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Leading in IT Education www. Introduction

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Leading in IT Education www. static website user data web frontend queue analytics development environments qa servers customer data center public cloud production cluster Challenge ?

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Leading in IT Education www. cargo of cars cargo of stuff deployment manual labor Hand-loading a ship cost $5.86 per ton before 1956.

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Leading in IT Education www. After 1956, using containers, it cost ¢16 per ton to load a ship. Containerization greatly reduced the time to load and unload cargo. Malcom Purcell McLean "A ship earns money only when she is at sea".

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Leading in IT Education www. static website user data web frontend queue analytics development environments qa servers customer data center public cloud production cluster

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Leading in IT Education www. so, why containers? STANDARDIZATION … facilitate commoditization of formerly custom processes and help maximize compatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, and quality. - wikipedia

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Leading in IT Education www. Virtualization

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Leading in IT Education www. virtual machines docker

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Leading in IT Education www. _docker_

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Leading in IT Education www.

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker run busybox /bin/echo ‘Hello World!’ Hello World! hello world! image command to run output

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Leading in IT Education www. docker CONTAINERS

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker run --tty --interactive busybox /bin/sh / # exit interactive container keep stdin attached image command to run

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Leading in IT Education www. $ uname -a # show kernel/linux version $ pwd # show current directory $ ls # show files in directory $ whoami # what is my user name $ id # what is my user id $ ps # what processes are running $ hostname # what is the server hostname $ ifconfig # network interface list $ netstat # network activity $ netstat -r # routing table $ mount # mounted file systems inspecting a linux environment

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker run -t -i -e PS1='\u@\h:\w# ' busybox /bin/sh root@abcdef:/# exit > container environment environment variable

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker run -ti busybox \ /bin/sh -c 'while true; do date; sleep 1; done' Sun Mar 23 18:57:17 IST 2015 Sun Mar 23 18:57:18 IST 2015 Sun Mar 23 18:57:19 IST 2015 Sun Mar 23 18:57:20 IST 2015 Sun Mar 23 18:57:21 IST 2015 ^C docker clock

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker run -d busybox \ /bin/sh -c 'while true; do date; sleep 1; done' e04e6a90bd09723fcda724ecd9392434992d7d0fd335bb465cd5f618570ee68e daemon clock! Hey! Where is the REAL output?

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker ps > docker top container_name_or_id > docker logs container_name_or_id > docker stop container_name_or_id > docker start container_name_or_id > docker rm container_name_or_id running containers CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES d40ad71102b8 busybox:latest /bin/sh -c 'while tr 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes berserk_hopper

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker inspect container_name # filtering a single property (using GO text/template) > docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' cont_name container metadata

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker run -d busybox \ nc -ll -p 80 -e /bin/echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\nHello World.\n" 00ac7444f87e797d1a5e6cdd2eb8f916e7fefddcaa9d751551719fe49e5c9732 > docker inspect `docker ps -ql` | grep IPAddress "IPAddress": "", > curl http:// Hello World. a hello-world web server

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Leading in IT Education www. containers : what we learned so far ✓ running commands in a container ✓ starting interactive containers ✓ namespace separation ✓ containers with daemons ✓ inspecting live containers ✓ container metadata ✓ docker bridge networking

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Leading in IT Education www.

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Leading in IT Education www.

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Leading in IT Education www. on April 26, 1956 the Ideal X carried 58 containers from Port Newark, New Jersey, to Port of Houston, Texas, where 58 trucks were waiting to be loaded with the containers.

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Leading in IT Education www.

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Leading in IT Education www. docker IMAGES

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker run -ti busybox /bin/sh / # cat > bin/ #!/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/usr/bin nc -ll -p 80 -e echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\nI am very FAST!" ^D / # chmod +x bin/ / # exit modifying containers

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker ps --latest > docker diff container_name A /.ash_history C /bin A /bin/ what changed?

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Leading in IT Education www. container commit > docker commit -a ‘Evgeny Zislis ’ \ abcde123 haws/webserver 96e632d705113241816462ba9c7e94451384a505613dff64af192daf7bc78efb Hey! What is this?

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Leading in IT Education www. > docker images > docker search mongodb > docker pull mongodb/mongodb:latest > docker run -d mongodb/mongodb using images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE busybox latest a9eb17255234 5 days ago 2.433 MB ubuntu 14.04 99ec81b80c55 4 weeks ago 266 MB

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Leading in IT Education www. docker HUB

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Leading in IT Education www. # #!/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/usr/bin nc -ll -p 80 -e echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\nI am very FAST!" # Dockerfile FROM busybox:latest ADD bin/ ENTRYPOINT bin/ > chmod 0750 && docker build -t haws/webserver . build an image

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Leading in IT Education www. tags for images > docker tag webserverNEW webserver > docker login user: haws pass: verysecret mail: > docker push haws/webserverNEW

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Leading in IT Education www. Dockerfile instructions FROM image:tag MAINTAINER Haws DevOpsIL RUN command # runs it in /bin/sh -c ‘command’ RUN [ “exec”, “param”, “param” ] CMD command # or CMD [ “exec”, “param”, “param” ] ENTRYPOINT command # or ENTRYPOINT [ “exec”, “param” ]

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Leading in IT Education www. ENV key value ADD src dst # src is file, archive, or url (http://) COPY src dst USER someone WORKDIR somewhere Dockerfile instructions

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Leading in IT Education www. ✓ commit changed containers ✓ inspect difference made to container ✓ searching for community images ✓ docker image pulling and pushing ✓ building images using Dockerfiles ✓ injecting files into images with ADD images : what we learned so far

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Leading in IT Education www.

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Leading in IT Education www. Port of Shanghai how many TEUs it handled in 2014? how many ships handled?

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Leading in IT Education www. Port of Shanghai 35.29 million TEU in 2014 busiest container port for the fifth consecutive year. handling more than 50,000 ships annually

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Leading in IT Education www.

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Leading in IT Education www. docs. docker. com

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Leading in IT Education www.

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Leading in IT Education www. blog. /docker- weekly- archives

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Leading in IT Education www. Thank you! We invite you to join Operations Israel Facebook group on we are hiring at