Design Concepts > String Design "%tu matches found" = "%tu matches found"; The Plural - enemy of the state "%tu matches found" = "%tu Treffer"; "%tu matches found" = "%tu resultados"; "%tu matches found" = "%tu risultati";

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural - enemy of the state Unfortunately, not all languages have only one plural …

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural - enemy of the state Russian

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural - enemy of the state Plurals in “western” languages 1 = Singular 2 – ∞ = Plural

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural - enemy of the state Plurals in most Asian languages 1 – ∞ = One consistent form

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural - enemy of the state 1 = Singular 0, 5-20, 25-30, … = Plural Form 2 1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, … = Singular 2, 3, 4, 22-24, … = Plural Form 1 Plurals in Russian

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural - enemy of the state Solution? A .stringsdict file

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural - enemy of the state NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey NSStringPluralRuleType NSStringFormatValueTypeKey tu zero No matches found one %tu match found other %tu matches found NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey NSStringPluralRuleType NSStringFormatValueTypeKey tu zero Совпадений не обнаружено one %tu совпадение обнаружено many %tu совпадений обнаружено other %tu совпадения обнаружено English Russian

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String Design Concepts > String Design The Plural – what did we learn? • Not every language has just one plural form • Apple offers a simple solution • Expect the unexpected!

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String Design Concepts > String Design Conclusion • Be aware: there are languages that use a different syntax • You do not need to know the syntax of every single language • If in doubt: ask someone who is good at this stuff • Important: You don’t have to be an expert. 
 But expect this to need time during the translation.

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Time Constraints Or: Good things are worth waiting for…

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Time Constraints The main question is: How long will it take?

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Time Constraints General answer: it depends …

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Time Constraints Depends on what? • Word count of the resources • Possible specialization in a certain topic • Customization level and complexity of the UI • Your internationalization efforts • Thoroughness of the translators

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Time Constraints Depends on what? • Thoroughness of the translators

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Time Constraints Depends on what? Typically, an Initial localization requires *2-3 reviews.

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Time Constraints Depends on what? *2-3 reviews • (Typos) • Length constraints • Context correctness • Undiscovered issues of all sorts (gender, plurals, prepositions, order)

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Time Constraints Standard iPhone App: 1500 words in resources 350 words in App Store Translation Data exchange Review Initial Localization Month M T W T F S S Do you see the issue?

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Time Constraints Standard Update: 200 words in resources 70 words release notes Translation Data exchange Review Update Localization Month M T W T F S S

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Time Constraints Ecosystem biorhythm Value Axis 0 12.5 25 37.5 50 Category Axis Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Juy Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Calendar year Workload Pre-WWDC Pre-iTC Xmas shutdown OS releases

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Time Constraints Conclusion • Very often the main effort is not the translation, but the Review • Plan for sufficient time – also consider time zone related losses • Inform your translators ahead of time • Ecosystem biorhythm: WWDC, Xmas, OS releases, iTC downtimes, …

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Or: how can I make it comfy for my translators? Organizational Skills

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Organizational Skills As much info material as possible, such as video tutorials, support documents, review guides, etc. The Learning Curve

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Organizational Skills Always provide the app itself. It is the best context source. Ever! Context2

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Organizational Skills Stick to your deadlines. Because you expect that as well. Reliability

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Organizational Skills Agree on one single contact. Ideally: a lead developer! Agree on Q&A methods and schedule sessions Communication

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Organizational Skills Don’t lack words. Become “The Explainer”. Comments /* */

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File Formats & Tools File Formats Or: Avoiding almost physical pain.

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File Formats & Tools File Formats Native resources Exchange file formats • xibs, plist, strings, stringsdict, … • json, … • xliff, … • xlsx, docx, … The bigger / complex your project is, the better it is to use native files.

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File Formats & Tools File Formats Native resources Exchange file formats • Can be versioned easily • Contain ALL context • Are context themselves • Versioning difficult • Prone to loosing context • Error source Include translators in the decision

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File Formats & Tools Tools / Platforms Self-services on the web Full services on the web • No file format hassle • Easy and quick • Anonymous translators • Status tracking and statistics • Q&A handling • No file format hassle • Easy and quick • You bring your own translators • Status tracking and statistics • Q&A handling Made for your comfort, typically inefficient for translators

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File Formats & Tools Conclusion • Either work with files or online platforms - include translators • Most online platforms are very inefficient for translators • Choose wisely and be aware of dependencies and error sources

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News from WWDC17 New Pséùdôlängùágès (incl. RTL) New Autolayout constraints checks and warnings Stringsdicts can now be exported into Xliff (meh) Watch WWDC17 Session 401 (Localizing with Xcode 9)

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That’s what I have for you today.

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Thanks a lot! Any questions?