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TWILIO΄ၚአԪֺ΄ͪ奧Օ 뺶 εЀυϘίͮΙ΀ͥͼΘͽͣΡ 뺶 2018/7/18 A Convenient world with Twilio - for non-engineers

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 ϤϺϢΰЄϸ 槱ᨕ૝ϝαϺЀҁByron Hasegawa҂
 εЀυϘί Company : Rainmakers inc,
 What I do : Apps Dev / Server Maintenance / WP Dev 
 䮣㵗ٖ਻ғίϤϷ樄咲ΚςЄϝЄᓕቘ / Wordpress樄咲
 Birthplace : ???
 ڊ᫝ғ̴̴ҘҘҘ Engineer

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ڊ᫝Ԩమ 5% 5% 15% 15% 20% 40% ϕϸπ(TUR) αЀϖ(IND) ϖαϑ(GER) φϧαЀ(ESP) ϧϸЄ(PER) ίϮϷθ(USA) - QUESTION - ͩͩͽμαχͽͯѺ ᐺ΅Ϳͩ΄ڊ᫝Ͷ;௏͚Δͯ͡Ҙ
 Which country do you think I’m from? Past Expectations

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 γϳϘ䂜დΚώδ独οϝ϶๋๗΄ࣈ;ͭͼํݷ΀ࢵ ܖίϮϷθ South America Brazil P E R U Argentina - ANSWER - ᒼ͞

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You don’t have to be an engineer to build a cool tool with Twilio. TwilioΨ՜΄ςЄϠφ;昧൭ͫͱΡͩ;ͽ̵εЀυϘίͽ΀ͥͼΘ

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1. ZapierΚIntegromat;΄墋㶨昧൭ͽ׎ڥ΁΀Ρ෭ଉ Ӟ.य़Ԫ΀ϮЄϸ΄Twilioί϶Єϕ 2. WordpressϦЄφ΄PWAίϤϷ΄ᓕቘኮᶎ;Twilio Studioͽ֢͹͵πЄϸϢϺЄ 3. Google Analyticsͽ೰ਧPV᩻͞͵Ο̵Twilioί϶Єϕ 4. ςЄϝЄ΄哶憙᭗ᎣضΨTwilioί϶Єϕ A. 䋚匍ͭ͵͚Ԫ B. ᥝ๕ - TODAY’S AGENDA - Ք෭΄ίυδЀύ

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ZapierΚIntegromat;΄墋㶨昧൭ͽ׎ڥ΁΀Ρ෭ଉ DEMO 뺶 य़Ԫ΀ϮЄϸ΄Twilioί϶Єϕ 뺶 Get important email notification using Twilio Voice (call)
 ͯͦ΁䶲՞ͣ͵͚य़Ԫ΀ϮЄϸΨTwilioΨֵ͹ͼ櫮扖ͽ᭗ᎣͯΡ Cron: 1ړ䶅

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ON WordpressϦЄφ΄PWAίϤϷ΄ᓕቘኮᶎ;Twilio Studioͽ֢͹͵πЄϸϢϺЄ DEMO ONLINE Switch on/off with a PWA app & control the view of the website and the call-flow on Twilio Studio PWAίϤϷͽ̵ςЄϠφ΄ON/OFFΨڔ̵๊Twilio Studioֵ͹ͼπЄϸϢϺЄΘګகͯΡ

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Twilm binsͶͧΨֵ͹ͼ̵ςαϕ΁我㺔ͭ͵USER΄ᤈ㵕Ψϕ϶Ϣΰϐμͭͼ̵USER͢櫮扖Ψͧ͡ ͵Ο̵ض΁STAFF΁whisper/say?΀Ϳͽͳ΄ᤈ㵕ϕ϶ϢΰϐμΨ㬃͞ͼ͡Ο櫮扖Ψ婲ͨ͵̶͚ Track user activities on website & pass to whisper/say before connect call to the staff. USER STAFF 1 3 ͠ਮ䯭΅○○○ͽ̶ͯ
 ͠婲ͤͭΔ̶ͯ 100 050ኾݩ΁櫮扖 婲ͨΡ - WOULD LIKE TO REALIZE - 䋚匍ͭ͵͚Ԫ Make call Connect Whisper / Say 2

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Wordpress official plugin Wordpress΄لୗϤ϶ναЀ͢ཿ͚ͭҁ䷥亹旿Ε҂
 Duplicate and move Twilio Studio flow to between sub-accounts Studio΄㳨ςϣίθγЀϕΎ΄愢愚䱛ᚆ
 Lates Twilio Salesforce helper library Salesforce΄๋ෛ΄ϥϸϞЄ϶αϣ϶ϷЄ͢ཿ͚ͭ - REQUESTS - ᥝ๕

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You don’t have to be an engineer to connect other tools/services with Twilio!
 There are many scenes that Twilio will be useful for those Non-engineers! εЀυϘίͽ΅΀ͥͼΘ̵Twilio΅՜΄ςЄϠφ;͡Ω͵Ω΁昧൭ͽͣΡѺ εЀυϘίզक़΄ՈͽΘ䮣㵗ΚϤ϶αϦЄϕͽၚአͽͣΡ䁰ᶎ͢͵ͥͫΩ͘ΡѺ

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ѺѺεЀυϘί۩ᵞӾͽͯѺѺ ͪႴ宛͘Π͢;͚ͪͬ͜Δͭ͵̶ Gracias!! @byron222 byron8864 byron222 byron222 yukita0828 byron222 +HasegawaByron