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Migrating a large-scale banking app to Compose S. Fatih Giris @fatih_grs

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Jetpack Compose

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How to migrate existing apps to Compose?

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Agenda • Integrating Compose • Interoperability APIs • Migration strategies • Migration at DNB • Take-aways

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Integrating Compose • Entirely Compose • View based UI + Compose • Composables inside Views • Views inside composables

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Interoperability APIs • ComponentActivity.setContent • ComposeView (View) • AndroidView (Composable)

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Migration Strategies • Top-down • Bottom-up

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Top-down • Start with the top most view • Go deeper and deeper ⬇

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Top-down fragment_top_down.xml

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Top-down fragment_top_down.xml fancy_content.xml

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Top-down fancy_content.xml fragment_top_down.xml

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Top-down class TopDownFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { return inflater.inflate( R.layout.fragment_top_down, container, false ) } } TopDownFragment.kt

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Top-down class TopDownFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { return ComposeView(requireContext()) } } TopDownFragment.kt

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Top-down return ComposeView(requireContext()) TopDownFragment.kt

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Top-down return ComposeView(requireContext()).apply { // Dispose the Composition when viewLifecycleOwner is destroyed setViewCompositionStrategy( ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnLifecycleDestroyed(viewLifecycleOwner) ) setContent { // Compose World } } TopDownFragment.kt

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Top-down return ComposeView(requireContext()).apply { // Dispose the Composition when viewLifecycleOwner is destroyed setViewCompositionStrategy( ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnLifecycleDestroyed(viewLifecycleOwner) ) setContent { // Compose World // Vertical Linear Layout Column { // Add views as AndroidView by creating // programatically or inflating from XML } } } TopDownFragment.kt

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Top-down setContent { // Vertical Linear Layout Column { } } TopDownFragment.kt

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Top-down setContent { // Vertical Linear Layout Column { AndroidView( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), factory = { context -> // Inflate it from XML inflater.inflate( R.layout.fancy_content, container, false ) }, update = { view -> // View's been inflated or state read in // this block has been updated } ) } } TopDownFragment.kt

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Top-down setContent { // Vertical Linear Layout Column { AndroidView( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), factory = { context -> // Create view programatically // android.widget.Button Button(requireContext()) }, update = { view -> // View's been inflated or state read in // this block has been updated } ) } } TopDownFragment.kt

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Top-down setContent { // Vertical Linear Layout Column { Button(onClick = {}) { Text("I am a compose button”) } } } TopDownFragment.kt

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Bottom-up • Start with the inner most UI elements • Go up and up ⬆

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Bottom-up fragment_bottom_up.xml

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Bottom-up fragment_bottom_up.xml

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Bottom-up class BottomUpFragment : Fragment() { override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) buttonComposeView.apply { // Configure ComposeView } } } BottomUpFragment.kt

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Bottom-up buttonComposeView.apply { // Configure ComposeView } BottomUpFragment.kt

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Bottom-up buttonComposeView.apply { // Dispose the Composition when viewLifecycleOwner is destroyed setViewCompositionStrategy( ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnLifecycleDestroyed(viewLifecycleOwner) ) } BottomUpFragment.kt

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Bottom-up buttonComposeView.apply { // Dispose the Composition when viewLifecycleOwner is destroyed setViewCompositionStrategy( ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnLifecycleDestroyed(viewLifecycleOwner) ) setContent { // In Compose world } } BottomUpFragment.kt

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Bottom-up buttonComposeView.apply { // Dispose the Composition when viewLifecycleOwner is destroyed setViewCompositionStrategy( ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnLifecycleDestroyed(viewLifecycleOwner) ) setContent { // In Compose world Button(onClick = {}) { Text(text = "I am migrated Button") } } } BottomUpFragment.kt

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Bottom-up fragment_bottom_up.xml

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Bottom-up fragment_bottom_up.xml

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Bottom-up fragment_bottom_up.xml

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Bottom-up fragment_bottom_up.xml

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Voilà 🎉

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Design System at DNB • Eufemia Design System 🌈 • Theming • Core components (EufemiaTextView, EufemiaButton etc.)

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Design System at DNB

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Design System at DNB • Tetris 📱(WIP) • Common UI components (Toolbar etc.)

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Design System at DNB Eufemia library

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Design System at DNB Eufemia library Tetris library uses

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Design System at DNB Tetris library uses

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Design System at DNB Eufemia App1 App2 uses uses

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Design System at DNB Eufemia Tetris (WIP) App1 App2 uses uses uses

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Migration Plan • Start with Eufemia & Tetris • Eufemia • Migrate design system to Compose (colours, shapes, typography) • Convert each component to Compose one by one • Tetris • Create Components as composables from the scratch • Use AndroidView for Eufemia Android Views

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Where to start?

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Migration Plan • Pick a screen in the app • Apply bottom-up approach • Create components in Tetris & Eufemia • Iterate for all screens

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During Migration Eufemia Compose Tetris Compose App1 App2 uses uses uses Eufemia uses

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After Migration Eufemia Compose Tetris Compose App1 App2 uses uses uses

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Current View Layer Activity + Fragment

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Current View Layer Activity + Fragment • Single Activity • Jetpack Navigation

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Expected View Layer • No Fragment • Activity sets content • Navigate between composables • Requires compose navigation library (if you don’t want to write your own)

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How to replace Fragments with Composables?

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We don’t for now

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Migration Plan Activity + Fragment + Compose

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Migration Plan • Only change the way views are presented (ComposeView + Composables) • No change in navigation • After all screens are migrated, remove fragments

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Compose POC

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Compose POC Toolbar Header Selectable item

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Compose POC • Android Studio: Bumblebee Canary 1 • Android Gradle Plugin: 7.1.0-alpha01 • Kotlin: 1.5.21 • Compose: 1.0.1

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Compose POC Gradle Android cache fix plugin + AGP 7.1.0-alpha01 incompatibility ✅ Bypass version check or comment out the plugin :)

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Compose POC Hilt 2.38.1 + AGP 7.1.0-alpha01 bug* * ✅ Update AGP to 7.1.0-alpha06

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Compose POC 2 files found with path 'META-INF/ui_release.kotlin_module' from inputs: - /Users/fatih/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/90edb5b9f55f1931b87d2b5c8a7aa61d/… - /Users/fatih/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/52dda4f473a3d3633ea54e66766f28d2/… ✅ Exclude META-INF/ui_release.kotlin_module in packaging options

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Compose POC ✅ Update all Kotlin versions to the same version

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Compose POC Toolbar ✅ Header ✅ Selectable item ✅

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Compose POC ✅ Update androidx.activity version to 1.3.0

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Compose POC

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Migration Status • Eufemia • Theming: Colors, typography, shape ✅ • Core components 🚧 • Tetris 🚧 • Apps 🚧

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Take-aways • Plan your migration • POC • Migrate slowly • Make use of interoperability APIs • Stick to the migration plan

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QUESTIONS @fatih_grs

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