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Draw Animated Chart on React Native (from scratch) @shuheikagawa

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1. div & CSS 2. Animation 3. React ART 4. Animation again

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Me → Software Engineer at M3, Inc. → AngularJS, Rails, Babel, etc. → GitHub, Qiita: @shuhei → Twitter: @shuheikagawa

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EcmaScript & Me Stage 0 Method Parameter Decorators -> babel/babylon @Component({ /* ... */ }) class App { constructor(@Inject('something') foo) { } }

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React Native

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I only remember yesterday's temperature

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Let's compare!

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There are some iOS/Android-only libraries, but..... → tomauty/react-native-chart → Jpadilla1/react-native-ios-charts → hongyin163/react-native-chart-android

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Let’s drawing charts in React-Native without any library by WangZixiao

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→ Flexbox: A Complete Guide to Flexbox → position: absolute;

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const styles = StyleSheet.create({ barBox: { alignItems: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'row', }, bar: { width: 10, borderTopLeftRadius: 5, borderTopRightRadius: 5 }, barPast: { backgroundColor: 'gray' }, barFuture: { backgroundColor: '#bbccbbff' marginLeft: -10 } });

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const bars =, i) => ); {bars} const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { alignItems: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'row', }, barBox: { width: 10, marginHorizontal: 2, alignItems: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'row', } });

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Animation in React Native → Explicit: Animated → Implicit: LayoutAnimation

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Animated class BarChart extends Component { constructor(props) { // Prepare *animated* value holders. this.state = { heights: => new Animated.Value(h)) }; } render() { // `Animated.View` subscribes to changes of *animated* value // and update underneath props. const bars = this.state.heights .map(h => ); return {bars}; } // ... }

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componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (this.props.heights !== nextProps.heights) { // Trigger animation. const anims = this.state.heights .map((h, i) => Animated.spring(h, { toValue: nextProps.heights[i] })); Animated.parallel(anims).start(); } }

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Not so bad.

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LayoutAnimation // Somewhere in a container component... LayoutAnimation.spring(); this.setState({ ...whatever }); // Just render as if no animation. function TemperatureBar({ temperature }) { return }

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But I want curves...

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gl-react-native? It's only for effects with shaders!

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react-art! → SVG-like vector graphics API on React → Canvas, SVG, VML (IE8), React Native, etc.

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import { Surface, Shape } from 'ReactNativeART'; function Square() { const d = Path() .moveTo(100, 100) .lineTo(200, 100) .lineTo(200, 200) .lineTo(100, 200) .close(); return ; }

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function AreaChart({ width, height, points }) { let i = 0; let path = Path().moveTo(0, h) .lineTo(0, points[i].y) .lineTo(points[i].x, points[i].y); for (i = 1; i < 24 - 2; i++) { const p = points[i]; const q = points[i + 1]; const xc = (p.x + q.x) / 2; const yc = (p.y + q.y) / 2; path = path.curveTo(p.x, p.y, xc, yc); } path = path .curveTo(points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i + 1].x, points[i + 1].y) .lineTo(CHART_WIDTH, points[i + 1].y); const d = path.lineTo(w, h).close(); return ; }

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Path animation Before: ; After: const AnimatedShape = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Shape); ;

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d is made of multiple heights. // Non-animated (heights: number[]) => Path // Animated (animatedHeights: Animated[]) => Animated

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// We have: Animated.add, Animated.multiply: (a: Animated, b: Animated) => Animated // We want: Animated.aggregate: (xs: Animated[], f: (number[]) => T) => Animated

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const animatedHeights = Array.from(Array(24)) .map(() => new Animated.Value(0)); const animatedPath = aggregate( animatedHeights, heights => areaChartPath(CHART_WIDTH, CHART_HEIGHT, heights) );

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Recap → You can draw (almost) anything with View & CSS → LayoutAnimation is super easy → Draw curves with React ART → Path animation is feasible but (a bit) slow

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