Slide 7
Slide 7 text
Takanori Isobe, Ryoma Ito ACISP 2021, December 1-3, 2021.
Security Analysis of End-to-End Encryption for Zoom Meetings
Our Contributions
*Active-type attack: an adversary can properly send and receive the meeting contents.
*Passive-type attack: an adversary cannot properly send and receive the meeting contents.
**I: Insider, O: Outsider, P: Participant, L: Leader
**c.w.: an abbreviation of “colluding with”
Security analysis of E2EE for Zoom meetings
n Several attacks more powerful than those expected by the Zoom security team
[Full vresion] T. Isobe and R. Ito, Security Analysis of End-to-End Encryption for Zoom Meetings, IEEE Access, 2021.
No. Attack Type* Adversary** Victim** Ref.
1 Impersonation Active L/P L/P This work
2 Impersonation Passive I L/P/O This work
3 Impersonation Active I c.w. L L/P/O This work
4 Impersonation Active O c.w. I, L L/P/O This work
5 Impersonation Active O c.w. L L/P/O Appendix
6 Impersonation Active O c.w. I O Full version
7 Tampering Passive I L/P This work
8 Denial of Service Passive I P Full version
Zoom deems some attacks, including in-meeting impersonation attacks
n A malicious but otherwise authorized meeting participant colluding with a malicious
server can masquerade as another authorized meeting participant
More powerful impersonation attacks
n If insiders collude with meeting participants, insiders can impersonate any Zoom user in
target meetings (active-type attack).
n Even without relying on malicious participants, insiders can impersonate any Zoom user
in target meetings, but they cannot decrypt the meeting contents (passive-type attack).