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Call for a better error handling in APIs

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André Cedik · Developer Advocate · shipcloud GmbH · Mittelweg 162 20148 Hamburg

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API v2 • Incoporate learnings from more than 5 years • Easier integration in existing shop- / ERP-software • I18n • Returning translated strings • White label • Design first approach using OpenAPI

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But most of all ...

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... better error communication!

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shipcloud error communication

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History of errors

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Mariner 1 • Veered off course, because unscheduled maneuver • Steering unpossible • Missing hyphen in the code allowed transmission of incorrect guidance signals • Engineers hit self destruct button • $18 million error

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ESA Ariane 5 Flight 501 • Reused software from Ariane 4 • Ariane 5 had faster engines • Software tried to push a 64-bit float into a signed 16- bit integer • Engineers hit self destruct button at 37 sec. into its maiden launch • $8 billion error

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NASA Mars Climate Orbiter • Failed conversion from imperial units to metric • Send the orbiter too close to Mars‘ surface • $125 million error

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Y2K Bug • Year numbers where saved with 2 digits (98,99,00,01) • No one knew what will happen when the year 2000 sets in • Since ‘00‘ also meant 1900 • $500 billion error

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Pentium-FDIV-Bug • In 1994 Math Prof. Thomas R. Nicely reported the bug • Processor might return incorrect binary floating point results when dividing a number • Intel attributed error to missing entries in the lookup table • Tried to downplay the bug • Had to replace processors • $475 million error

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Mokusatsu - The World‘s Most Tragic Translation • Allied leaders called for Japan’s unconditional surrender • Japanese government said nothing while considering their options • PM Kantaro Suzuki was pressured for comment • said only one word "mokusatsu“ • Mistranslation leads to the dropping of the atomic bomb

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Hawaii Missle Strike • In Jan. 2018 citizens of Hawaii were warned of an inbound ballistic missile strike • Turned out to be a false alert • Recording over phone „EXERCISE“ • Message with „THIS IS NOT A DRILL“ • Same UI used for drill and real alerts • No safeguards were in place • It took 38 minutes to retract the alert, because there was no response protocol for a false alert

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Error handling in APIs Tools used at the moment

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"Building fault-tolerant software boils down to detecting errors and doing something when errors are detected" Joe Armstrong, inventor of Erlang

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http response status codes • Informational 1xx • Successful 2xx • 200 OK • Redirection 3xx • 301 Moved Permanently • Client Error 4xx • Server Error 5xx

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http response status codes 4xx & 5xx • 400 Bad Request • 402 Payment Required • 403 Forbidden • 404 Not Found • 500 Internal Server Error • 502 Bad Gateway • 504 Gateway Timeout

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Error handling in the body • Good: • Return complex structures • Get more specific about an error • Convey multiple errors • Bad: • Everyone has their own way of doing it • Therefore developers have to understand „the way“

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Error handling in APIs The bad

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shipcloud error communication

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Sabre Dev Studio – error attribute • „error“ is always a string • Sometimes all Uppercase - > seems to be like an error code

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Sabre Dev Studio – error attribute • „error“ is always a string • Sometimes all Uppercase - > seems to be like an error code • Sometimes it looks like an error trace

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Sabre Dev Studio – code attribute • Sometimes it looks like a http response status code • Sometimes like an internal code • Same code used more than once • different error text • 102 • 111 • 404 • 500 • 700101 • 050002 • 060016 • 700202

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Sabre Dev Studio – code attribute

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Pitney Bowes • Each validated field has its own error code

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Pitney Bowes • Each validated field has its own error code • "XXX is invalid, unsupported or missing“ • So what is it now?!?

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Google Drive API v3

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API Football

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Error handling in APIs The good parts

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Facebook GraphAPI

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Facebook Marketing API

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Facebook Marketing API

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Banks API

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What we can do better

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What‘s the problem? • „API calls either fail or are successful“ – Phil Sturgeon • „Soft errors“ • Not an exception type „crash“ • More like a warning

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No content

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application/problem+json • RFC 7807 • Pros • Own content type • Predefined set of attributes • Extensible • Cons • Not encapsulated • Mixing with other content • Multi error handling just for one error type HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Content-Type: application/problem+json Content-Language: en { "type": "", "title": "You do not have enough credit.", "detail": "Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.", "instance": "/account/12345/msgs/abc", "balance": 30, "accounts": ["/account/12345", "/account/67890"] }

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Warning header • RFC 7234 • Pros • You could handle „soft errors“ • Multiple warning header for multiple different errors • Cons • Complex data can‘t be returned • It‘s just a string HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 23:34:45 GMT Warning: 112 - "network down" "Sat, 25 Aug 2012 23:34:45 GMT"

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application/health+json • Internet Draft inadarei-api- health-check • Pros • „status“ attribute („pass“, „warn“, „error“) • Cons • Specific to health of an api • Overhead content HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/health+json { "status": "pass", "version": "1", "releaseId": "1.2.2", "notes": [""], "output": "", "serviceId": "f03e522f-1f44-4062-9b55-9587f91c9c41", "description": "health of authz service", "checks": { "cassandra:responseTime": [ { "componentId": "dfd6cf2b-1b6e-4412-a0b8-f6f7797a60d2", "componentType": "datastore", "observedValue": 250, "observedUnit": "ms", "status": "pass", "affectedEndpoints" : [ "/users/{userId}", "/customers/{customerId}/status", "/shopping/{anything}" ], "time": "2018-01-17T03:36:48Z", "output": "" }

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application/vnd.api+json • JSON:API standard • Pros • Errors array to handle multiple errors • JSON pointers to show devs where an error has occurred • Cons • Everything is in errors object • „soft errors“ not possible

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Best current practice • HTTP status code • Error object • Easy referencing of errors • „Code“ • „Subcode“ • Request IDs in the body • for easier request identification in support cases • Human readable message • In multiple languages

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"An excellent error message is precise and lets the user know about the nature of the error so that they can figure their way out of it." Guy Levin, RestCase

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Future of error handling in APIs A proposal

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A proposal – to be discussed

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A proposal – to be discussed • Responses in a new format • „data“ holds everything we‘d normally have in the root • „errors“ and „warnings“ give information about what happened • „errors“ and „warnings“ follow the RFC 7807 pattern

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A proposal – to be discussed • „data“ is empty since no resource was created • Warnings possible if api supports this use case

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Questions? Open Discussion @andrecedik

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Sources • Atlas Agena with Mariner 1: NASA, • Ariane 5: DLR German Aerospace Center, • Mars Climate Orbiter: NASA/JPL/Corby Waste, • Bug de l'an 2000: • Pentium: Konstantin Lanzet, • Hawaii Missle Alert SMS: