Slide 45
Slide 45 text
Context and Motivation
Our Model
What we can and can’t do
Closing Remarks
Excursus: Cíhuì
Collection of Chinese dialects created in the late 1950s and
published in 1964 (Běijīng University 1964)
Contains lexical data, as the short title suggests (cíhuì means
“lexical inventory” or Wortschatz in German)
Based on a questionnaire consisting of 905 concepts (daily life
and basic vocabulary)
Offers data for 18 dialect varieties, including varieties from
each of the seven largest dialect groups of Chines (Mǐn,
Cantonese, Mandarin, Hakka, Wú, Xiāng, and Gàn)
Data was prepared during List’s research project (2015-2016),
digitized, and partial cognate coding was extracted
automatically, based on annotations in the original source
Gereon Kaiping, Mattis List Better Models With Saussure