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Back to the basics... The Notifier Component Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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Building flexible high-level abstractions on top of low-level ones Embrace the Linux philosophy Web: HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, Routing, ... Infrastructure: Dotenv, Console, DependencyInjection, Cache, Lock, Messenger, ... Language: VarDumper, VarExporter, HttpClient, Polyfill, Intl, Process, Ldap, ... Features: ExpressionLanguage, Workflow, Mailer,...

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Symfony Mailer > Swiftmailer HttpClient < Easy third-party provider support (HTTP APIs) Messenger < Easy asynchronous emails Twig < Easy email composition Dotenv < Easy transport configuration via DSNs ...

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Symfony Mailer > Swiftmailer PHPUnit test assertions Profiler support ... use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase; class SomeTest extends WebTestCase { public function testMailerAssertions() { $client = $this->createClient(); $client->request('GET', '/send_email'); $this->assertEmailCount(1); $this->assertQueuedEmailCount(1); $this->assertEmailIsQueued($this->getMailerEvent(0)); $this->assertEmailIsNotQueued($this->getMailerEvent(1)); $email = $this->getMailerMessage(0); $this->assertEmailHasHeader($email, 'To'); $this->assertEmailHeaderSame($email, 'To', 'fabien@symfony $this->assertEmailTextBodyContains($email, 'Bar'); $this->assertEmailHtmlBodyContains($email, 'Foo'); $this->assertEmailAttachementCount($email, 1); } } Consistent Well integrated

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Building flexible high-level abstractions on top of low-level ones What's next?

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Building flexible high-level abstractions on top of low-level ones Notification Emails?

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Symfony Mailer + Twig with TwigExtraBundle - for auto-configuration, Twig 1.12+ + Twig inky-extra package - Twig 1.12+ + Zurb Foundation for Emails CSS stylesheet + Twig cssinliner-extra package - Twig 1.12+ + Optimized default Twig templates = Built-in responsive, flexible, and generic notification emails

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use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime\NotificationEmail; $email = (new NotificationEmail()) ->from('') ->to('') ->subject('You have a new customer!') ->markdown( 'Fabien has just signed up for the **most expensive plan**!'. 'That\'s an additional revenue of 1€ per year.' ) ->action( 'Check the invoice' $urlGen->generate('invoice', ['id' => 1], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), ) ->importance(NotificationEmail::IMPORTANCE_HIGH) ; $mailer->send($email); A typical Notification Email

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A typical Notification Email Color depends
 on the importance
 of the email Content Action

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$email = (new NotificationEmail()) ->from('') ->to('') ->exception($exception) ->... ; $mailer->send($email); When something goes wrong?

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# PROJECT_DIR/templates/email/notification.html.twig $email = (new NotificationEmail()) ->htmlTemplate('email/notification.html.twig') ->textTemplate('email/notification.txt.twig') ->... ; ...and configurable

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{% extends "@email/default/notification/body.html.twig" %} {% block style %} {{ parent() }} .container.body_alert { border-top: 30px solid #ec5840; } {% endblock %} {% block content %} This is an automated email for the MyApp application. {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block action %} {{ parent() }} Go to MyApp {% endblock %} {% block footer_content %}

© MyApp

{% endblock %} ...and configurable Productivity && Flexibility

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Bonus: Checking email rendering easily Productivity && Flexibility # docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: mailcatcher: image: schickling/mailcatcher ports: [1025, 1080] $ docker-compose up -d $ symfony server:start -d $ symfony open:local:webmail

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Email are Messages... Sending Notifications...

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Sending SMS Messages

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/** * @Route("/checkout/thankyou") */ public function thankyou(Texter $texter /* ... */) { $sms = new SmsMessage('+1415999888', 'Revenue has just increased by 1€ per year!'); $texter->send($sms); return $this->render('checkout/thankyou.html.twig', [ // ... ]); } Sending SMS Messages the easy way

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Symfony HttpClient + Symfony Messenger + Built-in third-party providers = Sending async SMS in one LOC! Symfony Texter Similar infrastructure
 as Mailer

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$sms = new SmsMessage('+1415999888', 'Revenue has just increased!'); $twilio = Transport::fromDsn('twilio://SID:TOKEN@default?from=FROM'); $twilio->send($sms); $nexmo = Transport::fromDsn('nexmo://KEY:SECRET@default?from=FROM'); $nexmo->send($sms); SMS... low-level API Similar infrastructure
 as Mailer

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$texter = new Texter($twilio, $bus); $texter->send($sms); $transports = new Transports(['twilio' => $twilio, 'nexmo' => $nexmo]); $texter = new Texter($transports, $bus); $texter->send($sms); $sms->setTransport('nexmo'); $texter->send($sms); $bus->dispatch($sms); SMS... higher-level API

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$dsn = 'failover(twilio://SID:TOKEN@default?from=FROM nexmo://KEY:SECRET@default?from=FROM)'; SMS... higher-level API Similar infrastructure
 as Mailer

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Sending ... Messages

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/** * @Route("/checkout/thankyou") */ public function thankyou(Chatter $chatter /* ... */) { $message = new ChatMessage('Revenue increased by 1€ per year...'); $chatter->send($message); return $this->render('checkout/thankyou.html.twig', [ // ... ]); } Sending Messages the easy way

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$message = new ChatMessage('Revenue increased by 1€ per year...'); $slack = Transport::fromDsn('slack://TOKEN@default?channel=CHANNEL'); $slack->send($message); $telegram = Transport::fromDsn('telegram://TOKEN@default?channel=CHAT_ID'); $telegram->send($message); Messages... low-level API

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$transports = Transport::fromDsns([ 'slack' => 'slack://TOKEN@default?channel=CHANNEL', 'telegram' => 'telegram://TOKEN@default?channel=CHAT_ID' ]); $chatter = new Chatter($transports, $bus); $chatter->send($message); $message->setTransport('telegram'); $chatter->send($message); $bus->dispatch($message); Messages... higher-level API

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$options = (new SlackOptions()) ->iconEmoji('tada') ->iconUrl('') ->username('SymfonyNext') ->channel($channel) ->block((new SlackSectionBlock())->text('Some Text')) ->block(new SlackDividerBlock()) ->block((new SlackSectionBlock()) ->text('Some Text in another block') ->accessory(new SlackImageBlockElement('', 'kitten')) ) ; $message = new ChatMessage('Default Text', $options); Messages... higher-level API

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$dsn = 'all(slack://TOKEN@default?channel=CHANNEL telegram://TOKEN@default?channel=CHAT_ID)'; Messages... higher-level API

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Symfony HttpClient + Symfony Messenger + Built-on third-party providers = Sending async Messages in one LOC! Symfony Chatter Similar infrastructure
 as Mailer

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interface TransportInterface { public function send(MessageInterface $message): void; public function supports(MessageInterface $message): bool; public function __toString(): string; } A common transport layer interface MessageInterface { public function getRecipientId(): ?string; public function getText(): string; public function getOptions(): ?MessageOptionsInterface; public function getTransport(): ?string; }

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failover(twilio://SID:TOKEN@default?from=FROM telegram://TOKEN@default?channel=CHAT_ID) all(twilio://SID:TOKEN@default?from=FROM telegram://TOKEN@default?channel=CHAT_ID) SMS or/and Chat Message?

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Building flexible high-level abstractions on top of low-level ones Mailer +Texter + Chatter = ?

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/** * @Route("/checkout/thankyou") */ public function thankyou(NotifierInterface $notifier /* ... */) { $notification = new Notification('New customer!', ['sms', 'chat/slack', 'email']); $notifier->send($notification, new Recipient('')); return $this->render('checkout/thankyou.html.twig', [ // ... ]); } Notify Messages! Channels: email, sms, chat, ... Transport: slack, telegram, twilio, ...

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class InvoiceNotification extends Notification { private $price; public function __construct(int $price) { parent::__construct('You have a new invoice.'); $this->price = $price; } public function getChannels(Recipient $recipient): array { if ($this->price > 1000 && $recipient->hasPhone()) { return ['sms', 'email']; } return ['email']; } } Customize Notifications

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class InvoiceNotification extends Notification implements ChatNotificationInterface { public function asChatMessage(Recipient $recipient, string $transport): ChatMessage { if ('slack' === $transport) { return new ChatMessage('FOR SLACK: '.$this->getText()); } if ('telegram' === $transport) { return new ChatMessage('FOR TELEGRAM: '.$this->getText()); } return null; } } Customize Notifications and/or SmsNotificationInterface ::asSmsMessage()

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framework: notifier: chatter_transports: slack: '%env(SLACK_DSN)%' telegram: '%env(TELEGRAM_DSN)%' texter_transports: twilio: '%env(TWILIO_DSN)%' nexmo: '%env(NEXMO_DSN)%' $ composer req twilio-notifier telegram-notifier Notifier Semantic Configuration NotifierInterface $notifier Chatter $chatter Texter $texter

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Channels Mailer Chatter Texter Browser ~= $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('notice', 'New customer!'); Pusher - iOS/Android/Desktop native notifications Database - Web Notification Center ... = A unified way to notify Users via a unified Transport layer

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/** * @Route("/checkout/thankyou") */ public function thankyou(NotifierInterface $notifier /* ... */) { $notification = new Notification('Invoice paid!', ['browser']); $notifier->send($notification, new NoRecipient()); return $this->render('checkout/thankyou.html.twig', [ // ... ]); } Many Channels / Transports

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Telegram ~ 40 LOCs Nexmo ~ 40 LOCs Twilio ~ 40 LOCs ... including DSN support Each integration is a few LOCs namespace Symfony\Component\Notifier\Bridge\Twilio; final class TwilioTransport extends AbstractTransport { protected const HOST = ''; public function __construct(string $accountSid, string $authToken, string $from, HttpClientInter { $this->accountSid = $accountSid; $this->authToken = $authToken; $this->from = $from; parent::__construct($client, $dispatcher); } public function __toString(): string { return sprintf('twilio://%s?from=%s', $this->getEndpoint(), $this->from); } public function supports(MessageInterface $message): bool { return $message instanceof SmsMessage; } protected function doSend(MessageInterface $message): void { if (!$message instanceof SmsMessage) { throw new LogicException(sprintf('The "%s" transport only support instances of "%s".', _ } $endpoint = sprintf('https://%s/2010-04-01/Accounts/%s/Messages.json', $this->getEndpoint(), $response = $this->client->request('POST', $endpoint, [ 'auth_basic' => $this->accountSid.':'.$this->authToken, 'body' => ['From' => $this->from, 'To' => $message->getPhone(), 'Body' => $message->getT ], ]); if (201 !== $response->getStatusCode()) { $error = json_decode($response->getContent(false), true); throw new TransportException(sprintf('Unable to send the SMS: %s (see %s).', $error['mes } } } Help needed to support more transports ❤

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Currently supported transports 5.0+ Nexmo Slack Telegram Twilio 5.1+ Firebase Mattermost OvhCloud RocketChat Sinch

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What about using it in a Notification? Remember NotificationEmail?

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/** * @Route("/checkout/thankyou") */ public function thankyou(NotifierInterface $notifier /* ... */) { $notifier->send(new SystemNotification('New customer!'), ...Notifier::getAdminRecipients()); return $this->render('checkout/thankyou.html.twig', [ // ... ]); } SystemNotification for admin messages Global
 Recipients Auto-configured Channels

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(new SystemNotification('New customer!')->importance(SystemNotification::URGENT)) Importance to configure the Channels Defines the channels

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framework: notifier: channel_policy: urgent: ['email', 'chat/slack', 'sms'] high: ['email', 'chat/slack'] medium: ['email'] low: ['pigeon'] Channels auto-configuration Importance Channels/ Transports

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class SystemNotification extends Notification implements ChatNotificationInterface, EmailNotificationInterface { public function asEmailMessage(Recipient $recipient): ?Email { return (new NotificationEmail()) ->to($recipient->getEmail()) ->subject($this->getText()) ->text($this->getText()) ->importance($this->getImportance()) ; } public function asChatMessage(Recipient $recipient, string $transport): ?ChatMessage { if ('slack' === $transport) { return new ChatMessage($this->getText(), (new SlackOptions())->iconEmoji($this->getEmoji())); } return null; } } Enhanced Representation

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Send Messages via a unified API (Email, Browser, SMS, Chat, ...) Send to one or many Recipients Default configuration or custom one Async via Messenger Extensible to more third-party providers and more channels Symfony Notifier

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How can we leverage this new infrastructure?

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Monolog NotifierHandler Triggered on Error level logs Uses the Notifier channel configuration Converts Error level logs to importance levels Configurable like any other Notification 40 LOCs of glue code errors: type: fingers_crossed action_level: error handler: notifier excluded_http_codes: [404, 405] notifier: type: service id: notifier.monolog_handler

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Messenger Failed Messages Listener Triggered when a failed message failed Uses the Notifier channel configuration 20 LOCs of glue code public function onMessageFailed(WorkerMessageFailedEvent $event) { if ($event->willRetry()) { return; } $throwable = $event->getThrowable(); if ($throwable instanceof HandlerFailedException) { $throwable = $throwable->getNestedExceptions()[0]; } $envelope = $event->getEnvelope(); $notification = (new SystemNotification(sprintf('A "%s" message has just failed.', \get_cla) ->importance(SystemNotification::HIGH); $this->notifier->notify($notification, ...Notifier::getAdminRecipients()); }

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Your own integration Use these new building blocks to create more powerful high-level abstractions with a few lines of code

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Many Possibilities Go fast with the Notifier and the Full-Stack framework Be creative with the standalone low-level classes NotificationEmail, TwilioTransport, Texter, SlackTransport, Chatter, ...

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Experimental Component in 5.0 and 5.1 Notifier

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Thank you! ❤