Think about design
choices in terms of
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chosen trade-offs
make the foundation
of your system
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De-prioritizing Testing
Cutting corners on testing
carries a hidden cost
Test the full system: client,
code, & provisioning code
Code reviews != tests.
Have both
Continuous Integration
(CI) is critical to velocity,
quality, & transparency
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De-prioritizing Releases
Release stability is tied to system
Iron out your deploy process!
Dependencies on other systems
make this even more important
Canary testing, dark launches,
feature flags, etc are good
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Automation shortcuts taken while
in a rush will come back to haunt
Runbooks are a must have
Localhost is the devil
Sloppy operational work is the
mother of all evils
De-prioritizing Ops
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“Future you monitoring” is
bad, make it part of MVP
Alert fatigue has a high
cost, don’t let it get that far
Link alerts to runbooks
Routinely test your
escalation paths
De-prioritizing Insight
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The inner workings of data
components matter.
Learn about them
System boundaries ought
to be made explicit
Deprecate your go-to
De-prioritizing Knowledge
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The internet is an awful
Expect DoS/DDoS
Think about your system, its
connections, and their
Having the ability to turn off
features/clients helps
De-prioritizing Security
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Service ownership implies
leveling-up operationally
Architectural choices
made in a rush can have
a long shelf life
Don’t sacrifice tests.
Test the FULL system
What we learned
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Mind system Design
Simple & utilitarian design
takes you a long way
Use well understood
NIH is a double edged
Use feature flags & on/off
switches (test them!)
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Alice’s Testing Areas
Correctness Error Performance Robustness
Good output
from good
reaction to
Time to Task (TTT) for Behavior after
Single node
Multi node
Cache enabled
Given # of
Given uptime
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a Testing Harness
Is a fantastic thing to have
Invest in QA automation
Adding support for
regressions & domain-
specific testing pays off
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Mind system Limits
Rate limit your API calls
especially if they are public or
expensive to run
Instrument / add metrics to
track them
Rank your services & data
(what can you drop?)
Capacity analysis is not dead
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Mind system Growth
Watch out for initial over-
“The application that takes
you to 100k users is not the
same one that takes you to
1M, and so on…” @netik
Keep changes small!
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Mind system Configs
System assumptions are
dangerous, make them
Standardize system
configuration (data bags,
config file, etc)
Hardcoding is the devil
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Mind Resources
Redundancies (of resources,
execution paths, checks,
data, messages, etc) build
Mechanisms to guard system
resources are good to have
Your system is also tied to the
resources of its dependencies
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Distrust is healthy
Distrust client behavior, even
if they are internal
Decisions have an expiration
date. Periodically re-
evaluate them as past
you was much dumber
A revisionist culture produces
better systems
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Keep track of your
technical debt &
repay it regularly
It’s about lowering
the risk of change
with tools & culture
Mind assumptions
What we learned
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Things that are easy to neglect may
be harder to correct later
Think in terms of tradeoffs
Not all process is evil
Keep in Mind