基調講演で発表された Amazon Q Developerの新機能
● Amazon Q generates and applies unit tests
● Amazon Q generates accurate documentation
● Amazon Q performs code review
● GitLab With Amazon Q(Preview)
● Amazon Q Developer Transform .NET applications from
Windows to Linux in a fraction of the time(Preview)
● Amazon Q Developer Transform VMWare workloads to cloud
native architectures(Preview)
● Amazon Q Developer Transform mainframe applications to
accelerate migrations(Preview)
● Amazon Q Developer Investigate issues across your AWS
environment in a fraction of the time(Preview)
#fv_study #awsreinvent
Slide 11
Slide 11 text
基調講演で発表された Amazon Q Developerの新機能
● Amazon Q generates and applies unit tests
● Amazon Q generates accurate documentation
● Amazon Q performs code review
● GitLab With Amazon Q(Preview)
● Amazon Q Developer Transform .NET applications from
Windows to Linux in a fraction of the time(Preview)
● Amazon Q Developer Transform VMWare workloads to cloud
native architectures(Preview)
● Amazon Q Developer Transform mainframe applications to
accelerate migrations(Preview)
● Amazon Q Developer Investigate issues across your AWS
environment in a fraction of the time(Preview)
#fv_study #awsreinvent
基調講演で発表された Amazon Q Developerの新機能
● Amazon Q Developer Transform .NET applications from
Windows to Linux in a fraction of the time(Preview)
➢ WindowsからLinuxへの移行をわずかな時間で可能とする機能
➢ エージェントを起動すると非互換性を自動的に検出し、変換計画
➢ Windowsの高額なライセンス費に
Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting
#fv_study #awsreinvent