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How to be a good pair [programmer] Alex Tercete [email protected]

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By Steffen Zahn

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driver navigator

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driver navigator

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navigator driver

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By Andreina Schoeberlein

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By Jean-Daniel Echenard

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By Trina Alexander Lay down the rules

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By Grant Hutchinson Communicate

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Make sacrifices By John Hallam

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Take breaks By Felipe Valduga

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Celebrate By Silas Perez

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Give feedback By Sarah Reid

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Be the pair you want to see in the team.

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Questions? Alex Tercete [email protected]

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References 10 Ways to Improve Your Pairing Experience Pairing like a Pivot How To Piss Off Your Pair The Pair Programming Show

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Credits Javier Cabezas Sherrinford iconoci

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Thanks! Alex Tercete [email protected]