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Databases, Migrations & SQL: Oh My! Intro to WordPress Databases & Migrations WordPress St. Petersburg

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Jim True Support Lead & Community Manager
 Pods Framework | @podsframework | @jimtrue

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How many times has this happened to you?

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You’ve worked on a Site for Days

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You’re Happy with the Site

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Client is Happy with the Site

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Even better, they’ve PAID you

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Now you have to move it to their server

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And you’re suddenly lost ?

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Where do you Start? FILES DATABASE

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Let’s Start with WordPress WordPress wp-config.php WP-CONFIG.PHP contains the database connection parameters and any special configurations for your particular install. It will be different for every WP Install, but you need to at least have a copy of the file for reference when you migrate.

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Grab the Specific Content WordPress wp-content/ wp-config.php The only folders that are specific to this install are contained under wp-content

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The Themes, Plugins & Images WordPress wp-content/ wp-config.php themes/ ALL files & directories plugins/ ALL files & directories uploads/ ALL files & directories

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Now for the Database DATABASE Users wp_users & wp_usermeta Posts wp_posts & wp_postmeta Comments wp_comments & 
 wp_commentmeta Taxonomies wp_terms & 
 wp_term_taxonomy &
 wp_term_relationships Plugin & Theme Settings wp_options

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So basically just copy those to the new server and I’m done, right?

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Not enough to just copy files & DB • wp-config.php needs new DB credentials • Site URL needs to be changed in wp_options • URL & Paths need to be changed in ALL places where they appear in the database: Media Paths, internal links, etc.

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Step by Step Copy & Import 1. SQL Dump of the Database 2. Copy Files from wp-content & DB Dump to new Server 3. Create new database, create a user & import data from SQL Dump 4. Update wp_config.php with DB details (#3) 5. Update wp_options with Site URL 6. Login to wp-admin and go to Settings, General (Site URL) & Save 7. Search & Replace paths (post_content) in wp_posts for Image & Media Links

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There’s gotta be an easier way, right?

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Yep, we’ve got tools for that! Updraft Backup
 Buddy WP DB 
 Migrate Pro*

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Determine your Needs Backup Files & Database Yes Yes DB* Offsite Backup Storage Yes Yes Yes* Scheduled Backups Yes Yes Yes* Multisite Support Yes Yes Yes Easy Migration Setup Yes Yes Yes

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Backup Buddy by iThemes • Database & File Backups (including other tables on site) • Scheduled Backups & Offsite Backups (great if your server crashes or the client destroys it!) • SIMPLE Migration Tool: One file created by BB, copied to new site, handles full file & database creation & restore with a step by step wizard. • NO Free Version

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UpdraftPlus (& Other plugins) • Database & File Backups (including other tables) • Scheduled Backups & Offsite Backups (great if your server crashes or the client destroys it!) • Cloning & Migration Tool, also UpdraftVault, UpdraftMigrator and UpdraftCentral (great for people supporting tons of sites) • Free Version does Backup & Restore, some Offsite Storage, Scheduled Backups

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WP DB Migrate (& Pro) • Database Backups & Media (with Add-on to Pro version). NO files. • Push & Pull Technology from WP Site to WP Site. Great for Development/Staging/Live Environments. • Very Powerful Pro Version: Determine Data Flow, Exclude/ Include Custom Post Types, Multisite Support (including pulling sites in and out of Network) and WP-CLI support. • Free Version only does Database Backup & Search/Replace

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Resources & Links • Tour of the WordPress Database: • How to Move WordPress From Local Server to Live Site: • How to Move WordPress with Duplicator: • Seven Best Backup Plugins (Pros & Cons):

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Jim True Support Lead & Community Manager
 Pods Framework | @podsframework | @jimtrue

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WordPress St. Petersburg Downtown St. Pete @ TEC Garage
 1st & 3rd Thursdays / Monthly Meetup:
 Slack Chat | Facebook Group | Meetups
 A Member of Tampa Bay WordPress Network

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No content

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Upcoming Events Sponsored by TEC Garage
 & Tampa Bay Innovates Tech Talk
 Next Event: February 13th “Leading with Purpose: How Our Mission Drives Revenue
 at the Penny Hoarder @ Microsoft
 5426 Bay Center Dr Ste 700, Tampa, FL 33609 
 FREE Registration Required: