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BEAUTY treatment for your Mobile Application Image Placehol +JoseLuisUgiaGonzalez @Jl_Ugia #beautyTreatment #mobile #devfest

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Who are you? Cloud computing community Side projects Beer business dev mobile Image Placeholder Jose L Ugia LOCK8 Wunderlist, Momenta, Aureum Digital #beautyTreatment #mobile #devfest

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The story android != iOS Image Placehol +JoseLuisUgiaGonzalez @Jl_Ugia #beautyTreatment #mobile #devfest

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DO NOT Be a fan boy Image Placehol +JoseLuisUgiaGonzalez @Jl_Ugia #beautyTreatment #mobile #devfest

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patterns to Make your app stand out Help your users understand your app

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-1 1 void  transformPage(View  page,  float  position);   0

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Slide Joy Effect -3 0 3 -1 0 1 0 1 -1 0 1 0 10 -1 0 1 pivotX scale rotationY

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rotation Effect -0,5 0 0,5 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 0 1 -1 0 1 alpha scale translationX sin(π/2)  x  0.5

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FX made easy -3 0 3 -1 0 1 rotationY      private  final  float[]  rotationYValues  =  new  float[]  {      0  ,  -­‐2.8f,  0,  2.8f,    0    };   private  final  float[]  rotationYCuePoints  =  new  float[]  {  -­‐.3f,  -­‐.1f  ,  0,  .1f  ,  .3f  }; 0 1 -1 0 1 alpha      private  final  float[]  alphaYValues  =  new  float[]  {      0  ,      1  ,    1  ,    0    };   private  final  float[]  alphaYCuePoints  =  new  float[]  {  -­‐.7f,  -­‐.5f,  .5f,  .7f  };

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float  value  =     Transitions.intermediateValueForRange(position,  cuePoints,  values);

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efectos para todos 0 1 -1 0 1 value  =  1 float  value  =     Transitions.intermediateValueForRange(0.4f,  cuePoints,  values);

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OTHER RESOURCES Jazzy Viewpager Viewpager animations – Android developers

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Lists & collections private  RecyclerView  recyclerView; private  ListView  listView; private  ScrollView  scrollView;

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Lists & collections void  onScrolled(RecyclerView  recyclerView,  int  dx,  int  dy); void  onScroll(AbsListView  view,  int  firstVisibleItem,  int  visibleItemCount,  int  totalItemCount) void  onScrollChange(View  v,  int  scrollX,  int  scrollY,  int  oldScrollX,  int  oldScrollY) scrollY  +=  dy; scrollY; float  headerScrollY  =  firstVisibleItem  ==  0  ?  -­‐headerView.getTop()  :  headerViewHeight; Recycler view Scroll view List view

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Parallax listOffset  *  parallaxRatio

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float  progress  =  scrollY  /  referenceScroll;

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Reacting to scroll updates 0 1 0 1 0 1 scale -160 0 0 translationY

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Using first visible item List View Recycler view int  firstVisibleItem layoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();

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Android Sliding Layer Transformer compile  'com.wunderlist:sliding-­‐layer:1.2.5'  void  transform(View  view,  float  previewProgress,  float  layerProgress);   Build.gradle

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Sliding Layer Transformer MAKE Your own  void  transform(View  view,  float  previewProgress,  float  layerProgress);   Built–IN transformers slidingLayer.setLayerTransformer(new SlideJoyTransformer()); slidingLayer.setLayerTransformer(new RotationTransformer()); slidingLayer.setLayerTransformer(new AlphaTransformer());

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   Paths vector drawable –> from svg

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Paths Animated Vector drawable 

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 Paths Object Animator / Animator set

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AnimatedVectorDrawable drawable = (AnimatedVectorDrawable) getResources() .getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_stroke_animated_show); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; imageView.setImageDrawable(drawable); 
 drawable.start(); Paths Trigger!

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PRO – paths: Swipe to refresh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 0

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There is more Animations View Property transformations Activity Transitions coordinator layout

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DO NOT FEAR! It’s not objective–c It’s not a product manager

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making apps more lovable

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Thank You! Image Placeholder Jose  L  Ugia LOCK8,  Wunderlist,  Momenta,  Aureum  Digital +JoseLuisUgiaGonzalez @Jl_Ugia #beautyTreatment #mobile #devfest …and we are hiring!