Google I/0 2017: Kotlin officially supported on Android
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June 2017: I wrote a series of blog posts
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Popularity boost
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- Introduction to hidden costs
- Exploring various Kotlin language
- Benchmarks ?
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Hidden costs ?
Performance penalties of some Kotlin
constructs, not immediately visible in
the Kotlin code.
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By looking
at the
Java bytecode
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Types of costs
- Boxing of primitive types
- Hidden objects instantiation
- Generating extra methods
(Android dex methods count)
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Don’t be paranoid,
Kotlin (mostly)
does it right by
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Example: Top-level field
val topLevelConstant = 1
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Example: Top-level field
val topLevelConstant = 1
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public final class be/digitalia/sample/myapplication/HiddenCostsKt {
// access flags 0x1A
private final static I topLevelConstant = 1
// access flags 0x19
public final static getTopLevelConstant()I
GETSTATIC be/digitalia/sample/myapplication/HiddenCostsKt.topLevelConstant : I
// access flags 0x8
static ()V
PUTSTATIC be/digitalia/sample/myapplication/HiddenCostsKt.topLevelConstant : I
// compiled from: HiddenCosts.kt
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Example: Top-level field (Java equivalent)
public final class HiddenCostsKt {
private static final int topLevelConstant = 1;
public static final int getTopLevelConstant() {
return topLevelConstant;
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1. Companion Objects
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- Top level fields or
- Objects (singletons)
No static fields or methods in Kotlin
val topLevelConstant = 1
object UniverseConstants {
val meaningOfLife = 42
class Cat {
companion object {
val totalLives = 7
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Accessing private fields/methods
between a class and its companion object
- The class and its companion object are actually
compiled to 2 separate classes.
- Synthetic static accessor methods are added by the
compiler to make private and protected fields
accessible to the other part.
- Kotlin doesn’t have package visibility.
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Companion object
class MyClass {
companion object {
private val TAG = "TAG"
fun helloWorld() {
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public final class MyClass {
private static final String TAG = "TAG";
public static final Companion companion = new Companion();
// synthetic method
public static final String access$getTAG$cp() {
return TAG;
public static final class Companion {
private final String getTAG() {
return MyClass.access$getTAG$cp();
// synthetic method
public static final String access$getTAG$p(Companion c) {
return c.getTAG();
public final void helloWorld() {
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public final class MyClass {
private static final String TAG = "TAG";
public static final Companion companion = new Companion();
// synthetic method
public static final String access$getTAG$cp() {
return TAG;
public static final class Companion {
private final String getTAG() {
return MyClass.access$getTAG$cp();
// synthetic method
public static final String access$getTAG$p(Companion c) {
return c.getTAG();
public final void helloWorld() {
3 extra methods
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Good news,
Kotlin 1.2.40
fixed it
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public final class MyClass {
private static final String TAG = "TAG";
public static final Companion companion = new Companion();
public final void helloWorld() {
public static final class Companion {
no extra method!
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Accessing a local variable inside a
Companion object
class MyClass {
companion object {
private val TAG = "TAG"
fun helloWorld() {
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public final class MyClass {
private static final String TAG = "TAG";
public static final Companion companion = new Companion();
// synthetic method
public static final String access$getTAG$cp() {
return TAG;
public static final class Companion {
public final void helloWorld() {
1 extra method
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Use const for primitive and String constants
class MyClass {
companion object {
private const val TAG = "TAG"
fun helloWorld() {
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Use const for primitive and String constants
public final void helloWorld() {
String var1 = "TAG";
The compiler inlines the value at the call site
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Use a private top level declaration
private val TAG = "TAG"
class MyClass {
fun helloWorld() {
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Use a private top level declaration
public final class HiddenCostsKt {
private static final String TAG = "TAG";
// synthetic method
public static final String access$getTAG$p() {
return TAG;
public final class MyClass {
public final void helloWorld() {
String var1 = HiddenCostsKt.access$getTAG$p();
1 extra method
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2. Higher-order functions +
lambda expressions
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A function taking
one or more
functions as
(or returning a function as its result)
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Higher-order function definition
fun transaction(db: Database, body: (Database) -> Int): Int {
try {
val result = body(db)
return result
} finally {
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Higher-order function call
val deletedRows = transaction(db) {
it.delete("Customers", null, null)
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Higher-order function call: lambda
val deletedRows = transaction(db) {
it.delete("Customers", null, null)
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Higher-order function call: lambda
class MyClass$myMethod$1 implements Function1 {
// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public Object invoke(Object var1) {
return Integer.valueOf(this.invoke((SQLiteDatabase)var1));
public final int invoke(@NotNull SQLiteDatabase it) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(it, "it");
return it.delete("Customers", null, null);
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Generated function classes
- Each lambda expression adds one class and 3 or 4 methods to the
total methods count.
- Instances are only created when necessary:
- Capturing lambdas: new instance on each function call
- Non-capturing lambdas: a singleton instance gets reused.
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Higher-order function call
int deletedRows = transaction(db, (Function1)MyClass$myMethod$1.INSTANCE);
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Higher-order function call
int deletedRows = transaction(db, (Function1)MyClass$myMethod$1.INSTANCE);
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Non-specialized Function interfaces
/** A function that takes 1 argument. */
public interface Function1 : Function {
/** Invokes the function with the specified argument. */
public operator fun invoke(p1: P1): R
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Boxing overhead
class MyClass$myMethod$1 implements Function1 {
// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public Object invoke(Object var1) {
return Integer.valueOf(this.invoke((SQLiteDatabase)var1));
public final int invoke(@NotNull SQLiteDatabase it) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(it, "it");
return it.delete("Customers", null, null);
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inline to the rescue
inline fun transaction(db: Database, body: (Database) -> Int): Int {
try {
val result = body(db)
return result
} finally {
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inline to the rescue
try {
int result$iv = db.delete("Customers", null, null);
} finally {
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inline to the rescue
- No instantiation of Function objects
- No boxing on input/ouput primitive values
- No actual function call.
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inline functions limitations
- Can not be called recursively.
- A public inline function only has access to the public
members of a class.
- Will grow code size.
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Summary: higher-order functions
- Declare them as inline when possible and keep them
Inline functions may be decomposed to call multiple
regular functions.
- In other cases, prefer non-capturing lambda
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3. Local functions
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Local function
fun someMath(a: Int): Int {
fun sumSquare(b: Int) = (a + b) * (a + b)
return sumSquare(1) + sumSquare(2)
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Local function
fun someMath(a: Int): Int {
fun sumSquare(b: Int) = (a + b) * (a + b)
return sumSquare(1) + sumSquare(2)
no inline !
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Local function
public static final int someMath(final int a) {
LocalFunction1 sumSquare$ = new Function1() {
// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public Object invoke(Object var1) {
return Integer.valueOf(this.invoke(((Number)var1).intValue()));
public final int invoke(int b) {
return (a + b) * (a + b);
return sumSquare$.invoke(1) + sumSquare$.invoke(2);
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Local function
public static final int someMath(final int a) {
LocalFunction1 sumSquare$ = new Function1() {
// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public Object invoke(Object var1) {
return Integer.valueOf(this.invoke(((Number)var1).intValue()));
public final int invoke(int b) {
return (a + b) * (a + b);
return sumSquare$.invoke(1) + sumSquare$.invoke(2);
be/myapplication/MyClassKt$someMath$1.invoke (I)I
be/myapplication/MyClassKt$someMath$1.invoke (I)I
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Local function
public static final int someMath(final int a) {
LocalFunction1 sumSquare$ = new Function1() {
// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public Object invoke(Object var1) {
return Integer.valueOf(this.invoke(((Number)var1).intValue()));
public final int invoke(int b) {
return (a + b) * (a + b);
return sumSquare$.invoke(1) + sumSquare$.invoke(2);
no boxing
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Summary: local functions
fun someMath(a: Int): Int {
fun sumSquare(a: Int, b: Int) = (a + b) * (a + b)
return sumSquare(a, 1) + sumSquare(a, 2)
Non-capturing local functions avoid repeated object
… but then you lose the main benefit of a local function.
1. Multiple arguments
printDouble(new int[]{1, 2, 3});
new array allocation
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2. Single array (spread operator)
val values = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)
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2. Single array
int[] values = new int[]{1, 2, 3};
printDouble(Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length));
Array copy
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3. Mix of arrays and arguments
val values = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)
printDouble(0, *values, 42)
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3. Mix of arrays and arguments
int[] values = new int[]{1, 2, 3};
IntSpreadBuilder var10000 = new IntSpreadBuilder(3);
IntSpreadBuilder allocation + array copy
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Consider the array argument
fun printDouble(values: IntArray) {
values.forEach { println(it * 2) }
In critical portions of the code where you want to avoid
array copies.
Non-null arguments runtime checks
- One static call for each non-null reference argument
- No checks in private functions
- Performance impact should be negligible
But it can optionnally be disabled in release builds.
Disabling runtime checks in release builds:
Method 2
-assumenosideeffects class kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics {
static void checkParameterIsNotNull(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String);
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Choose the right
type to avoid
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Nullable basic types
Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Char, Boolean
- Nullable types are always reference types.
- Prefer non-null primitive types to avoid boxing.
Kotlin type
JVM type
int, Integer
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Kotlin array types
Prefer the specialized ones
Kotlin type
JVM type
val x = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)
val x = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
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6. Delegated properties
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Delegated property example
class Example {
var p: String by Delegate()
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public final class Example {
// $FF: synthetic field
static final KProperty[] $$delegatedProperties = new
"p", "getP()Ljava/lang/String;"))};
private final Delegate p$delegate = new Delegate();
public final String getP() {
return this.p$delegate.getValue(this, $$delegatedProperties[0]);
public final void setP(@NotNull String var1) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(var1, "");
this.p$delegate.setValue(this, $$delegatedProperties[0], (String)var1);
Extra getter/setter methods
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Delegated properties
class Example {
private val nameView by BindViewDelegate(
private val textView by BindViewDelegate(
private val imageView by BindViewDelegate(
private val streetView by BindViewDelegate(
private val scrollView by BindViewDelegate(
private val buttonView by BindViewDelegate(
6 delegate instances + 6 private getter methods
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Delegated properties
A new delegate instance is required for a property when:
- The delegate is stateful (example: caching), or
- The delegate requires extra arguments:
class Example {
private val nameView by BindViewDelegate(
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Reducing the number of delegate instances
- A stateless delegate can be implemented as an object
- Any existing object can implement the delegate contract,
using instance methods or extension functions.
Examples: Map and MutableMap
public operator fun getValue(thisRef: R, property: KProperty<*>): T
public operator fun setValue(thisRef: R, property: KProperty<*>, value: T)
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Generic delegates and boxing
Generic delegate classes capable of handling multiple types of
properties will introduce boxing for non-null primitive types each
time a property is read or written to.
private var maxDelay: Long by SharedPreferencesDelegate()
Prefer specialized delegate classes for non-null primitive types.
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Standard delegates: lazy()
lazy() is a function returning one of 3 implementations:
- LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED (default)
- LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION
- LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE
When thread safety is not needed, use LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE:
val dateFormat: DateFormat by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault())
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7. Ranges
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Ranges: inclusion tests
- Ranges represent finite sets of values
- The main operator function to create a range is ..
Primitive types:
if (i in 1..10) {
Ranges: inclusion tests
Indirection - a function returning a range:
fun myRange() = 1..10
fun rangeTest(i: Int) {
if (i in myRange()) {
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Ranges: inclusion tests
public final IntRange myRange() {
return new IntRange(1, 10);
public final void rangeTest(int i) {
if(this.myRange().contains(i)) {
Allocation of a specialized
Range object
No boxing
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Ranges: inclusion tests
- Declare ranges directly in the tests where
they are used (no indirection) or as
- inline functions don’t prevent allocations.
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Ranges: iterations
Available for integral type ranges
(any primitive type except for Float, Double and Boolean)
for (i in 1..10) {
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Ranges: iterations
int i = 1;
for(byte var2 = 11; i < var2; ++i) {
No cost
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Ranges: iterations
for (i in 10 downTo 1) {
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Ranges: iterations
int i = 10;
byte var2 = 1;
while(true) {
if(i == var2) {
No cost
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Ranges: iterations
for (i in 0 until size) {
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Ranges: iterations
int i = 0;
for(int var3 = size; i < var3; ++i) {
No cost (since 1.1.4)
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Ranges: iterations
Combining 2 or more functions to create a range:
for (i in 1..10 step 2) {
for (i in (1..10).reversed()) {
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IntProgression var10000 = RangesKt.reversed((IntProgression)(new IntRange(1, 10)));
int i = var10000.getFirst();
int var3 = var10000.getLast();
int var4 = var10000.getStep();
if(var4 > 0) {
if(i > var3) {
} else if(i < var3) {
while(true) {
if(i == var3) {
i += var4;
Allocation of 2 or more
Progression objects
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Ranges: iterations
Kotlin has built-in indices extensions properties to easily
iterate over arrays and classes implementing Collection.
val list = listOf("A", "B", "C")
for (i in list.indices) {
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Ranges: iterations
List list = CollectionsKt.listOf(new String[]{"A", "B", "C"});
int i = 0;
for(int var4 = ((Collection)list).size(); i < var4; ++i) {
No cost
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Warning: using forEach() on a range
(1..10).forEach {
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Warning: using forEach() on a range
Iterable $receiver$iv = (Iterable)(new IntRange(1, 10));
Iterator var3 = $receiver$iv.iterator();
while(var3.hasNext()) {
int element$iv = ((IntIterator)var3).nextInt();
IntRange allocation + IntIterator allocation
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Summary: ranges iteration
- Prefer the for loop.
- Prefer using a single function call to .., downTo or
until to create the range.
- Use the built-in indices property on arrays and
Collection classes but don’t create your own.
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8. Bonus: when
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when on integer value
fun whenTest(value: Int): String {
return when (value) {
1 -> "A"
2, 3 -> "B"
else -> ""
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public static final String whenTest(int value) {
String var10000;
switch(value) {
case 1:
var10000 = "A";
case 2:
case 3:
var10000 = "B";
var10000 = "";
return var10000;
1: L1
2: L2
3: L2
default: L3
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when on integer value with range
fun whenTest(value: Int): String {
return when (value) {
1 -> "A"
in 2..3 -> "B"
else -> ""
JVM microbenchmarks: flawed methodology
fun runKotlinLambda(db: Database): Int {
val deletedRows = transaction(db) {
it.delete("Customers", null, null)
return deletedRows
fun transaction(db: Database, body: (Database) -> Int): Int {
try {
val result = body(db)
return result
} finally {
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JVM microbenchmarks: flawed methodology
fun runKotlinLambda(db: Database): Int {
val deletedRows = transaction(db) {
it.delete("Customers", null, null)
return deletedRows
fun transaction(db: Database, body: (Database) -> Int): Int {
try {
val result = body(db)
return result
} finally {
Non-capturing lambda:
no Function object allocation
Boxing of return value ?
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JVM microbenchmarks: flawed
public class Database {
public void endTransaction() {
public void setTransactionSuccessful() {
public void beginTransaction() {
public int delete(String s, @Nullable Object var1, @Nullable Object var2 ) {
return 0;
} Constant value in the Integer cache: no allocation
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Android microbenchmarks: completely different conclusions
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same tests, different results
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No content
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Most microbenchmarks
are flawed or meaningless
- Memory consumption should be measured as well, because
temporary objects have to be garbage collected eventually.
- Negative impacts are usually amplified with nested loops.
- Performance varies per platform (JVM, Android).
No simple answers: profile your own code on your own target