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Introduce Oracle enhanced adapter with Rails another choice for your Rails database Yasuo Honda @yahonda

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Which database are you using with Rails?

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Yes, I know the answer. but...

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Cross the border — Minero Aoki, Oedo Ruby Conference 04

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Who am I • Yasuo Honda @yahonda • Oracle enhanced adapter maintener since Nov 2011 • Rails Contributor since September 2011

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What is Oracle enhanced adapter? • 3rd party ActiveRecord adapter • • Supports Rails 2.3* to Rails 4.1 • Rails 4 support started on the same day Rails 4.0.1 released • Rails 4.2 support is in progress, 79 failures/errors to fix • Want to release the same day Rails 4.2 released

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What is Oracle enhanced adapter? (cont) • Built in foreign key support • Data type difference mapping • “Legacy schemas” support

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"Legacy schemas" class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base # specify schema and table name self.table_name "hr.hr_employees" # specify primary key name self.primary_key "employee_id" # specify sequence name self.sequence_name "hr.hr_employee_s" # set which DATE columns should be converted to Ruby Date set_date_columns :hired_on, :birth_date_on # set which DATE columns should be converted to Ruby Time set_datetime_columns :last_login_time # set which VARCHAR2 columns should be converted to true and false set_boolean_columns :manager, :active # set which columns should be ignored in ActiveRecord ignore_table_columns :attribute1, :attribute2 end

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Supported Ruby

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Gemfile gem "activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter", "~> 1.5.0" gem "ruby-oci8", "~> 2.1.0"

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What is good thing to use Oracle with ActiveRecord?

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Optimizer and prepared statements • Prepared statement can • Save your CPU time to parse sql statements • Make use of shared pool area • Prevent SQL injection • ActiveRecord 3.1 implemented prepared statements

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Optimizer and prepared statement(cont) • Usually a prepared statement chooses only one "generic" execution plan • 11g - Adaptive cursor sharing The adaptive cursor sharing feature enables a single statement that contains bind variables to use multiple execution plans. - Oracle® Database Performance Tuning Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)

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How does it work with ActiveRecord? • ActiveRecord supports prepared statements since Rails 3.1, but not every method • Every sql statement will be modified to prepared statement when you use oracle enhanced adapter • Adaptive cursor sharing may address side effects of prepared statements by having multiple execution plans for one sql statement based on bind values

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Example based on database usage survey $ rails generate model User database:string $ rails generate migration AddIndexToUser class AddIndexToUser < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_index :users, :database end end $ rake db:migrate

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Generate database usage data insert into users values (users_seq.nextval,'Oracle',sysdate,sysdate); begin for i in 1..50000 loop insert into users values (users_seq.nextval,dbms_random.string('X',10), sysdate,sysdate); end loop; end; / begin for i in 1..50000 loop insert into users values (users_seq.nextval,'PostgreSQL',sysdate, sysdate); end loop; end; /

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User.where(:database => 'PostgreSQL') • ActiveRecord SELECT "USERS".* FROM "USERS" WHERE "USERS"."DATABASE" = 'PostgreSQL' ORDER BY "USERS"."ID" DESC FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY • Oracle modifies sql statement SELECT "USERS".* FROM "USERS" WHERE "USERS"."DATABASE" = :"SYS_B_0" ORDER BY "USERS"."ID" DESC FETCH FIRST :"SYS_B_1" ROWS ONLY • Execution plan using adaptive cursor sharing TABLE ACCESS FULL USERS

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With Adaptive Cursor Sharing

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Without Adaptive Cursor Sharing

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Any incompatibility with Rails? • 4-1-stable test results $ rake test_oracle 3965 runs, 11064 assertions, 2 failures, 4 errors, 0 skips

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2 failures, 4 errors?

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Known Restrictions • Empty string as NULL • Identifier length <= 30 byte • "id" needs to set explicitly • No limit in sub queries • No release savepoint • CLOB/BLOB require specific implementation • Absence of LIMIT, OFFSET

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Empty string as NULL $ ARCONN=oracle ruby -Itest test/cases/calculations_test.rb -n test_pluck_without_column_names 1) Failure: CalculationsTest#test_pluck_without_column_names [test/cases/calculations_test.rb:494]: --- expected +++ actual @@ -1 +1 @@ -[[1, "Firm", 1, nil, "37signals", nil, 1, nil, ""]] +[[1, "Firm", 1, nil, "37signals", nil, 1, nil, nil]] 1 runs, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips • "" expected but nil returned

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"Oracle Database currently treats a character value with a length of zero as null. However, this may not continue to be true in future releases" - Oracle® Database SQL Language Reference 12c Release 1 (12.1), July 2014

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“Oracle7 currently treats a character value with a length of zero as null. However, this may not continue to be true in future versions of Oracle7.” –Oracle7 Server SQL Reference Release 7.3, February 1996

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:null => false, :default => ""

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Identifier length <= 30 byte $ ARCONN=oracle ruby -Itest test/cases/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_associations_test.rb \ -n test_join_table_alias 1) Error: HasAndBelongsToManyAssociationsTest#test_join_table_alias: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00972: identifier is too long: SELECT "DEVELOPERS"."ID" AS t0_r0, "DEVELOPERS"."NAME" AS t0_r1, .. WHERE (projects_developers_projects_join.joined_on IS NOT NULL) • irb(main):001:0> 'projects_developers_projects_join'.size => 33

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128 byte? No, not yet. SQL> desc all_objects Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- OWNER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(128) OBJECT_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(128) SUBOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(128) OBJECT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER … • Only data dictionary length changed from 30 to 128 in 12c

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"id" needs to set explicitly $ ARCONN=oracle ruby -Itest test/cases/serialized_attribute_test.rb \ -n test_json_db_null 1) Error: SerializedAttributeTest#test_json_db_null: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ARUNIT"."TOPICS"."ID"): INSERT INTO topics (content) VALUES(NULL) • Needs to change as follows INSERT INTO topics (id, content) VALUES(topics_seq.nextval, NULL)

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No limit in sub queries $ ARCONN=oracle ruby -Itest test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb \ -n test_including_association_based_on_sql_condition_and_no_database_column 1) Error: EagerAssociationTest#test_including_association_based_on_sql_condition_and_no_database_column: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis: SELECT * FROM (SELECT owners.*, ( select p.pet_id from pets p where p.owner_id = owners.owner_id order by desc limit 1 ) as last_pet_id FROM "OWNERS" ORDER BY "OWNERS"."OWNER_ID" ASC) WHERE ROWNUM <= 1 stmt.c:230:in • This error message is kind of misleading...

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No release savepoint $ ARCONN=oracle ruby -Itest test/cases/transactions_test.rb \ -n test_releasing_named_savepoints 1) Failure: TransactionTest#test_releasing_named_savepoints [test/cases/transactions_test.rb:408]: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid expected but nothing was raised. • Do you need release savepoint?

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Living with Rails

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Rails 4.0 and 4.1 • AbstractAdapter::SchemaCreation behavior changed between beta and RC. • columns_for_distinct(columns, orders) • rails/rails#6792 • rails/arel#211 • I've learned Visitor patterns and how to use debugger

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Rails 4.2 • Adequate Record • Removed BindSubstitution Class • Refactoring Columns • initialize_type_map • "Legacy Schema" support... • Foreign Key support • A lot of things to learn

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Any Oracle new features?

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Oracle 12c features for ActiveRecord • Better Top-N query support • VARCHAR2 length <= 32k • IDENTITY data type • JSON data type

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Better Top-N query support • Mandatory features for pagination • Experimental implementation based on arel 5-0-stable • • Removed order_hacks from Arel • Will open a pull request to rails/arel

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Current Arel visitors/oracle.rb def visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectStatement o, collector o = order_hacks(o) …… if o.limit o = o.dup limit = o.limit.expr collector << "SELECT * FROM (" collector = super(o, collector) collector << ") WHERE ROWNUM <= " return visit limit, collector end …… super end • Since ROWNUM is set before order by executed

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Updated Arel visitors/oracle.rb def visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectStatement o, a if o.limit && o.lock o = o.dup o.limit = [] end super end • select for update statement not compatible with LIMIT

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Current test visitors/test_oracle.rb it 'modifies order when there is distinct and first value' do # *sigh* select = "DISTINCT, FIRST_VALUE( OVER (foo) AS alias_0__" stmt = stmt.cores.first.projections << stmt.orders <<'foo') sql = @visitor.accept(stmt) sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT #{select} ORDER BY alias_0__ } end

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Updated test visitors/test_oracle.rb • It has gone. • No "# *sigh" in any tests

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Entrant.order("id ASC").limit(2) • Current Oracle SELECT * FROM (SELECT "ENTRANTS".* FROM "ENTRANTS" ORDER BY id ASC) WHERE ROWNUM <= 2 • Current PostgreSQL SELECT "entrants".* FROM "entrants" ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2 • Oracle with better Top-N support SELECT "ENTRANTS".* FROM "ENTRANTS" ORDER BY id ASC FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY

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Ready to support • Absence of LIMIT, OFFSET by better Top-N query • "id" needs to set explicitly by IDENTITY datatype • CLOB/BLOB require specific implementation by 32k VARCHAR2

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Wish list • Identifier length <= 128 byte • Empty string should not be NULL • Release savepoint support

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"I'm interested, But Oracle installation must be painful."

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rails-dev-box-runs-oracle • Fork of rails-dev-box • • Add support to install Oracle 11g XE using Puppet • Work with x86-64 Vagrant and Virtualbox

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Thank you