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Introduction of Skyline @takus monitoring casual #4 2013.07.12

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Velocity 2013 • Web Performance & Operations Conference • Great talks • Great people • Great culture

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My LT Talk at Velocity • 3 Popular Ops Tools in Japan • serverspec, growthforecast, fluentd • Uploaded on youtube :-( • v=bRYuBQyG5Sw

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Some Positive Feedbacks

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The Most Interesting Talk • Avoiding Performance Regression at Twitter • fight against perf regression in an automated fashion • entry-11561132297.html

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Today’s Topic

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Background • Etsy deploys their app 30+ times per day • Optimize for quick recovery by anticipating problems, instead of fearing human error • Can’t fix what you don’t measure! • If it moves, graph it

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Too Many Graphs • 250,000+ dashboards • If a graph spikes and no one is watching, does it really spike? • There are things we do not know we don’t know.

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Kale • Skyline • Detect unknown anomalies • Oculus • Detect unknown correlations

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No content

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Architecture Horizon Horizon Horizon Redis Analyzer Manager Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer Assign Metrics Keys Get Metrics Keys Fetch Timeseries Metrics

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Horizon • Listeners • Receiving metrics & store them to queue • Workers • Inserting metrics to redis with Messagepack • Roombas • Purging metrics in Redis at a regular interval

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Analyzer • Assigning Redis keys to each process process • decode from Messagepack • run the detection algorithm

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How to Detect Anomalies? • Consensus model • If the majority of algorithms agree, the metric will be classified as anomalous • Use your own algorithm for each application • as long as you return a boolean, you can add any sort of algorithm you like

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Basic Algorithm • A metric is anomalous if its latest datapoint is over three standard deviations above its moving average

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Conclusion • Etsy monitors 250,000+ graphs • If a graph spikes and no one is watching, does it really spike? • Skyline • detects unknown anomalies • consensus with any algorithms you like