Business in Marriage
The Third Spouse
Erik Reagan
Operations Director
Focus Lab, LLC
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— Brad Feld
“Your startup is a part of your life,
not your entire life. ”
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Big Tips
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Big Tips
1. alignment
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Big Tips
1. alignment
Take time to define your own values and priorities, and
those you share as a couple.
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Big Tips
1. alignment
Set some short term goals.
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Big Tips
1. alignment
Set some long term goals.
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Big Tips
1. alignment
Define expectations of hours, how much is shared, and
how to handle exceptions.
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Big Tips
1. alignment
Build in a kill switch and use it if you have to.
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Big Tips
2. delegation & hiring
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Big Tips
2. delegation & hiring
With any given task, your options are to do it yourself, hire
someone, outsource, or don’t complete the task.
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Big Tips
2. delegation & hiring
Hiring team members can free up a ton of your time.
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Big Tips
2. delegation & hiring
Hiring team members can free take up a ton of your time.
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Big Tips
2. delegation & hiring
Working with people is messy. Adding a layer of “management”
means you might bring new or added stresses home.
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Big Tips
2. delegation & hiring
Ultimately—hiring should have a positive impact or you’re
doing it wrong.
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Big Tips
3. boundaries
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Big Tips
3. boundaries
Define boundaries with clients, team members, and your
spouse that help you retain a distinction between work
time and non-work time.
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Big Tips
3. boundaries
Practice saying “no” at the right times and to the right people.
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Big Tips
3. boundaries
Define working hours with your clients.
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Big Tips
3. boundaries
Define working hours with your spouse (and kids).
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Big Tips
3. boundaries
Set aside a transition time after work so you can actually
be present when you’re with family.
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Big Tips
4. prioritizing health
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Big Tips
4. prioritizing health
Few things have as big of an impact, across the board,
as your health.
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Big Tips
4. prioritizing health
Be conscious of your diet at home and at work.
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Big Tips
4. prioritizing health
Figure out what the ideal sleeping pattern is for you.
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Big Tips
4. prioritizing health
Exercise regularly.
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Big Tips
4. prioritizing health
Build into your schedule time for mental space. Slow down.
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Quick Tips
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Quick Tips
1. Don’t stop dating your spouse
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Quick Tips
2. Measure your laughter
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Quick Tips
3. Ask each other questions
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Quick Tips
4. Invest in your relationship
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Quick Tips
5. Put down your freakin’ phones
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Quick Tips
5. Turn off your freakin’ phones
Put down
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For Better or For Work
A Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs
and Their Families
March 2012
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Startup Life
Surviving and Thriving in a
Relationship with an Entrepreneur
January 2013
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When to Say Yes, When to Say No to
Take Control of Your Life
April 1992
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Marriage Startup
A weekly podcast hosted by
Leslie and Laura Camacho
Started July 2014
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— Herbert Spencer
“The great aim of education is not
knowledge but action.”