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The Art of Functional Programming @AnjanaVakil

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functional programming is beautiful!

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functional programming is easy to predict

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functional programming is easy to test

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functional programming is easy to debug

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functional programming is easy to love

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functional programming is easy to fear?

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functional programming is easy (enough) to understand

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“Learning Functional Programming with JS”

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functional programming is programming with functions

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functional programming is programming with pure functions

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a pure function is input => output (width, height) => width/height

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a pure function is deterministic, stateless same input => same output

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a pure function is free of side effects console.log() document.append() element.getAttribute()

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functional programming is pretty useless?

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how does FP work in the real world?

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let’s make functional art!

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generative art usually needs ● Side effects ● Repetition ● State ● Randomness

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how does FP handle side effects?

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imperative shell pure functional core deterministic in here safe & sound side effects out here

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function impureSetSVGContents(contents) { const art = document.getElementById("art"); art.innerHTML = contents; return art; } impureSetSVGContents(pureGetArt(params));

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let’s make patterns!

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how does FP handle repetition?

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imperative: iteration functional: recursion

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“Recursion, Iteration, and JavaScript: A Love Story"

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function getPattern(color1, color2, width) { const thisTile = ``; if (width <= 20) { return `${thisTile}`; } return `${thisTile} ${getPattern(color2, color1, width * hyp)} `; } getPattern("limegreen", "rebeccapurple", 100) base case recursive case

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function getTiles(width, height, cols, rows, makeTile, data) { const [colWidth, rowHeight] = [width / cols, height / rows]; const [thisTile, newData] = makeTile(colWidth, rowHeight, data); return `${thisTile} ${cols > 1 ? // rest of this row to the right of this tile ` ${getTiles(width-colWidth, rowHeight, cols-1, 1, makeTile, newData)} ` : ``} ${rows > 1 ? // rows below this one ` ${getTiles(width, height-rowHeight, cols, rows-1, makeTile, newData)} ` : ``}`;} function makeBasicTile(width, height, { color }) { return [ ``, { color } ];} getTiles(100, 100, 5, 5, basicTile, { color: "orange" }) base recursive recursive

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how does FP handle state?

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treat state like data [input, oldState] => [output, newState]

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function makeCheckerTile(width, height, { colors, colorIndex }) { return [ ``, { colors, colorIndex: (colorIndex + 1) % colors.length } ]; } getTiles(100, 100, 5, 5, makeCheckerTile, { colors: ["orange", "hotPink"], colorIndex: 0 })

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let’s make functional fashion! design:

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function makeTiledTile(width, height, data) { const split = 0.7; const [sWidth, sHeight] = [width*split, height*split]; const newData = {, colorIndex: data.n % 2 === 0 ? data.colorIndex : (data.colorIndex + 1) % data.colors.length }; const big = getTiles(sWidth, sHeight, …, makeCheckerTile, data); const narrow = getTiles(width-sWidth, sHeight, …, makeCheckerTile, newData); const wide = getTiles(sWidth, height-sHeight, …, makeCheckerTile, newData); const small = getTiles(width-sWidth, height-sHeight, …, makeCheckerTile, data); return [ `${big} ${narrow} ${wide} ${small}`, data ];} rotate(getTiles(200, 200, 8, 8, tiledTile, { colors: ["orange", "hotpink"], colorIndex: 0, n: 5 }))

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let’s get irregular!

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how does FP handle randomness?

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it doesn’t! (nor does any computation)

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but we can get pseudo-randomness

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zoomed out zoomed in simplex noise

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const SimplexNoise = require("simplex-noise@2.4") function impureGetNoiseField(seed) { return new SimplexNoise(seed); } const myNoise = impureGetNoiseField("hello noise!"); myNoise.noise2D(50, 50); // 0.38978764467539995 const otherNoise = impureGetNoiseField("other noise!"); otherNoise.noise2D(50,50); // -0.10783404678637644 const sameNoise = impureGetNoiseField("hello noise!"); sameNoise.noise2D(50,50); // 0.38978764467539995

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function makeRandomTile(width, height, { colors, noiseField, tileIndex }) { const noiseHere = noiseField.noise2D(tileIndex * width, tileIndex * height); const colorIndex = Math.floor(Math.abs(noiseHere * 50)) % colors.length; return [ ``, { noiseField, colors, tileIndex: tileIndex + 1 } ]; } getTiles(100, 100, 30, 30, makeRandomTile, { colors: ["orange", "hotpink", "purple"], noiseField: myNoise, tileIndex: 0 })

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function makeClockTile(width, height, data) { const { colors, tileIndex, noiseField } = data; const noiseHere = noiseField.noise2D(tileIndex * width, tileIndex * height); const degree = 45 * (noiseHere * 4); const colorIndex = tileIndex % colors.length; return [ ` `, {, tileIndex: tileIndex + 1} ]; } getTiles(100, 100, 5, 5, clockTile, { noiseField: myNoise, colors: ["yellow", "limegreen", "hotpink", "orange"], tileIndex: 0 })

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look at all we made! ● Side effects ● Repetition ● “State” ● “Randomness”

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Thanks! @AnjanaVakil slide design: