Slide 19
Slide 19 text
Data architecture questions to pose
1. Kinds of data to collect (e.g. demographics, medications, labs, physician
notes, etc.) - we need this in excruciating, painful detail. Lots of arguments will
emerge here and that's really good. This means we give specific field names,
field types, data lengths, etc. as part of the requirements.
2. Frequency of data to collect (e.g. real-time, hourly, daily, etc.)
3. Data code types (e.g. LOINC, CPT, ICD9, ICD10, etc.)
4. Discrete and structured data standards (e.g. CCR, CCD, BB+, etc.)
5. Directionality (unidirectional from EHR to DHP
, bidirectional between both
EHR and DHP)
6. File types and transport types (HL7, CSV, etc.)
7. Broad source types (BlueButton, BlueButton+, Ambulatory EHR, Health
System EHR, Private HIE, Public HIE, etc.)
8. Specific sources (e.g. named customers, named EHRs, named HIE, etc.)