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Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity Christian Weyer @christianweyer Co-Founder & CTO

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2 § Co-Founder & CTO at Thinktecture AG § Personal focus on § Web-based & mobile application architectures § Interoperability, cross-device § Pragmatic end-to-end solutions § Cloud-native & serverless architectures § Independent Microsoft Regional Director § Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies & Azure ASPInsider, AzureInsider § Google GDE for Web Technologies [email protected] @christianweyer Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity Christian Weyer

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3 § Client § Server § Re-considering SPA communication with server-side services § .NET on server, .NET on client § In controlled environments § By example § Is really everything gold that glitters? Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity Our journey today

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4 What? Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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5 SPAs & APIs Browser client | Server logic & data | Communication Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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6 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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7 Contract-first vs. Code-first Boundaries | Open vs. closed | Formal vs. pragmatic Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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8 Loosely coupled Web APIs | HTTP (URLs + Verbs) | DTOs Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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9 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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10 Metadata derived Swagger / Open API | Code generation | RPC-like Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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11 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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12 JSON Text-based | Lightweight | Schema-less Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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13 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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14 Why? Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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15 Metadata-first Controlled scenario | Strongly-typed | Fidelity Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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16 RPC Doing it already | Semantics | HTTP/2 Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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17 Protocol Buffers Binary encoded | Optimized | Schema-ful Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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18 How? Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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19 Service Pattern SoC | Functional abstraction | DI Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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20 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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21 gRPC Service RPC (facades) | ASP.NET Core endpoint | Contract-first Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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22 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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23 Code-first Contract sharing | Best practice in WCF | Full fidelity Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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24 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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25 gRPC-Web Browser sandbox | ASP.NET Core middleware | Text / binary Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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26 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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27 Blazor Client Interface-based | Full IntelliSense | Nuget deps Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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28 DEMO Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity

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29 Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity SPA-to-API communication – in controlled scenarios Web API gRPC (-Web) SignalR Different API styles possible (RPC, REST, GraphQL, OData etc.) RPC RPC-like HTTP HTTP/2 WebSockets (transport protocol fallbacks) Stateless Stateless Stateful Code-first Contract-first with external tooling Contract-first Code-first with 3rd party lib Code-first Not intended for code sharing Codegen possible Code sharing w/ Code-first Codegen with Contract-first Not intended for code sharing No client lib mandatory (fetch) Needs client lib Needs client lib Usually request-response Can do streaming Several message exchange patterns Push possible Efficient data streaming gRPC-Web is limited Dual one-way Optimized for push Broadcast possible Strong tooling ecosystem Evolving tooling ecosystem No tooling ecosystem

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30 § ASP.NET Core Blazor § § gRPC § § § gRPC in .NET Core § § gRPC-Web in .NET Core § § gRPC Code-First in .NET Core § § Test gRPC services with gRPCurl in ASP.NET Core § Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity Resources

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Thank you! Christian Weyer @christianweyer [email protected] Demos: Articles about Blazor, PWA, Web Components, Angular, .NET Core & more:

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Blazor WebAssembly & gRPC Code-first .NET SPA developer productivity Christian Weyer @christianweyer Co-Founder & CTO