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Deepak Cherian + Julius Busecke Open Sesame! Open your science with Pangeo

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 analysis Machine learning Crunching \Bigg datasets Analysis-Ready 
 Cloud Optimized Data pipelines Teaching earth 
 system data 
 science Cloud-analysis 
 platform Open source 
 scienti fi c 
 software Discourse 
 forum Data catalogs Dask Xarray Zarr

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2010-2016 medium data Laptop/HPC 
 ~ 100 sims = 12 TB Reinventing many wheels 2017-2019 smol data laptop 
 ~GB 5 moorings! 
 2019- smol & big data MBs & ~TBs 
 laptop/server/HPC/cloud obs / models 

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Before: for …: … After: 
 # groupby? (binning) 
 # rolling? (moving window) 
 # … 🤔 2017-2019 smol data laptop 
 ~GB 5 moorings! 

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2019- smol & big data 
 laptop/server/HPC/cloud obs / models 

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= community

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= peer - to - peer 

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 analysis Machine learning Crunching \Bigg datasets Analysis-Ready 
 Cloud Optimized Data pipelines Teaching earth 
 system data 
 science Cloud analysis 
 platform Open source 
 scienti fi c 
 software Discourse 
 forum = peer - to - peer 
 learning Data catalogs Dask Xarray Zarr

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Citations in blue Community in blue

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Custom Code A common language Project-speci fi c xskillscore … … Domain - speci fi c

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Custom Code A common language Project-speci fi c xskillscore … … Domain - speci fi c

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Custom Code A common language Project-speci fi c xskillscore … … Domain - speci fi c Project-speci fi c A new kind of science Github Twitter A common language shared Jupyter notebooks Domain - speci fi c

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An a lyzing Pet a byte sc a le clim a te d a t a in your browser with P a ngeo No Supercomputer, no problem! Custom Analysis applied to each model and member

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What we want to do

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What we want to do 💡 Have an idea

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What we want to do Write some code

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What we want to do Rock some science

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What we want to do Rock some science

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What we have to do instead Download Files

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What we have to do instead FTP / OPeNDAP / etc. Download Files

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MB 😀 FTP / OPeNDAP / etc.

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GB 😐 FTP / OPeNDAP / etc.

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TB 😖 FTP / OPeNDAP / etc.

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PB 😱 FTP / OPeNDAP / etc.

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Time to science?

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Di ff erent dimension names in the CMIP data. 
 Not quite analysis -ready No! Time to clean data!

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🤔 💡 No! Time to clean data!

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🤔 💡 Competition for brain power

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🤔 Isn’t there a better way?

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There is! + Analysis Ready Data in the cloud Crowd-Sourced Data Cleaning 
 (peer-to-peer learning)

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There is! + Analysis Ready Data in the cloud Crowd-Sourced Data Cleaning 
 (peer-to-peer learning) Less data wrangling, more 💡 =

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Why the cloud?

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Why the cloud? Fast

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Why the cloud? Fast

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Why the cloud? Open

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Why the cloud? Open

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Why the cloud? Collaborative + Reproducible science

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Why the cloud? Collaborative + Reproducible science

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Why the cloud? Low entry barrier to try new things!

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Why the cloud? Low entry barrier to try new things!

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= peer - to - peer 
 learning Why the cloud?

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What’s next? Join the community! (forum) (science examples) (open science resources) Github (go where the code lives) Twitter (great for quick questions) Weekly meetings

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Dont be afraid to ask and share Nobody is going to shame your code. We all started somewhere! 🤗

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No content

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Start small

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Start small Start your next project with pangeo tools

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Start small Start your next project with pangeo tools Stay here and and dig into some CMIP6 data if you like

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Start small Start your next project with pangeo tools Stay here and and dig into some CMIP6 data if you like

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No content

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No content

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