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Before we start... ! by @stauffermatt

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One more thing... by @stauffermatt

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A brief history of my talks. by @stauffermatt

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Why Modern PHP Is Amazing And How You Can Use It Today PeersConf 2014 by @stauffermatt

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Sharing Laravel Laracon Eu 2014 by @stauffermatt

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Leveraging Laravel Laracon US 2015 by @stauffermatt

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Empathy Gives You Superpowers Laracon Eu 2015 by @stauffermatt

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Mastering the Illuminate Container Laracon Online 2017 by @stauffermatt

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Custom Laravel Laracon US 2017 by @stauffermatt

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Wherefore "Custom Laravel"? by @stauffermatt

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PART I The soul of customization by @stauffermatt

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Laravel: We've got the best defaults by @stauffermatt

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Laravel: Convention over configuration by @stauffermatt

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Laravel: Convention and over (when helpful) configuration by @stauffermatt

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Customizing Laravel: the basics ▸ Built-to-be-modified base code (/app/*) ▸ The most flexible container you've ever seen, and Illuminate Contracts ▸ Macros, façades, re-binding, and more ▸ Environment variables and conditional config ▸ It's Just PHP™ by @stauffermatt

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What you choose to customize matters. by @stauffermatt

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“Taking it too far is a rite of passage” - Jeffrey Way by @stauffermatt

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Slide 20 text ! macros... ? (an anecdote) by @stauffermatt

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One of the hardest things to discover in any new app is: "where/how is this happening?" by @stauffermatt

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Prioritize Discoverability by @stauffermatt

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Write your apps so anyone who has read the Laravel docs can jump into them easily by @stauffermatt

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LARAVELUPANDRUNNING.COM buy by @stauffermatt

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Write your apps so anyone who has read the Laravel docs can jump into them easily by @stauffermatt

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The opposite of discoverability is... ! CUSTOMIZATION DEBT ! by @stauffermatt

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Discoverability caveat Just because something is less discoverable doesn't mean it's bad. Sometimes the best tool isn't the most discoverable. Sometimes it's us that needs to change, not the tool. by @stauffermatt

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Discoverability Disasters ▸ Overriding default methods like create() ▸ Modifying the request object ▸ Route::controller ▸ Custom façades that aren't façades ▸ Anything makes you go "that's so clever" instead of "that's so simple" by @stauffermatt

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Tag::create(request()->all()); by @stauffermatt

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How to customize Laravel, and how to do it responsibly by @stauffermatt

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PART II Customization tips & tricks by @stauffermatt

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Preface: the container and service providers by @stauffermatt

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The container in 5 minutes ▸ registering things into it ▸ resolving things out of it ▸ things Laravel resolves using it ▸ autowiring vs. explicit ▸ service providers ▸ aliases and Facades by @stauffermatt

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Registering things into the container ▸ Key value store: put this thing at this address ▸ "Address": a string, usually a fully-qualified class name or a shortcut string like "logger" ▸ "Thing": usually either a class name, a Closure, or an object app()->bind('address', Thing::class); app()->bind('logger', Logger::class); by @stauffermatt

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Resolving things out of the container ▸ Ask for the "thing" at the given "address" ▸ "give me the thing for address 'logger'" ▸ app()->make('logger') returns an instance of Logger ▸ Also can resolve by type hinting a container-resolved class like a Controller by @stauffermatt

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Things Laravel resolves using the container ▸ Anything Laravel creates itself it creates using the container ▸ Controllers, middleware, etc. ▸ Why we can type hint dependencies in a controller ▸ Also some methods; controller methods, firing jobs, etc. class MyController { public function __construct(APIClient $client) { by @stauffermatt

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Autowiring vs. explicit binding ▸ The container knows how by default; ask for "App\Thing" and it tries new App\Thing ▸ If App\Thing has dependencies it'll do the same for each ▸ If all dependencies are easy to resolve then you're good! If not.. ▸ app()->bind(Thing::class, function () { return new App\Thing('my-api-code'); }); by @stauffermatt

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Aliases and Facades ▸ You can "alias" one address to another: app()->alias('logger', SomeOtherLogger::class) ▸ "When I ask for SomeOtherLogger, give me 'logger'" ▸ Façades say "make a new class; let me call statics on it and proxy them through to an instance of another class" by @stauffermatt

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Slide 42 text by @stauffermatt

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Back to the show by @stauffermatt

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Custom Laravel 101 by @stauffermatt

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Config ▸ Make custom config file keys (services.mailchimp.key) ▸ Make custom config files (config/chat.php) ▸ Make up your own .env variables and import into your config ▸ Important: Don't directly reference env() inline! by @stauffermatt

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Default controllers ▸ Default auth controllers provide customization hooks: ▸ Customize views; e.g. ▸ Customize return routes; e.g. LoginController@$redirectTo ▸ Override protected methods; e.g. validateEmail(), sendResetLinkResponse(), validateLogin() by @stauffermatt

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Default controllers (cont) ▸ Override intended "hook" methods; e.g. LoginController@authenticated(), LoginController@username() ▸ Some are placed in your default controller (RegisterController@create) but all are adjustable by @stauffermatt

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Default providers ▸ AppServiceProvider ! a.k.a. core hacking for newbs class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { // } public function register() { // } by @stauffermatt

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Default providers (cont) ▸ AuthServiceProvider@boot and EventServiceProvider@boot class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { protected $policies = [ 'App\Model' => 'App\Policies\ModelPolicy', ]; public function boot() { $this->registerPolicies(); // } by @stauffermatt

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Default providers (cont) ▸ RouteServiceProvider@boot, @map ! class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { // parent::boot(); } public function map() { $this->mapApiRoutes(); $this->mapWebRoutes(); // } protected function mapWebRoutes() { Route::middleware('web') ->namespace($this->namespace) ->group(base_path('routes/web.php')); } by @stauffermatt

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Pro tip Any time the stock files have //, that's a sign you should consider customizing there. class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->registerPolicies(); // } by @stauffermatt

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Default middleware ▸ EncryptCookies@except, TrimStrings@except, VerifyCsrfTokens@except ▸ RedirectIfAuthenticated: redirect('/home') class EncryptCookies or TrimStrings or VerifyCsrfTokens { protected $except = [ // ]; by @stauffermatt

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Custom middleware groups ▸ api and web out of the box ▸ Add more in App\Http\Kernel@$middlewareGroups by @stauffermatt

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Custom middleware groups (cont) class Kernel extends HttpKernel { protected $middlewareGroups = [ 'web' => [ \App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class, // ... ], 'api' => [ 'throttle:60,1', 'bindings', ], 'admin' [ 'web', 'some-other-awesome-middleware', ] ]; by @stauffermatt

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Custom middleware ▸ Make your own: watch for "guards", etc. in your controller methods ▸ php artisan make:middleware KeepOutBadPeople ▸ Apply globally, add to a custom middleware group, make route optional by @stauffermatt

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Custom middleware (cont) class KeepOutBadPeople { public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if ($this->isBad($request->person)) { abort(404); } return $next($request); } by @stauffermatt

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Exceptions ▸ Custom exceptions (e.g. TryingToHackUsWhatTheHeckException) ▸ Custom global exception handling rules by @stauffermatt

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Exceptions (cont) Customize exception handling: Pre-5.5 App\Exceptions\Handler@report; check for instance type and respond Customize exception handling: 5.5+ Define how to report an exception on the exception; @report() by @stauffermatt

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Includes ▸ Extract chunks of code to includes ▸ See: routes/web.php from before; also console.php ▸ What about schedule.php? by @stauffermatt

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Includes (cont) // From this: protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { // $schedule->command('inspire') // ->hourly(); } // To this: protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { require base_path('schedule.php'); } by @stauffermatt

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Frontend ▸ php artisan make:auth ▸ 5.5 Frontend presets ▸ Default files are just that; defaults! by @stauffermatt

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GIF BREAK by @stauffermatt

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Slide 63 text by @stauffermatt

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Custom Laravel 201 by @stauffermatt

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Tests ▸ Add assertions to the base test class; e.g. assertUserIsAdmin ▸ Re-bind/mock classes, migrate/seed in setUp ▸ Custom variables in phpunit.xml ▸ Test-specific .env.testing ▸ RefreshDatabase migration trait, coming in 5.5 by @stauffermatt

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Helpers ▸ Bring back helpers.php! ▸ What works for your domain? sync(), etc. { "autoload": { "files": ["helpers.php"] } } by @stauffermatt

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Advanced container binding/re-binding ▸ Get familiar with app()->bind() and its cousins ▸ Step 1. Bind your own class app()->bind(MyClass::class, Closure) ▸ Step 2. Bind your class to interfaces app()->bind(MyInterface::class, ClosureOrClassName) by @stauffermatt

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Advanced container binding/re-binding (cont) ▸ Step 3. Bind your class to a global shortcut app()->bind('myalias', ClosureOrClassName) ▸ Step 4. Re-bind other classes/interfaces to that global shortcut app()->alias('myalias', SomeContractClassName) by @stauffermatt

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An example class MyContainer extends Container { public function storagePath() { return $this->basePath . '/storageOMGyay'; } } by @stauffermatt

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Advanced container binding/re-binding (cont) Example from Bugsnag docs: $this->app->singleton('bugsnag.logger', function (Container $app) { return new LaravelLogger($app['bugsnag']); }); $this->app->singleton('bugsnag.multi', function (Container $app) { return new MultiLogger([$app['log'], $app['bugsnag.logger']]); }); Bind: $this->app->alias('bugsnag.logger', \Illuminate\Contracts\Logging\Log::class); $this->app->alias('bugsnag.logger', \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class); by @stauffermatt

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Contracts Interfaces to all major Laravel components Illuminate\Contracts\*

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Breathe by @stauffermatt

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Packages & Publishing ▸ Packages often allow you to "publish" config and view files ▸ E.g. customize Spark views or Media-Library config by running: ▸ php artisan vendor:publish ▸ Note: 5.5 vendor:publish = ! by @stauffermatt

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Custom Façades Step 1. Create the Façade class extending Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade Step 2. Implement getFacadeAccessor() method; return a string that would resolve out of the container Step 3. Register it in config/app.php@aliases by @stauffermatt

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Façade example // FitbitServiceProvider.php public function register() { $this->app->singleton('fitbit', function () { ... }); } // Somewhere class Fitbit extends Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade { public function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'fitbit'; } } // In consuming code (controller, etc.) Fitbit::nonStaticMethodOnFitbitClass(); by @stauffermatt

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Swapping Façades and bindings in tests ▸ Swappable façades e.g.: Cache::shouldReceive('get')->once()->with('key')- >andReturn('value') ▸ Shout out to MailThief ❤ ▸ Swap `em yourself! by @stauffermatt

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Custom validation: pre-5.5 // In a service provider: Validator::extend('repo', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) { return app(Client::class)->validRepository($url); }); // or Validator::extend('repo', 'RepoValidator@validate'); // .. in your language file: [ "repo" => "The given repository is invalid.", ] by @stauffermatt

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Custom validation: 5.5+ class ValidRepository implements Rule { public function __construct($source, $branch) { $this->source = $source; $this->branch = $branch; } public function passes($attribute, $value) { if (! $this->source instanceof Source) return false; return $this->source->client()->validRepository( $value, $this->branch ); } public function message() { return 'The given repository is invalid.'; } by @stauffermatt

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Macros // In a service provider Response::macro('jsend', function ($body, $status = 'success') { if ($status == 'error') { return Response::json(['status' => $status, 'message' => $body]); } return Response::json(['status' => $status, 'data' => $body]); }); // In a route return response()->jsend(Order::all()); by @stauffermatt

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Blade directives: traditional style // In a service provider Blade::directive('public', function () { return "isPublic()): ?>"; }); Blade::directive('endpublic', function () { return ""; }); // Use: @public Only show on the public web site @endpublic by @stauffermatt

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Blade directives: using Blade::if in 5.5 // In a service provider Blade::if('env', function ($env) { return app()->environment($env); }); @env('production') @endenv by @stauffermatt

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View Composers // In a service provider // Class-based composer View::composer( 'minigraph', 'App\Http\ViewComposers\GraphsComposer' ); // Closure-based composer View::composer('minigraph', function ($view) { return app('reports')->graph()->mini(); }); by @stauffermatt

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Custom route model bindings // In a service provider Route::bind('user', function ($value) { return App\User::public() ->where('name', $value) ->first(); }); // In your binding Route::get('profile/{user}', function (App\User $user) { // }); by @stauffermatt

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Form requests // Traditional request injection public function index(Request $request) {} // Form Request Validation public function store(StoreCommentRequest $request) {} // Form Request class StoreCommentRequest extends FormRequest { public function authorize() { return (bool)rand(0,1); } public function rules () { return ['validation rules here']; } } by @stauffermatt

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Form requests (cont) class StoreCommentRequest extends FormRequest { public function sanitized() { return array_merge($this->all(), [ 'body' => $this->sanitizeBody($this->input('body')) ]); } protected function sanitizeBody($body) { // Do stuff return $body; } } by @stauffermatt

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GIF BREAK by @stauffermatt

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Custom Laravel 301 by @stauffermatt

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Arbitrary route bindings // In a service provider Route::bind('topic', function ($value) { return array_get([ 'automotive' => 'I love cars!', 'pets' => 'I love pets!', 'fashion' => 'I love clothes!' ], $value, 'undefined'); }); // In your routes file Route::get('list/{topic}', function ($topic) { // }); by @stauffermatt

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Arbitrary route bindings (cont) // In a service provider Route::bind('repository', function ($value) { return app('github')->findRepository($value); }); // In your routes file Route::get('repositories/{repository}', function ($repo) { // }); by @stauffermatt

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Custom request objects class MyMagicalRequest extends Request { // Add methods, properties, etc. } // Type-hint in a route public function index(MyMagicalRequest $request) {} // Or even re-bind globally in public/index.php $response = $kernel->handle( // $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture() $request = App\MyMagicalRequest::capture() ); // (but, remember, macros!) by @stauffermatt

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Custom response objects class MyMagicalResponse extends Response { // Add methods, properties, etc. } // Return from a route public function index() { return MyMagicalResponse::forUser(User::find(1337)); } // Or macro it Response::macro('magical', function ($user) { return MyMagicalResponse::forUser($user); }); return response()->magical($user); by @stauffermatt

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Custom response objects: Responsable in 5.5 class Thing implements Responsable { public function toResponse() { return 'HEY THIS IS A USER RESPONSE FOR THING NUMBER ' . $this->id; } } by @stauffermatt

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Custom Eloquent collections class ItemCollection extends Collection { public function price() { return $this->sum('amount') + $this->sumTax(); } public function sumTax() { return $this->reduce(function ($carry, $item) { return $carry + $item->tax(); }, 0); } } class Item { public function newCollection(array $models = []) { return new ItemCollection($models); } by @stauffermatt

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Hijacking index.php if ($response->getStatusCode() != 404) { $response->send(); $kernel->terminate($request, $response); exit; } // CodeIgniter or whatever else by @stauffermatt

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GIF BREAK by @stauffermatt

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Independent Study (other tools) by @stauffermatt

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Custom Homestead config composer require laravel/homestead --dev php vendor/bin/homestead make # generates Homestead.yaml: ip: memory: 2048 cpus: 1 provider: virtualbox authorize: ~/.ssh/ keys: - ~/.ssh/id_rsa folders: - map: /Users/mattstauffer/Sites/live-from-new-york-its-me to: /home/vagrant/Code/live-from-new-york-its-me sites: - map: live-from-new-york-its-me to: /home/vagrant/Code/live-from-new-york-its-me/public databases: - homestead name: live-from-new-york-its-me hostname: live-from-new-york-its-me by @stauffermatt

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Lambo pro tip ▸ Lambo with config and after scripts ❤" by @stauffermatt

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Commonly installed packages laravel-application-you-create by @stauffermatt

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Recap 1. With great power... customize responsibly! 2. Prioritize, but don't enshrine, discoverability 3. 101: Modify the intended-to-be-modified; make your own, too 4. 201: Use the container! 5. 301: Override/custom all the classes! 6. Custom Homestead, Lambo by @stauffermatt

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