Ruby 3.0 (w/ rvm)
> rvm get head
> rvm install 3.0
> rvm use 3.0
> ruby --version
ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision
95aff21468) [x86_64-darwin19]
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Rightward Assignments
1 42 => answer
2 p answer #=> 42
4 {first: "John", last: "Doe"} => {first:,last:}
5 p first #=> "John"
6 p last #=> "Doe"
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Find Pattern
1 case ["a", 1, "b", "c", 2, "d", "e", "f", 3]
2 in [*pre, String => x, String => y, *post]
3 p pre #=> ["a", 1]
4 p x #=> "b"
5 p y #=> "c"
6 p post #=> [2, "d", "e", "f", 3]
7 end
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Endless Method
1 def square(x) = x * x
3 puts "7 square = #{square(7)}"
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• The feature formerly known as
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• Ractor is an Actor-model like
concurrent abstraction.
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Concurrency vs.
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Concurrency vs.
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• Ractor is designed to provide
a parallel execution feature
of Ruby without thread-safety
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• Ractor does not use the GVL.
Each ractor has its own GVL,
so you can have multiple
threads within your ractor.
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What is the GVL?
(Global VM Lock)
• “The Ruby Virtual Machine is
not internally thread-safe,
[…] so we use a global lock
around it so that only one
thread can access it in
parallel.” Nate Berkopec
Ractor by design:
“… without thread-safety concerns”
• Shareable objects
• Unshareable objects
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Threads (This is OK)
1 GOOD = 'good'.freeze
2 BAD = 'bad'
4 t = do
5 puts "GOOD=#{GOOD}"
6 puts "BAD=#{BAD}"
7 end
9 t.join
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1 GOOD = 'good'.freeze
2 BAD = 'bad'
4 r = do
5 puts "GOOD=#{GOOD}"
6 puts "BAD=#{BAD}"
7 end
9 r.resume
Fibers (This is OK)
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1 GOOD = 'good'.freeze
2 BAD = 'bad'
4 r = do
5 puts "GOOD=#{GOOD}"
6 puts "BAD=#{BAD}"
7 end
9 r.take
Ractor (This is NOT OK)
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:267: warning: Ractor is experimental, and the behavior may change
in future versions of Ruby! Also there are many implementation issues.
# terminated with exception (report_on_exception is
constants_with_ractor.rb:6:in `block in ': can not access non-shareable objects
in constant Object::BAD by non-main Ractor. (Ractor::IsolationError)
:694:in `take': thrown by remote Ractor. (Ractor::RemoteError)
from constants_with_ractor.rb:9:in `'
constants_with_ractor.rb:6:in `block in ': can not access non-shareable objects
in constant Object::BAD by non-main Ractor. (Ractor::IsolationError)
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:267: warning: Ractor is experimental, and the behavior may change
in future versions of Ruby! Also there are many implementation issues.
# terminated with exception (report_on_exception is
constants_with_ractor.rb:6:in `block in ': can not access non-shareable objects
in constant Object::BAD by non-main Ractor. (Ractor::IsolationError)
:694:in `take': thrown by remote Ractor. (Ractor::RemoteError)
from constants_with_ractor.rb:9:in `'
constants_with_ractor.rb:6:in `block in ': can not access non-shareable objects
in constant Object::BAD by non-main Ractor. (Ractor::IsolationError)
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:267: warning: Ractor is experimental, and the behavior may change
in future versions of Ruby! Also there are many implementation issues.
# terminated with exception (report_on_exception is
constants_with_ractor.rb:6:in `block in ': can not access non-shareable objects
in constant Object::BAD by non-main Ractor. (Ractor::IsolationError)
:694:in `take': thrown by remote Ractor. (Ractor::RemoteError)
from constants_with_ractor.rb:9:in `'
constants_with_ractor.rb:6:in `block in ': can not access non-shareable objects
in constant Object::BAD by non-main Ractor. (Ractor::IsolationError)
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When and why might Ractors be
better than existing Ruby threads?
• “The lack of GVL allows them
to fully use more cores. So in
cases where Ruby can't easily
use all your cores, Ractors
can be better than threads.”
Noah Gibbs
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Shareable vs. Unshareable Objects
• Shareable objects:
• Immutable objects (frozen objects only
refer to shareable objects)
• Class/module objects
• Special shareable objects (Ractor
objects, and so on)
• Unshareable objects: Everything else
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Pattern Matching
• You might be familiar with the case/when flow:
1 object = "a string"
3 case object
4 when String
5 puts "object is a String"
6 else
7 puts "object is not a String"
8 end
$ ruby case_when.rb
object is a String
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Pattern Matching
• Ruby 3.0 introduces the case/in flow which uses pattern matching:
1 # example based on https://docs.ruby-lang.
2 org/en/3.0.0/doc/syntax/pattern_matching_rdoc.
3 html
5 def connect(config)
6 case config
7 in db: {user:} # matches subhash and puts
8 matched value in variable user
9 puts "Connect with user '#{user}'"
10 in connection: {username: }
11 puts "Connect with connection and user '#{username}'"
12 else
13 puts "Unrecognized structure of config"
14 end
15 end
17 connect(db: {user: 'admin', password: ‘abc123'})
$ ruby case_in.rb
Connect with user 'admin'
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• any Ruby object (matched by the === operator, like in when); (Value pattern)
• array pattern: [, , , ...]; (Array
• find pattern: [*variable, , , , ...,
*variable]; (Find pattern)
• hash pattern: {key: , key: , ...}; (Hash pattern)
• combination of patterns with |; (Alternative pattern)
• variable capture: => variable or variable; (As pattern, Variable
Patterns can be:
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Variable Binding
1 case [17, 76]
2 in Integer => a, Integer => b
3 puts "a=#{a}, b= #{b}"
4 else
5 puts "not matched"
6 end
8 case {a: 1, b: 7, c: 76}
9 in a: Integer => m, b: Integer => n, c: Integer => o
10 puts "m: #{m}, n: #{n}, o: #{o}, "
11 else
12 "not matched"
13 end
$ ruby binding.rb
a=17, b= 76
m: 1, n: 7, o: 76,
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You can even use it in an if as a “one-liner”:
1 first_name = "John"
3 if {first_name: first_name} in {first_name: "John"}
5 puts "First name is John!"
6 end
8 if {first_name: first_name} in {first_name: "Bob"}
10 puts "First name is Bob!"
11 else
12 puts "First name is not Bob!"
13 end
if_in.rb:3: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions
of Ruby!
if_in.rb:7: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions
of Ruby!
First name is John!
First name is not Bob!
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If you want to skip the warnings:
1 Warning[:experimental] = false
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Pattern Matching: Advanced Example
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Pattern Matching: Poker Hand
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Elixir-like Method
Overloading Not Supported:
1 def process(%{"animal" => animal}) do
2 IO.puts("The animal is: #{animal}")
3 end
5 def process(%{"plant" => plant}) do
6 IO.puts("The plant is: #{plant}")
7 end
9 def process(%{"person" => person}) do
10 IO.puts("The person is: #{person}")
11 end
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Ruby 3x3
• “The goal is to make Ruby 3
run three times faster as
compared to Ruby 2.0.” *
Matz, 2016 (source)
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Ruby 3x3
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What is a JIT?
• JIT stands for “just-in-time”
compilation. A JIT allows an
interpreted language such as
Ruby to optimize frequently
run methods so they run faster
for future calls.
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Ruby’s MJIT
• The M is for methods
• It requires more memory to keep
its method operations cache
• It has been available since
Ruby 2.6 and it has been
optimized on Ruby 3.0
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JIT: How do I use it?
# enabled.rb
1 puts "MJIT is enabled: #{RubyVM::MJIT.enabled?}”
$ ruby --jit enabled.rb
MJIT is enabled: true
$ ruby enabled.rb
MJIT is enabled: false
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JIT: How do I use it in
$ RUBYOPT=--jit rails server
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Ruby 3x3
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Ruby 3x3
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Automatic Garbage Compaction
• You no longer have to manually
trigger the garbage compactor
1 GC.compact # available since Ruby 2.6
3 puts “Yay, a tidier heap sparks joy!"
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Automatic Garbage Compaction
• Most objects will be
automatically transferred to
the heap and compacted to
improve memory usage and
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Concurrency / Parallelism
• “It’s multi-core age today.
Concurrency is very important.
With Ractor, along with Async
Fiber, Ruby will be a real
concurrent language.”
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Fiber Scheduler
• It can be used to intercept
blocking operations and yield.
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Fiber vs Thread
• Fibers are more lightweight.
They eat less memory.
• The OS decides when to run/
pause your threads.
• You have more control over
when to run/pause your fibers.
Fiber Scheduler
3 do # in this thread, we'll have non-blocking fibers
5 Fiber.set_scheduler
7 %w[2.6 2.7 3.0].each do |version|
8 Fiber.schedule do # Runs block of code in a separate Fiber
10 t =
11 # ...
16 Net::HTTP.get('', "/rubychanges/#{version}.html")
19 puts '%s: finished in %.3f' % [version,
20 - t]
21 end
22 end
23 end.join # At the END of the thread code, Scheduler will be called to dispatch
25 # all waiting fibers in a non-blocking manner
28 puts 'Total: finished in %.3f' % ( -
29 start)
31 # Prints:
32 # 2.6: finished in 0.139
33 # 2.7: finished in 0.141
34 # 3.0: finished in 0.143
35 # Total: finished in 0.146
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Don’t Wait For Me! Scalable Concurrency
for Ruby 3 by Samuel Williams
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Fiber Scheduler (Why?)
• You don’t have to manually yield.
• You end up with cleaner code in
your fibers.
• There is a scheduler implementation
in the `async` gem. (source)
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Static Analysis
• “Ruby seeks the future with
static type checking, without
type declaration, using abstract
interpretation. RBS & TypeProf
are the first step to the
future. More steps to come.”
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Static Analysis: RBS
• RBS is a language to describe
the structure of Ruby
• Ruby 3.0 ships with the `rbs`
gem which includes the `rbs`
CLI command.
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Static Analysis: RBS
1 # test.rb
2 class User
3 def initialize(name:, age:)
4 @name, @age = name, age
5 end
7 attr_reader :name, :age
8 end
10 "John", age: 38)
Static Analysis: RBS
$ rbs help
Usage: rbs [options...] [command...]
Available commands: ast, list, ancestors, methods, method, validate, constant,
paths, prototype, vendor, parse, test, version, help.
-r LIBRARY Load RBS files of the library
-I DIR Load RBS files from the directory
--no-stdlib Skip loading standard library signatures
--repo DIR Add RBS repository
--log-level LEVEL Specify log level (defaults to `warn`)
--log-output OUTPUT Specify the file to output log (defaults
to stderr)
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• TypeProf is a type analysis
tool bundled in the Ruby 3.0
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• It reads plain (non-type-
annotated) Ruby code, analyzes
what methods are defined and
how they are used, and
generates a prototype of type
signature in RBS format.
Static Analysis:
Pragmatic View (Why?)
• Exhaustiveness Checking (Sorbet)
• Automatic Documentation of Public
Method Signatures
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JIT Improvements
• Significantly decreased the
size of JIT-ed code (less
• Still not ready for optimizing
workloads like Rails
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And more...
• IRB Performance Improvement
• Keyword arguments are separated from
other arguments
• Pattern matching (case/in) is no
longer experimental
• Arguments forwarding now supports
leading arguments
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Positional and Keyword
Arguments: ArgumentError
1 # This method accepts only a keyword argument
2 def foo(k: 1)
3 p k
4 end
6 h = { k: 42 }
8 # This method call passes a positional Hash argument
9 # In Ruby 2.7: The Hash is automatically converted to a keyword argument
10 # In Ruby 3.0: This call raises an ArgumentError
11 foo(h)
12 # => demo.rb:11: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is
13 deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call
14 # demo.rb:2: warning: The called method `foo' is defined here
15 # 42
17 # If you want to keep the behavior in Ruby 3.0, use double splat
18 foo(**h) #=> 42
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Positional and Keyword
Arguments: ArgumentError
• Best case scenario: Many
ArgumentErrors all over the
• Worst case scenario: Weird,
buggy behavior with Ruby 3.0.
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Upgrading to
Ruby 3.0
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• Upgrade to Ruby 2.7 first. You get slightly better performance
than in 2.6. Also, you will see a bunch of deprecation warnings re:
positional and keyword arguments.
• Fix deprecation warnings re: positional arguments.
• Proactively check that your dependencies work with Ruby 3.0. Maybe
your first OSS contribution?
• Backtraces in Ruby 3.0 behave like in Ruby 2.4: an error message
and the line number where the exception occurs are printed first,
and its callers are printed later
Horizontal Sharding
• Horizontal sharding is when you
split up your database to
reduce the number of rows on
each database server, but
maintain the same schema across
"shards". This is commonly
called “multi-tenant" sharding.
Shard Use Case
1 ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading,
2 shard: :shard_one) do
3 Record.first # lookup record from read replica of shard one
4 end
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Strict Loading
• `config.active_record.strict_loading_by_default`
is a boolean value that either enables or
disables strict_loading mode by default.
Defaults to `false`.
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Strict Loading
1 class Developer < ApplicationRecord
2 self.strict_loading_by_default = true
4 has_many :projects
5 end
7 dev = Developer.first
8 dev.projects.first
9 # raises ActiveRecord::StrictLoadingViolationError Exception: Developer is
10 # marked as strict_loading and Project cannot be lazily loaded.
12 dev = Developer.includes(:projects).first
13 dev.projects.first
14 # this works
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Strict Loading: Why?
• It’s a strict way to make sure you don’t end up
with N+1 queries.
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Delegated Types
• “This is similar to what's called multi-table
inheritance in Django, but instead of actual
inheritance, this approach uses delegation to
form the hierarchy and share responsibilities.”
• “It’s like ‘single-table inheritance’ but
without inheritance (it uses delegation instead)
and with multiple tables.” Ernesto
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Delegated Types
1 # Schema: entries[ id, account_id, creator_id,
2 created_at, updated_at, entryable_type,
3 entryable_id ]
4 class Entry < ApplicationRecord
5 belongs_to :account
6 belongs_to :creator
7 delegated_type :entryable, types: %w[ Message Comment ]
9 end
11 # To be included in delegated classes
12 module Entryable
13 extend ActiveSupport::Concern
15 included do
16 has_one :entry, as: :entryable, touch: true
17 end
18 end
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Delegated Types
1 # Schema: messages[ id, subject ]
2 class Message < ApplicationRecord
3 include Entryable
4 has_rich_text :content
5 end
7 # Schema: comments[ id, content ]
8 class Comment < ApplicationRecord
9 include Entryable
10 end
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Delegated Types: Why?
• In case you need more flexibility and single-
table inheritance doesn’t seem like the best way
to go.
Destroy Associations
1 class Account < ApplicationRecord
2 belongs_to :supplier, dependent: :destroy_async
4 end
6 # `:destroy_async` will enqueue a job to
7 destroy associated records in the background.
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Destroy Async: Why?
• It can save you time (you don’t have to
implement this in your application code) and it
can quickly save you from request time outs
after deleting a “god record”
Slide 89
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• Permanent URLs for public storage blobs.
Services can be configured in `config/
storage.yml` with a new key `public: true |
false` to indicate whether a service holds
public blobs or private blobs. Public
services will always return a permanent URL.
• You can now configure different services for
different attachments. More granular control
for services per attachment.
Slide 90
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1 # If you need the attachment to use a service
2 # which differs from the globally configured one,
3 # pass the +:service+ option. For instance:
4 class User < ActiveRecord::Base
5 has_one_attached :avatar, service: :s3
6 end
Slide 91
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ActiveStorage: Why?
• It’s good to see some forward progress in
feature development, especially increasing
the flexibility of ActiveStorage.
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ActiveRecord: Performance
• Avoid making queries where the value is an
empty array. (
• Speed up queries when Rails knows that all
values in the query are integers. (https://
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Classic Autoloader
• New Rails projects discouraged from using
the classic autoloader.
• The default autoloader will be `zeitwerk`
for all new Rails applications.
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Disallowed Deprecation
• It allows the configuration of rules to
match deprecation warnings that should not be
allowed within the app.
Disallowed Deprecation
1 if Rails.env.production?
2 ActiveSupport::Deprecation.disallowed_behavior = [:log]
3 else
4 ActiveSupport::Deprecation.disallowed_behavior = [:raise]
5 end
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Disallowed Deprecation
Support: Why?
• When we eliminate deprecation warnings that
appear in our app we want to be sure that the
deprecations are never re-introduced. This
will be very useful in future Ruby/Rails
upgrade projects.
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Upgrading to
Rails 6.1
Slide 99
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• Upgrade to Rails 6.0 first
• Address all deprecation warnings in the Rails 6.0 test and
production logs
• Proactively check that our dependencies work with Rails 6.1: Maybe
your first OSS contribution? Check your Gemfile.lock for
incompatibilities by using RailsBump
• Focus on “Removals” in the Rails 6.1 release notes. Most notable:
Remove deprecated ActiveRecord::Base#update_attributes and