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An Intro to Container Orchestrators Shimojo Lab Seminar (Free Talk) Nov. 29 2017 Keichi Takahashi

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What are Container Orchestrators? Cluster management software that enables… ‣ Launches and manages containers on clusters ‣ Scaling and fault recovery of containers ‣ Service discovery and load balancing Examples include ‣ Kubernetes (K8s): Cloud Native Computing Foundation ‣ Docker Swarm: Docker ‣ Nomad: Hashicorp ‣ Marathon: Mesosphere 2

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Traditional Web Service Architecture a.k.a. Three-tier architecture 3 Web Server Application Server Database Application Server Load Balancer Database Web Server

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Challenges 4 Failure Handling Hardware and software continuously fail in large- scale clusters. Requests must be rerouted appropriately in case of a failure. Traffic Surge Deploying Updates Incoming traffic often fluctuates violently. Server resources must be quickly scaled out to meet the demand. Modern web services are deployed hundreds or thousand times a day. Updates must be applied without stopping the whole service.

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Recent Web Service Architecture a.k.a. Microservices architecture ‣ Loosely coupled fine-grained services communicating through RPCs ‣ Heterogenous tech stack, efficient scaling, high fault tolerance, etc. 5 Image Conversion UI Image Conversion Image Conversion Image Conversion Mail Image Conversion Persistency Image Conversion Recommen- dation Image Conversion Job Queue Image Conversion Notification Image Conversion Shopping Cart Image Conversion Inventory Image Conversion Payment

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Solution: Container Orchestrators A software that manages containers distributed across a cluster. 6 Container Orchestrator Manage A A B B B C B B B A A C Scale out B B B B A A Hardware Crash Developer/Operator User

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Kubernetes (K8s) ‣ The most popular container orchestrator today ‣ Originally designed by Google, donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation ‣ Scales up to 5,000 nodes and 300,000 containers ‣ Used in production at: 7 and many more Bloomberg “The Tale of Kubernetes”

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Core Control Loop in Kubernetes 8 Diff React Observe Watch changes in the cluster resources Compute diff between actual cluster state and desired cluster state stored in DB Reconcile diff by launching containers, killing containers, etc.

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Architecture of Kubernetes 9 kubectl kubelet kube-proxy container container kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler kubelet kube-proxy container container kubelet kube-proxy container container Master Node Overlay Network Overlay Network etcd

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Demo What I will show here: ‣ Start a local Kubernetes cluster using minikube ‣ Create a replicated deployment ‣ Kill a container in the deployment ‣ Scale the deployment 10 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx spec: replicas: 3 template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 --- kind: Service metadata: name: nginx-service labels: name: nginx-service spec: ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 80 protocol: TCP selector: app: nginx type: ClusterIP

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The Innovation of Container Orchestrators Realized the shift from “how” to “what” ‣ From imperative to declarative ‣ User requests the desired state, whereas the orchestrator executes appropriate procedures to reach the desired state Realized the shift from “fortress” to “weeble” ‣ Embrace mortality and aim for dynamic equilibrium ‣ As long as the cluster can provide services to users as a collective system, the life/death of individual nodes or containers doesn’t matter 11

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The Kubernetes Cluster Whack-a-mole Game 12

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Wrap-up ‣ A container orchestrator manages containers distributed across a cluster. ‣ It enables faster scaling, fault recovery, and deployment. ‣ It is changing cluster management from “how” to “what” ‣ It is bringing high resiliency to production clusters. 13

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Further Readings The Tale of Kubernetes (Comic!) ‣ Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg (Paper) ‣ Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes (MOOC) ‣ kubernetes--ud615 Whack-a-pod: The Kubernetes cluster whack-a-mole game ‣ 14