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Railway Flow Based Programming @matyo91 25-03-2021 In PHP

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25-03-2021 @matyo91 Why ?

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Flow Based Programming @matyo91 Basic concepts 25-03-2021

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@matyo91 25-03-2021 Programming Paradigm

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@matyo91 25-03-2021 Express a problem in terms of transforms on streams of data

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Two layers in FBP application @matyo91 @matyo91 25-03-2021 Botton layer : « business logic » Top Layer : « communication logic »

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Advantages @matyo91 @matyo91 25-03-2021

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Railway Oriented Programming @matyo91 Design pattern 25-03-2021

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Request : (userId, name, email) Name is blank, email is not valid User DB not found Authorization error Timeout Exemple @matyo91 Receive request Validate and canonicalize request Update existing user record Send verification email Return result to user 25-03-2021

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@matyo91 25-03-2021

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@matyo91 25-03-2021

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Functional approach for managing errors @matyo91 25-03-2021

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Railway Flow Based Programming @matyo91 Introduction 25-03-2021

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@matyo91 AddOne MulByTwo MinusThree 25-03-2021

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@matyo91 addOne MulByTwo MinusThree Supervisor Producer Consumer Error 25-03-2021

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@matyo91 AddOne MulByTwo MinusThree Producer Consumer Client 25-03-2021 Supervisor IP {number:3} IP {number:3} IP {number:4} IP {number:5} IP {number:5} IP {number:8}

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@matyo91 Producer Consumer Client Client Client Rails 25-03-2021 Supervisor IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP

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@matyo91 AddOne MulByTwo MinusThree Producer Consumer Error MulByTwo MulByTwo MinusThree Error 25-03-2021

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Implementation @matyo91 PHP 25-03-2021

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Symfony Messenger @matyo91 @matyo91 25-03-2021

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Supervisor Symfony Messenger @matyo91 @matyo91 25-03-2021 Client IP IP IP IP Rails & Error Consumer Producer

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Asynchron @matyo91 @matyo91 25-03-2021

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Demo @matyo91 25-03-2021 PHP 

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Hello! I Am Mathieu Ledru You can contact me at @matyo91 @matyo91 Thanks! Any questions? 25-03-2021